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Industrial Hemp Industry

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Building with Hempcrete for Healthy Buildings by Joni Lane
Hempcrete/Responsible Design

Joni Lane, LEED Green Associate, is a recent graduate of Boston Architectural College with a Masters in Sustainable Design Studies. She is passionate about creating valuable, sustainable and regenerative solutions by which humans can continue to live without threatening to render our planet uninhabitable. She believes great design has the power to change the world and has decided to focus her energy on healing our built environment with bio-based materials, specifically Hempcrete. Focusing on addressing indoor contaminants and their effect on our health, She strives to advance education and awareness of this very important public health issue to promote safe and healthy buildings. Published on Dec 31, 2014

EarthSayer Joni Lane
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Growing Canadian Hemp by Kim Shukla

Kim Shukla, Executive Director of the Canadian Hemp Trade Allianceis interviewed by Edgar Winters of the Oregon Agriculture & Food Rural Consortium (OAFRC) and COO, Natural Good Medicines in Eagle Point, Oregon. Canada is way ahead in the growing of industrial hemp and Edgar wants to learn from their experience as Oregon tip toes into the marketplace. Industrial hemp is crucial to rural economic development desires and efforts. 

This interview was conducted at the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CJTA/ACCC) National Hemp Convention, Hemp 2014: Paving the Way held November 16-19, 2014 in Delta Winnepeg and was filmed by Barry Heidt.

EarthSayers Kim Schukla; Edgar Winters
Date unknown Format Interview
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It's Time to Legalize Hemp! Q&A with David Bronner
"We want to give our money to American farmers," says David Bronner, head of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, which uses non-psychoactive hemp in its products. "Why are we continually handing it to Canadians?" Published on Sep 17, 2012
EarthSayer David Bronner
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Hemp Industries Association President on Hemp Regulations and Challenges

Hemp Industries Association President, Anndrea Herrmann on Hemp Regulations and Challenge was  interviewed by the Investing News Network interview. Hermann explains the regulations surrounding hemp in the United States and elsewhere in the world, also touching on what challenges her organization faces in educating the public about hemp. In closing, she gives an overview of the many interesting uses of hemp. May 16, 2014.

EarthSayer Anndrea Herrmann
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In 2014 Three Industrial Hemp Pioneers discuss What's Next

This is a spirited interview with the pioneers of the U.S. Hemp Industry at the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CJTA/ACCC) National Hemp Convention, Hemp 2014: Paving the Way held November 16-19, 2014 in Delta Winnepeg.

It's a spirited conversation that should not be missed. 

 - Edgar Winters, interviewer, of the Oregon Agriculture & Food Rural Consortium (OAFRC)  and COO of Natural Good Medicines

- Anndrea Hermann, President of the Hemp Industries Association and a professor at Oregon State University. She addresses the steps necessary to building "a really solid legitimate industry" through Agronomy, the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fibre, and land reclamation and emphasized, " while working with our partners and our colleagues around the world

- Doug Fine, " Everything I do as a journalist has a "sustainability and optimistic angle." A hemp  advocate, he references a community-based tri-cropping blueprint found in his book, Hemp Bound: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural Revolution.

EarthSayers Doug Fine; Anndrea Hermann; Edgar Winters
Date unknown Format Interview
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2015 Oregon Industrial Hemp Hearings with Doug Fine
Published on Jan 11, 2015

Video of resentstion  6th January 2015 in Salem, Oregon, USA by author. journalist and hemp advocate appearing before the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Produced by Barry Heidt.

EarthSayer Doug Fine
Date unknown Format Government
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Industrial Hemp Panel at Hempfest 2013

Washington DC update of legislative action on industrial hemp by 5 activists, narrated by Doug McVay to include panelists: Steve Levine, Dave Seber, Adam Eidinger, David Bronner and David Pillar at Hemfest 2013.

EarthSayers David Bronner; Adam Eidinger; Dave Seber
Date unknown Format Panel
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TN House Votes to Legalize Hemp by Jeremy Faison

The Tennessee House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on March 31 to approve a bill directing the state's Department of Agriculture to set up a licensing program for people to legally grow hemp. The bill's sponsor, Cosby Republican Jeremy Faison, said the cannabis plant has a long history in American of being used for productive, beneficial uses. Faison noted that in the recent U.S. Farm Bill, signed by President Obama back in February, permission is granted for states to regulate hemp production and allow universities to study it. After the bill passed on an 88-5 vote, Faison handed products made from hemp to the chamber's leaders of both parties. Among the items were breakfast cereal, soap, cooking oil and twine. Published on Mar 31, 2014

EarthSayer Jeremy Faison
Date unknown Format Political speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
From Spin to Spun: Making Hemp Fiber

How hemp is made into textile fiber. 

EarthSayers Anthony Clarke; Jeordy Clarke
Date unknown Format Blog
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Billion Dollar Crop - The history and advantages of hemp as an industrial fiber
An Australian documentary from 1994 which brings to light the history, many uses of, conspiracy and smear campaign against, and the future of one of the planet's most versatile and potentially revolutionary plants: cannabis.
BILLION DOLLAR CROP shows how the recently developed, non-drug variety of hemp is being researched and cultivated internationally because of the plant's versatile qualities and environmental friendliness. This program takes the audience on a world tour from Australia to the United Kingdom, and from The Netherlands to France and the US. It illustrates how hemp is being cultivated as an industrial fiber for use as an alternative to wood for paper production, to cotton for clothes, and to plywood for construction. We all benefit, especially our forests and topsoil. Published on May 8, 2012

Produced with Michael Cordell and Jeffrey Bruer

Directed by Barbara Ann Chobocky

DVD available from Bull Frog Films.

Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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