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Sen. Kerry on New Climate Bill
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Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) shared some of the outlines of the anticipated Kerry, Graham, Lieberman climate bill today, telling Clean Skies News that the comprehensive bill will be unveiled sometime soon. (February 2010)

carbon  Tax  Clean  Skies  News  Clear  Act  climate  bill  comprehensize  Edison  Electric 


EarthSayer Senator John Kerry
Date unknown Format Political speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Copenhagen Climate Talks: President Obama
Static PreviewPresident Obama's speech, 12/18/09, in Copenhagen at UN Climate Conference. Time for talk is over. He calls for mitigation, transparency, and financing.
EarthSayer President Barack Obama
Date unknown Format Political speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
The Urgency of Combating Climate Change
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Then President-elect Barack Obama in a speech (video) to the Global Climate Summit, November 18-19, 2008 Beverly Hills, California, promising "a new chapter of American leadership on climate change."

See also, Climate Change Talks, President Obama, 2009, here.  He speaks on Climate Change, 2013, here. President on Carbon Pollution and Power Plants here, May 2014.

EarthSayer President Barack Obama
Date unknown Format Government
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details

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