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Industrial Hemp Industry

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Women Grow Cannabis Expo Panel Presentation

Published on Dec 19, 2016

The Women Grow, Cultivating Cannabis Leadership Conference,  in Portland, Oregon.

Amy Peradotta, Sara Holmes, Mary Lou Barton, David Muret, Amanda Conley, Shabnam Malek.
Panel Speakers: Claire Kaufmann, Jesce Horton, Erious Johnson, Jenny Diggles, and James Morris. Produced by Barry Heidt.  His YouTube channel is AllCannabis Considered.tv
EarthSayers Sara Holmes; Claire Kaufmann; Amy Peradotta
Date unknown Format Panel
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Why Are Women Needed in Cannabis? (Part 2)

Published on May 2, 2016

What does it take for women to succeed in the cannabis industry? Part 2, Part 1 here.

We talked to three respected women in Oregon cannabis, and learned a few things. 

Confidence, a strong mind, passion and knowledge are key. Along with a healthy respect for the advocates and activists who got us here. Also, a deep and abiding love for the plant. When we focus away from her, things start to go awry, and they also become a lot less fun. 

Big thanks to:

Samantha Montanaro, Prism House Pdx, Lindsey Corey, Dream Catcher Groves, and Kathryn Darby.  SmuggleVision is sponsored by SmugglePDX.

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Crucial Business Skills for Women in Cannabis (Part 1)

Published on May 2, 2016

What does it take for women to succeed in the cannabis industry?
We talked to three respected women in Oregon cannabis, and learned a few things. 
Confidence, a strong mind, passion and knowledge are key. Along with a healthy respect for the advocates and activists who got us here. Also, a deep and abiding love for the plant. When we focus away from her, things start to go awry, and they also become a lot less fun. 

Bg thanks to:
Samantha Montanaro, Prism House Pdx, Lindsey Corey, Dream Catcher Groves, and 
Kathryn Darby.  SmuggleVision is sponsored by SmugglePDX.
Date unknown Format Interview
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Benefits of Hemp Seed with Dr. Josh Axe
Published on Sep 15, 2015

Dr. Josh Axe

Today I am training on the benefits of hemp seeds and how to use them on a regular basis.
Just 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds contains 10 grams of protein and 3,000 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids.Hemp can be healthier than chia and flax and is one of nature’s #1 super foods.

Nutritional Profile of Hemp Seeds:
• Protein- 10 grams of protein 
• Healthy fats- Omega-3 fatty acid in an ideal ratio for your body to help reduce inflammation
• Fiber- No regular carbs or sugar
• 50 % daily value of magnesium which helps to relax muscles and improve digestion
• 50% daily value of phosphorus
• 25% daily value of zinc 

Benefits of Hemp Seeds:
• Supports fat loss & cleansing your colon
• Blood sugar issues or diabetes 
• Increase muscle building and strengthen bones
• Issues with sleeping, depression or anxiety

EarthSayer Josh Axe
Date unknown Format Instructional
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Seattle Hemp Fest 2016
Published on Sep 30, 2016

Enjoy Seattle Hemp Fest 25th Anniversay (August 2016) comments from cannabis activism award winners, Joy Beckerman and Rick Steves sharing their cannabis leadership inspiration.  Produced/Directed by Barry Heidt.

EarthSayers Joy Beckerman; Rick Steves
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Cannabis Museum with Don E. Wirstshafter
Published on Oct 1, 2016

A 45 minute journey through time....Don E. Wirstshafter, curator of the Cannabis Museum in Athens, Ohio leads a virtual tour of the collection during a visit to Dockside Cannabis in Seattle. This is the story of 100+ years of mainstream Cannabis use in America and what happened after it's prohibition in the 1937. Produced by Barry Heidt. 

EarthSayers Barry Heidt; Don E. Wirstshafter
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Oregon Hemp Convention 2015 (Panel)

Published on Apr 25, 2015

March 28, 2015 - Oregon’s Broad Hemp Future panel led by Hemp Author Doug Fine, with Oregon Hemp Farmer: Edgar J Winters, Biomass Refinement Expert: Ed Lehrberger from PureVision Technology, Don E. Wirtshafter from The Ohio Hempery, Oregon Hemp Attorney: Courtney Moran; Rick Kiyak-Nighton with Tradewinds Hemp Co. and Dave Seber from Hemp Shield Wood Treatments. Special thanks to Jerry Norton and the Oregon Hemp Convention and the O.A.F.R.C. (Oregon Agriculture Food and Rural Consortium).

Video by: Barry Heidt
Production by: Brian ~The Red
EarthSayers Doug Fine; Courtney Moran; Edgar Winters
Date unknown Format Panel
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Oregon should be National Industrial Hemp Leader by Rep Earl Blumenauer

Published on Nov 12, 2013

Oregon should be a national leader in industrial hemp production, which can fuel economic development in rural communities, inspire entrepreneurs and meet rising consumer demand, U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer said Saturday.

"I think the stakes are high for Oregon," Blumenauer told a group of industrial hemp supporters at a forum he organized in Portland Saturday.

The Portland Democrat, an outspoken advocate of industrial hemp, said momentum is building for the crop in Oregon and in other states. He pointed to a letter he received on Friday from Oregon's U.S. attorney, Amanda Marshall, as a positive step for hemp production in the state.

EarthSayers U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer; Amanda Marshall; Eric Steenstra
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Update on Industrial Hemp in Oregon by Edgar Winters and Doug Fine

Interview with Oregon Farmer, Edgar Winters of the Oregon Agricultural Food and Rural Consortium (OAFRC) and author and hemp advocate Doug Fine.

Will Edgar the first hemp licensee in Oregon for industrial hemp be able to get seeds in the ground before times runs out to plant this spring? Maybe, but it will have to be through 7606 Federal Farm Bill provision which permits "agricultural pilot programs."

This is an old commodity, king of all plants, and we need to build the domestic seed stock and get things rolling and see positive results in terms of rural economic development. Produced by Barry Heidt.

EarthSayers Doug Fine; Edgar Winters
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Doug Fine CHTA Dinner Presentation 19th Nov 2014

Doug Fine at the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA) Dinner Presentation on the 19th of Nov 2014.  Doug Fine is an author of Hemp Bound and journalist.

EarthSayer Doug Fine
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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