Sustainability:Water by NBC Learn and NSF

About This Collection

This series aims to help people become more conscious of the threats to our water supply, from human activity and climate variability, and understand the steps that need to be taken to maintain it.

“Sustainability: Water,” was produced by NBC News’ educational arm NBC Learn, and the National Science Foundation (NSF), which examines the long-term health of water. The seven-part collection is intended to raise awareness about critical challenges to our environment and spur dialogue about managing the water system and conserving Earth’s most precious resource. 

Each video highlights research funded by NSF and looks at the lives of scientists, from a diversity of fields and institutions, who are hard at work on projects designed to help pave the way to a more sustainable future. The scientists explain significant challenges to managing the water supply in selected regions and cities across the United State

Curated by earthsayer

Baltimore's Urban Streams

Baltimore, Maryland is a major city situated on the Chesapeake Bay- a sprawling 64,000 square mile watershed. Currently, the Chesapeake is facing an environmental crisis due to pollutants. Scientist Claire Welty of the University of Maryland-Baltimore County is monitoring the travel times of pollutants in the urban streams in and around Baltimore. Through her research, she hopes to gain an understanding of the urban water cycle, and how municipalities can better prevent pollutants from contaminating the greater watershed. Published on Jul 12, 2013

EarthSayer Claire Welty

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