People | Human Rights/Social Justice
Indigenous Lands & Rights

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Google Earth Engine by Rebecca Moore

Jungle Bird Interviews Rebecca Moore in her offices at Google. She is a computer scientist and longtime software professional. Her personal work using Google Earth was instrumental in stopping the logging of more than a thousand acres of redwoods in her Santa Cruz Mountain community. Rebecca also initiated and leads the development of Google Earth Engine, a new technology platform which supports global-scale data-mining of satellite imagery for societal benefit. Rebecca received a bachelor's degree with honors from Brown University in Artificial Intelligence, a master's degree from Stanford University, and is currently on leave from the Stanford Ph.D. program in Computer Science. Published on Sep 16, 2014

EarthSayer Rebecca Moore
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Forestry | Climate Wisconsin by Marshall Pecore
EarthSayer Marshall Pecore
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Wisconsin:Stories from a State of Change More Details
Spearfishing: A Living History by Jason Bisonette

Spearfishing: A Living History explores the tradition and practice of spearfishing through the eyes of Jason Bisonette, a member of the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe. Jason wants to give his son Samuel an Ojibwe education so that he too can become a provider for his family and community. Published on May 29, 2014

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Finn Ryan - Producer, Director, Photography
Lukas Korver - Video, Editing
Music - Asche & Spencer

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab.

EarthSayers Jason Bisonette; Lukas Korver; Finn Ryan
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Hunting Deer: Sharing the Harvest by Greg "Biskakone" Johnson

In Hunting Deer, Greg "Biskakone" Johnson takes us deer hunting in the ceded territory near his Lac du Flambeau community. Biskakone shows us how he tans buckskin and creates traditional clothing and regalia. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes. Likeon Facebook and Follow on Twitter.

Published on Aug 27, 2013

Finn Ryan - Producer, Director, Photography
Lukas Korver - Video, Editing
Music - Asche & Spencer

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab

EarthSayers Greg "Biskakone" Johnson; Lukas Korver; Finn Ryan
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Lake Superior Whitefish: Carrying on a Family Tradition by Pat Peterson

Lake Superior Whitefish shares the story of the Petersons, a commercial fishing family in Hancock, MI. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes.

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Published on Jan 9, 2013

Finn Ryan - Producer, Director, Video
David Nevala - Video, Editing, Photography
Cougar - "This is an Affidavit"

A Production of Wisconsin Media Lab

EarthSayer Finn Ryan
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details
Our Land, Our Business by TheRulesOrg

Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights. The World Bank is driving this trend with its Doing Business rankings. Published on Mar 27, 2014 by The Rules, THE RULES IS A GLOBAL MOVEMENT TO BRING POWER BACK TO PEOPLE, AND CHANGE THE RULES THAT CREATE INEQUALITY AND POVERTY AROUND THE WORLD.

ANIMATION: Grain Media
SOUND RECORDING: Wuyi Jacobs, Afrobeat Radio; Jim Richards and the studios of the UC Berkeley School of Journalism. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP

Spanish Version here.

EarthSayers Wuyi Jacobs; Jim Richards
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Interconnectedness and Keeping Oil Underground by Manari Ushinga

Manari Ushinga of the Sápara people in Ecuador shares with us his people's view the natural world, our interconnectedness, and the importance of keeping the oil that lies underneath the Ecuadorian Amazon untouched. Published on Apr 15, 2014 by Pachamama Alliance.

EarthSayer Manari Ushinga
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rights of Mother Earth More Details
Forest Keepers - Guarda Bosques in Español w/English Subtitles
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"Guarda Bosques" (Forest Keepers) 45 min.

On April 15th 2011, when organized crime thugs teamed up with the logging industry and different government agencies to pillage precious and sacred forests at gun-point, the indigenous Purepecha community of Cheran, Michoacan, Mexico rose up with sticks, rocks, and bottle rockets against what can only be described as their local narco-government. Since then, they have taken the authorities offices, weapons, and pick-up trucks, ousted all political parties and all local and state police, and have re-established a traditional form of self-governance that includes its own council of elders, a community "police", known as a "ronda", and its own forest defense team, or forest keepers, known as the "Guarda Bosques."

El 15 de abril de 2011, después de que los matones del crimen organizado se habían unido con la industria maderera y distintas agencias del gobierno para saquear los bosques preciosos y sagrados con la fuerza de las armas, la comunidad indígena Purépecha de Cherán, Michoacán, México, se levantó con palos, piedras y cohetones contra lo que sólo se puede describir como su narco-gobierno. Desde entonces, han tomado control de las oficinas de las autoridades, sus armas y sus camionetas para luego echar fuera a todos los partidos políticos y todos los policías locales y estatales. Han re-establecido una forma de auto-gobernación tradicional que incluye su consejo de ancianos, su "policía" comunitaria, conocida como "la ronda," y su propio equipo para la defensa de los bosques, conocido como los "Guardabosques."

EarthSayer Simon Sidello
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rights of Mother Earth More Details
The Forest is For All of Us by Community Leader Domingo Peas
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Domingo Peas is the community leader of the Sharamentsa,
Achuar Territory, Ecuador, South America.  He talks about humans being required to respect the forest because here we have all the ecosystem. For the Ochoa, in the forest we have our power. Through our ancestors, we give positive energy for all the force that we have. In this sense we fight to defend ourselves because the forest is not just for the Ochoa, it is for all of humanity, for all of the countries that exist on this planet.

We have to do positive work for the new generation.

Interviewed by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) with the help of EarthSayers.tv and Pachamama Alliance in February, 2013.  English translation in progress.

EarthSayers Barry Heidt; Domingo Peas
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Tourism, not Oil by Hilario Saant of Ecuador
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Hilario Saant is a community leader in Kapawi Achuar Territory in Ecuador, South America.  He tells, firsthand, the story of his community around the issue of oil extraction and its destruction of community and the forest.  Interviewed by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media with the help of EarthSayers.tv and the Pachamama Alliance in February 2013.   English translation in process.

EarthSayer Hilario Saant
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details

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