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Indigenous Knowledge

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What the people of the Amazon know that you don't by Mark Plotkin
"The greatest and most endangered species in the Amazon rainforest is not the jaguar or the harpy eagle," says Mark Plotkin, "It's the isolated and uncontacted tribes." In an energetic and sobering talk, the ethnobotanist brings us into the world of the forest's indigenous tribes and the incredible medicinal plants that their shamans use to heal. He outlines the challenges and perils that are endangering them — and their wisdom — and urges us to protect this irreplaceable repository of knowledge. Published on Nov 24, 2014

EDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate
EarthSayer Mark Plotkin
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Hunting Deer: Sharing the Harvest by Greg "Biskakone" Johnson

In Hunting Deer, Greg "Biskakone" Johnson takes us deer hunting in the ceded territory near his Lac du Flambeau community. Biskakone shows us how he tans buckskin and creates traditional clothing and regalia. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes. Likeon Facebook and Follow on Twitter.

Published on Aug 27, 2013

Finn Ryan - Producer, Director, Photography
Lukas Korver - Video, Editing
Music - Asche & Spencer

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab

EarthSayers Greg "Biskakone" Johnson; Lukas Korver; Finn Ryan
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Prayers in a Song by Tall Paul

Free MP3 download: http://theways.org/story/prayers-in-a...
Like http://facebook.com/thewaysorg
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In Prayers in a Song, Tall Paul (https://twitter.com/TallPaul612) explores the connections between language, identity, and landscape. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes.

Finn Ryan - Producer, Director
David Nevala - Video, Editing
Art & Sons - Design
Tilt Media - Animation
Tall Paul - "Prayers in a Song"
Mike Frey - Instrumental Production

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab, Published on Nov 13, 2012


EarthSayers David Nevala; Tall Paul; Finn Ryan
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Menominee Language Revitalization by Ron Corn, Jr.

Living Language shares Ron Corn Jr.'s attempt to teach his daughter, Mimikwaeh, to be a first language speaker of the Menominee language. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes. Published on Nov 13, 2012

Watch more of the Ways here. And like on Facebook and Twitter.

Like http://facebook.com/thewaysorg
Finn Ryan - Producer, Director
David Nevala - Video, Editing
Dan Venne - Music

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab

EarthSayer Ron Corn Jr.'s
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Powwow Trail: Keeping the Beat by Dylan Jennings


In Powwow Trail, Dylan Jennings shares a weekend of singing with Midnite Express and dancing at the Oneida Powwow. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes.

Watch more at The Ways and like on Facebook and Twitter.

Published on Jan 23, 2013

Finn Ryan - Producer, Director, Video
David Nevala - Video, Editing, Photography
A Tribe Called Red - "Electric Pow Wow Drum"
Midnite Express - Music

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab


EarthSayer Dylan Jennings
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Bringing Back the Ho-Chunk Language by Arlene Blackdeer

Language Apprentice: Bringing Back the Ho-Chunk Language by Arlene Blackdeer

Arlene Blackdeer, a language apprentice for the Hoocak Waaziija Haci Language Division of the Ho-Chunk Nation, shares her experience and community's effort to bring back and revitalize the Ho-Chunk language. This story is part of The Ways, an ongoing series on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes. Published on May 2, 2013 More at The Ways here.

Follow The Way on Facebook and Twitter.


EarthSayer Arlene Blackdeer
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Clan Mother: Healing the Community by Molly Miller

In Clan Mother, Molly Miller shares the importance of elders and her role as a clan mother in the healing of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican community, which she is a member of. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes. Published on Oct 22, 2013

More stories and Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Finn Ryan - Producer, Director, Photography
Lukas Korver - Video, Editing
Music - "Angel Beside Me" - Nakoa HeavyRunner
Music - Asche & Spencer

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab.

EarthSayer Molly Miller
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
About Hope by Ilarion Merculieff (Aleut), Barbara Ford, Duane Elgin

The panel discussion between elders and youth was around a central conference topic: "What gives us hope and heart to keep working on what is best for our Earth in the face of difficult changes?" The evening closed with song, drumming and celebration.
In this excerpt we cover part of the discussion around "hope" opening with Larry Merculieff followed by Barbara Ford and ending with Duane Elgin.

Sustainability Action Media (SAM) at Earth Day Conference 2012 sponsored by the Earth & Spirit Council.Videotaped by Tom Hopkins of SAM and Barry Heidt of SAM.

EarthSayers Duane Elgin; Barbara Ford; Larry Merculieff

EarthSayers Duane Elgin; Barbara Ford; llarion Merculieff
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Introducing the Endangered Languages Project

The Endangered Languages Project is a website for people to find and share the most up-to-date and comprehensive information about the over 3,000 endangered languages of the world. Continue exploring at Endangered Languages.com.

The Catalogue of Endangered Languages on this site shows that more than 40% of all languages are endangered and at risk of extinction.

The disappearance of a language means the loss of valuable scientific and cultural information, comparable to the loss of a species.

Published on Jun 20, 2012

Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Sustainability Mindset More Details
Turquoise Pride Drum at Jim PepperFest

Turquoise Pride at the Jim Pepper Native Arts Festival, August 8, 2013, Published on Feb 21, 2014  The Website for the Festival is here. Our thanks here at EarthSayers.tv to Sean Cruz and the steering committee members. More music on YouTube, Jim Pepper Native Arts Festival.

EarthSayers Sean Cruz; Jim Pepper
Date unknown Format Performance
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 92 matching videos

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