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What's Your Vision for Sustainability by Nikos Avionas
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Nikos Avlonas, one of the founders and Managing Director of the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) shares insights on sustainability during his visit at DePaul University. Learn more at http://www.cse-net.org

EarthSayer Nikos Avionas
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Sustainability 101: Exponential Growth by Dr. Albert Bartlett
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Professor Bartlett explains "sustainability" in the context of the First Law of Sustainability. Problems at local, national, and global levels are all tied together with arithmetic. And our greatest shortcoming is our inability to understand the exponential function. 

Dr. Albert Bartlett discusses the implications of unending growth on economies, population, and resources. Presented at UBC on 5/19/2011. For more information, see http://www.AlBartlett.org .

EarthSayer Albert Bartlett
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Use of the Term, Sustainability by Larry Merculieff (Aleut)
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Excerpt of an interview with Larry Merculieff (Aleut) from the Native Perspectives on Sustainability project (www.nativeperspectives.net). Merculieff critiques the use and meaning of the term "sustainability," and he speaks to the potential for human beings to draw upon our inherent intelligence to live in alignment with all of creation.

EarthSayer Larry Merculieff
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Global Warming Teaching Circle More Details
Visionaries Who Have Shaped Me by Satish Kumar
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 Satish Kumar is a former monk and long term peace and environment activist. Satish reflects upon the visionary leaders who have shaped his outlook and approach to life. These include Mahatma Gandhi, HH Dalai Lama, Bertrand Russell, John F. Kennedy and Fritz Schumacher.

EarthSayer Satish Kumar
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Sustainability Mindset More Details
Confessions of a Radical Industrialist
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Hear Ray Anderson, Founder and Chairman of Interface, Inc., discuss his next book, CONFESSIONS OF A RADICAL INDUSTRIALIST. As leader of an organization that has been on the path toward sustainability since 1994 with the goal of zero footprint by 2020, Ray credibly proves the business case for sustainability. (August 2009)

EarthSayer Ray Anderson
Date unknown Format Book Promotion
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ray Anderson More Details
Definition of Sustainable Innovation, Elementary Style by Dassault Systems
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So what does sustainable innovation mean? Everybody says everything and anything about it and the concept can get blurry sometimes. We thought we'd give our own definition, elementary style, to get things clear! The "we" is Dassault Systemes the leader in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) headquartered in France.

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Clean Infrastructure and Walkable Communities by Christopher Leinberger
Static PreviewChris Leinberger, a visiting fellow for the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution, discusses the future of clean transportation at NDN's Capitol Hill event on January 14, 2009. He is also a real estate developer and in this video he talks about the role of developer in terms of our economy, causing two of the last three recessions.
EarthSayer Christopher Leinberger
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Design and Architecture More Details
Resiliency and Sustainability by Raz Mason
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Raz Mason addresses the personal framework of resilience, and its relationship to sustainability.  She is a chaplain; creator of Warrior Wheel Training for people in high stress environments, especially those in the military and public safety; and founder of Mason Consulting, which focuses on training and coaching. Her work as a chaplain resident at the Portland VA Medical Center, experiences in Navy and Army officer training programs, and professional background in domestic violence agencies reflect her commitment to working with individuals and families from high stress occupations and environments. She holds an MDiv degree from Harvard Divinity School, an MA in Pastoral Studies from Seattle University, and a BA degree in mathematics from Bryn Mawr College. She was interviewed by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv in Portland, Oregon on October 7, 2011.

EarthSayer Raz Mason
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Resiliency and Communities More Details
Inspiring Sustainability in Skeptics -- John Marshall Roberts
Static PreviewJohn Marshall Roberts discusses the science of inspiration, and the role of communication for creating profound social change. Sustainability is about redesigning our society so it can last over time.
EarthSayer John Marshall Roberts
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
About The Leopold Education Project (LEP)
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The Leopold Education Project (LEP) is an innovative, interdisciplinary, critical thinking, conservation and environmental education curriculum based on the classic writings of the renowned conservationist, Aldo Leopold.The Leopold Education Project teaches the public about humanity's ties to the natural environment in the effort to conserve and protect the earth's natural resources.

Quote from Aldo Leopold( 1887-1948) Sand County Almanac: 

"Our children are our signature to the roster of history; our land is merely the place our money was made. There is as yet no social stigma in the possession of a gullied farm, a wrecked forest, or a polluted stream, provided the dividends suffice to send the youngsters to college."

A Sand County Almanac; with essays on conservation from Round River


EarthSayer Aldo Leopold
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details

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