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A Twenty-some Year Journey by Lily Yeh Part 3 of 3
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Lily continues with her story of community building this segment addressing micro-loans and jobs again proving the transformative power of art to impoverished and war-torn communities around the world. 

EarthSayer Lily Yeh
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Twenty-some Year Journey by Lily Yeh Part 2 of 3
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Ms. Yeh continues with her story of using the transformative power of art to impoverished and war-torn communities around the world to foster community empowerment, improve the physical environment, promote economic development and preserve indigenous art and culture.

EarthSayer Lily Yeh
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Twenty-some Year Journey by Lily Yeh Part 1 of 3
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Lily Yeh is an internationally celebrated artist works to bring the transformative power of art to impoverished and war-torn communities around the world to foster community empowerment, improve the physical environment, promote economic development and preserve indigenous art and culture. Part 2 ad Part 3 on YouTube.

Click on the image to order her book from Amazon. com.

EarthSayer Lily Yeh
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Indra's Net by Debra Goldman
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The Avatamsaka sutra is the story of Indra's Net.  Created during the conference, this wonderful net stretches endlessly, an ancient metaphor for our interdependent Universe. Creating a net, made of recylced fabrics, all natural and lightweight materials, at Bioneers is a collaborative endeavor, bringing people at the event together to share stories and get to know one another.  Debra Goldman is an artist living in the Pacific NorthWest who travels to events to engage people in creating Indra's Net.

EarthSayer Debra Goldman
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Bioneers 2011 More Details
Picturing Excess by Artist Chris Jordan
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EarthSayers Special Collection: Artists and Musicians is part of our "Champions" category and features individuals with great gifts who use them to address social, cultural, environmental and/or economic elements of sustainability through their art, music and communications talents. The artist, Chris Jordan's work, as one example, addresses the unconscious behaviors that add up to catastrophic consequences which no one intended. He explores the phenomenon of American consumerism.

EarthSayer Chris Jordan
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details
Greening the Music Industry
Sierra Club, a non-profit partner of Green Music Group, talks to artists at the Hollywood launch of this coalition that is greening the music industry.
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 6 videos of 16 matching videos

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