Incorporates all aspects of Design, especially Architecture, organized under the element of social sustainability.
Curated by mokiethecat
Architecture Controlling the Future of Sustainability |
This video was award the Grand Prize in the AIA Florida Committee on the Environment's (COTE) 2011 Video-Arch Competition. More information. EarthSayers Maike Acosta; Javier Cuevas |
Three-part Green Real Estate Model by Kevin Danaher
AECOM Recovering from Sandy (Part 2 of 3)
It's Hard Work:Responsible and Sustainable Lives Pt. 1 of 2
Urban Design for Successful Cities by Alexandros Washburn
Operating a Big Commercial Building by Anthony Chang 2 of 2
The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment
Clean Infrastructure and Walkable Communities by Christopher Leinberger
The New Frontiers of Design with Paola Antonelli
Funding Infrastructure for Affordable & Sustainable Communities
World's First Living Building, Portland, Oregon:Jennifer Allen
Bring the community into the process by Alejandro Aravena
"Clashing Cultures in Pursuit of Sustainability in the Built Environment" |
Redesigning the Fashion Industry | The Story of The Jeans Redesign
Its your city: Stop complaining and start fixing by V. Naresh Narasimhan
Rediscovering the joy of humanity by Karl Sharro
A Strong Vision and Targets by Richard Jackson
The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness with Andrew Faust
Architecture that's built to heal by Michael Murphy
Why skyscrapers are overrated by Inga Saffron
Putting housing at the center of urban strategy Dr. Joan Clos
Portland Sustainability Institute - EcoDistricts
Human Behavior and Climate Change by Dr. Shahzeen Attari 2 of 2
Sustainability, Climate Change and the Plan (part 3 of 3)
Fringe Urbanism: Untapped Potential for Sustainable Suburbs by Nico Larco
Designing for Nature by Lehna Malmkvist
The End Of Suburbia (as we know it) Trailer
The Building Gap and Bad Habits by Paul Morrell
Architecture, Faith and Community | Sophia de Sousa
Hedonistic Sustainability by Bjarke Ingels
City Repair Project: Creating Commons
Local Matters - design driven by urban conditions | Nuno Soares
Planning for a Cleaner, Greener, Long Island (Part 1 of 3)
Intro to Ceres Conference 2011: House of Cards
Operating a Big Commercial Building by Anthony Chang 1 of 2
Building Sustainable Places by Steve Mouzon
Can We Build Happier Cities by Charles Montgomery
William McDonough: "Design as Optimism" | Talks at Google
Sustainability: This I Believe by David Orr
Social maps of city's intersections/separations by Dave Troy:
Sustainable Development and Preservation Clem Ogilby
What It Takes to Build a Home by Meror Krayenhoff
Landscape Performance to Achieve Sustainability by Barbara Deutsch
A Tale of Two Futures: Sustainable Buildings or Unsustainble
Using nature's genius in architecture by Michael Pawlyn
The Surprising Math of Cities and Corporations by Geoffrey West
How Design Can Change the World with Carrie Bishop
Glumac Improves Sustainable Design Using Software by AutoDesk
Let's go all-in on selling sustainability by Steve Howard
My architectural philosophy? by Alejandro Aravena
Smart Sustainable Cities -
A Glorious Revival, Portland Oregon
Building Retrofit Case Study - Empire State Building by Jim Turner