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Pursuit of the Sense of the Meaning of Life by Fr. Charlie Moore
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Ancient Order - Trust is basis for national survival.

Father "Charlie" Charles Moore (February 15, 1927 ~ December 9, 2007) He was known by many as a spiritual teacher, historian and scholar. He was a graduate of Stanford University and Law School and in 1954, he was elected District Attorney in Santa Cruz County. After leaving that position, Father Charlie devoted his full attention to religious studies and in 1964 was ordained a Roman Catholic priest. He held degrees in philosophy and theology from Catholic University. Father Charlie studied many languages including Native American. His teachings were extensively influenced and enhanced by the wisdom of the Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Hawaiian, Celtic and Native American Indian spiritualities. He especially enjoyed his work with the Native American Esselen people of Monterey County

EarthSayer Father Charles Moore
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details

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