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The Canadian Native Rights Movement by Clayton Thomas Muller

Clayton Thomas-Muller, a leading organizer for Idle No More and Defenders of the Land, and a Co-Director of Polaris Institute’s Indigenous Tar Sands Campaign, portrays Canada’s rising Native-led rights-based movement, supported by labor, civil society, students and grassroots groups. It’s challenging the neo-liberal free market agenda that has turned Canada into a petro-state. It may be our last best effort to save our lands and the health of our people from the extractive industries and the banks that finance them. Published on Nov 5, 2014

Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges. 
EarthSayer Clayton Thomas-Muller
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
State of Female Revolution by #GRITtv on International Women's Day

One Billion Rising REVOLUTION presents: The State of Female Revolution, with Agnes Pareyio, Monique Wilson, Zoya, Christine Schuler Deschryver, Kimberlé Crenshaw and Eve Ensler. Moderated by GRITtv's Laura Flanders.

A conversation about what it takes to build revolution, be in solidarity and affect change.

Recorded in front of a live audience in New York.Published on Mar 6, 2015

EarthSayers Kimberle Crenshaw; Christine Schuler Deschryve; Eve Ensler
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Science stories ? Equilibrium: Where are the women?

Publishing is a huge part of a scientist's life because until you publish you can't claim to have discovered something. Dame Athene Donald FRS and Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore retrace the lives of women who published in science and inspired others to follow them.

This film is part of a series of Science stories to celebrate 350 years of scientific publishing by the Royal Society. Produced by Red Banana Productions for the Royal Society.

EarthSayers Sarah Jayne Blakemore; Dame Athene Donald
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Capitalism, Imperialism, Feminism: Monique Wilson & Agnes Pareyio

Capitalism, Imperialism, Feminism: Monique Wilson & Agnes Pareyio | #GRITtv

Agnes Pareyio was named the United Nations in Kenya Person of the Year in 2005. She is the founder and director of two safe houses for girls in Kenya, established for young women and girls fleeing Female Genital Mutilation and early marriage. She has also been a candidate for Kenyan Parliament. Monique Wilson played the lead in the hit musical Ms. Saigon, she’s now the Director of International Affairs of the Gabriela Women’s Party, a national alliance of grassroots women¹s organizations in the Philippines. Monique is also director of the One Billion Rising campaign. We also look back in time at the women of the civil rights movement, and their direct action organizing against white supremacy. And Laura has some important words 

In celebration of International Women's Day, GRITtv featuring leaders of the global women's movement, Agnes Pareyio and Monique Wilson plus a look at women of color's fight for rights with Standing on My Sister's Shoulders and Hillary Clinton's White Feminism with Laura's F-Word. 

Published on Mar 3, 2015
Subscribe to The Laura Flanders Show on iTunes
EarthSayers Agnes Pareyio; Monique Wilsom
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Connecting Women and STEM by Dr. Ekemini Udofa
The first TEDWomen conference in 2010 asked, "How are women and girls reshaping the future?" And TEDxBaltimoreWomen is continuing the conversation about women's work and lives, present and future. Ekemini Udofa, Ph.D. is Senior Associate, Philanthropy Advisory Service at FasterCures. Published on Dec 23, 2013
EarthSayer Ekemini Udofa
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Looks Count: The Few Women in Science,Tech,Engineering and Math
A look at the lost economic opportunity of women not entering or staying in careers of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as evidenced in the fallin numbers of girls and young women graduating with degrees in STEM and the number of women in STEM related jobs (less than 30%).  Feature comments of Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the columnist, Libby Dodd with illustration by Judith Gosse. Presentation produced and written by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv. Published on Feb 24, 2015

EarthSayer Jessica Rosenworcel
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Dissecting the Diversity Problem: STEM Leadership in Tech (panel)
Technology for the People, by the People

Dissecting the Diversity Problem: How Can Leadership Make an Impact?

Published on Feb 19, 2015

Digital technologies are ubiquitous, but the people who build them are hardly representative. In fact, the programmers and designers creating the tools we use—tools that are increasingly being used to make policy decisions at the highest level of government—are rarely from the populations who need them most. Women and people of color represent fewer than 30 percent of STEM professionals—a number that has declined since 1990. There’s clearly a failure in the system.

Introduction Georgia Bullenm Senior Data Analyst, Open Technology Institute, New America @georgiamoon
Megan Smith U.S. Chief Technology Officer, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy @USCTO
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, Federal Communications Commission, @JRosenworcel
Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New America @SlaughterAM
Aliya Rahman, Program Director, Code for Progress @AliyaRahman
Moderator is Alan Davidson, Director, Open Technology Institute, Vice President, New America, @abdavidson

EarthSayers Jessica Rosenworcel; Anne-Marie Slaughter; Megan Smith
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
The Animal Voice On Sustainability by Paul Maguire
Uploaded on Sep 9, 2011

Manager of Discovery and Experience at Taronga Zoo. Paul has been working Paul Paul Maguire is Manager of Discovery and Experience at Taronga Zoo for 17 years. Paul Maguire works at the Taronga Zoo and is passionate about not only the animals themselves but also about youth. TEDxDubbo focused attention on what we call FACETS -- Food, Agriculture, Climate, Energy, Topsoil and Sustainability. .

TEDxDubbo focused attention on what we call FACETS -- Food, Agriculture, Climate, Energy, Topsoil and Sustainability. 

EarthSayer Paul Maguire
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Apache Resistance At Oak Flat Against Arizona Copper Mine
Stand with us in joining the San Carlos Apache Nation to protect Oak Flat campground, a sacred Apache site in the Tonto National Forest in central Arizona.

International mining giant Rio Tinto's plans to develop a massive copper mine there would leave a depression in the ground the size of the Winslow meteor crater, drain the aquifer and destroy important streams, springs and wildlife habitat.

Oak Flat is also home to numerous species of wildlife, including an ocelot that was killed on a nearby road several years ago. The area was formally withdrawn from mining by presidential order 50 years ago, but Congress recently approved a land swap that allows the company to obtain private control of the land and evade environmental laws in the process.Published on Feb 10, 2015 by Center for Biological Diversity

Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rights of Mother Earth More Details
American Indians Confront "Savage Anxieties" with
Earlier this month, as part of the $585 billion defense bill for 2015, Congress passed a measure that would give lands sacred to American Indians in Arizona to a foreign company. This week, Bill Moyers speaks with Robert A. Williams Jr., a professor specializing in American Indian law, about how such deals are a part of American Indian's tragic history of dispossession. Published on Dec 26, 2014
EarthSayer Robert Williams, Jr.
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details

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