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NASA's Global Tour of Precipitation in Ultra HD (4K)

May, 2016

Precipitation (falling rain and snow) is our fresh water reservoir in the sky and is fundamental to life on Earth. This video shows the most detailed and worldwide view of rain and snowfall ever created and uses satellite measurements from the Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory, or GPM, a joint mission between NASA and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Tracking precipitation from space with satellites provides information of where, when, and how much it rains and snows anywhere in the world and gives insight into the behavior of our weather, climate, and ecological systems. For more information on GPM visit here. 

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Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Water Entanglement by Claudiu Murgan

New York, NY, October 10, 2018 — Since the creation of earth, water and crystals have woven a billion-years-long tapestry that has captured the cycles of nature's evolution. It has observed the appearance of humans and their troubled, but fascinating, development and the energies and vibrations of everything that is part of this amazing eco-system.

Author Claudiu Murgan cleverly posits that water is a living, breathing life force in his latest book, Water Entanglement, a manifesto that brings awareness to the very real water crisis through an imaginative and engaging science fiction tale.

The story is set in 2055, when water, the primordial element that springs forth life, is waged in a fierce battle with those who've abused her, most notably greedy corporations that are pillaging the earth. Hayyin, the hidden identity of Cherry Mortinger, a limnologist (one who studies inland waters), is leading the revolution against the irresponsible companies. She sets out to prove that water indeed has a memory; that she's alive; and she's very, very angry. Can the human race survive such overwhelming rage?

Water Entanglement is the second book from author Claudiu Murgan. His first novel, The Decadence of Our Souls (September 2017), weaves a meaningful story of what can happen when a young, pure soul is tempted by the offerings of a technologically advanced society. The Decadence of Our Souls was translated in the Romanian language and published in Romania in June 2018. Water Entanglement is in the process of being translated and published in Romania by the end of 2018.
Murgan was born in Romania and has called Canada home since 1997. 

He started writing science fiction when he was 11 years old. Since then, he has met remarkable writers who have helped him improve his own trade. Murgan's experience in various industries such as IT, renewable energy, real estate and finance, have helped him create complex but real characters that brought forward meaningful messages. Murgan is also a member of the recently created Immigrant Writers Association, Toronto, Canada.
Fifty percent of the royalties from the book of the same title and generated online for Water Entanglement will benefit Project Aware – www.projectaware.org

Click on book cover to order from Amazon or visit your local bookstore. Thank you. 

EarthSayer Claudiu Murgan
Date unknown Format Book Promotion
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Standing Rock Celebrates Halted Pipeline Dec 5, 2016

Published on Dec 5, 2016

Stand in a drum circle at the Oceti Sakowin camp just after the Army announced on Sunday that it would explore alternative routes for the Dakota Access pipeline.

By: Benjamin Norman, Niko Koppel and Kaitlyn Mullin
Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Standing Rock: A Point of Unity and Connectedness by Grace Eagle Reed

Published on Nov 28, 2016

As part of a post election InterFaith Call to Inclusion, Grace Eagle Reed was interviewed on her view of Standing Rock and the #noDAPL movement. Grace was born into Tsa La Gi culture and was adopted by Lakota Grace Spotted Eagle and taught traditional ways. Produced and videotaped by Ruth Ann Barrett and Barry Heidt of EarthSayers.tv, Voices of Sustainability, November 16, 2016.
EarthSayer Grace Eagle Reed
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Standing Rock update with Tara Houska

Published on Sep 9, 2016

North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple has activated the National Guard ahead of today’s ruling on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s lawsuit against the U.S. government over the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. U.S. District Judge James Boasberg is set to rule today on an injunction in a lawsuit challenging the Army Corps of Engineers’ decision to issue permits for the pipeline, arguing it violates the National Historic Preservation Act. This comes as over 1,000 people representing more than 100 Native American tribes are gathered along the Cannonball River by the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to resist the pipeline’s construction. It’s been described as the largest unification of Native American tribes in decades. We go to North Dakota for an update from Tara Houska, national campaigns director for Honor the Earth.

Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET.

EarthSayer Tara Houska
Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Water Ethic: C.Meine with Josephine Mandamin

Published August 30th by Humans and Nature

Josephine Mandamin an Anishabaabewe grandmother with a copper pail of water in one hand and a staff in the other, took on a sacred walk, traversing over 10,900 miles around each of the Great Lakes. She is known as the “Water Walker.”

According to the Michigan Sea Grant, the Great Lakes shoreline is equal to almost 44% of the circumference of the earth.  “When you see someone walking with a pail of water, you wonder, where is she going with that water.”

So the message is, water is very precious, and I will go to any lengths to and direction to carry the water to the people.”

“As women, we are carriers of the water. We carry life for the people. So when we carry that water, we are telling people that we will go any lengths for the water. We’ll probably even give our lives for the water if we have to. We may at some point have to die for the water, and we don’t want that,” said Mandamin.

EarthSayers Josephine Mandamin; Curtis Meine
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
The Importance of a Water Ethic by Elder, Barnett, Schmidt et.al.

If you think technology is going to be the big fix to address the availability, use and conservation of water, you might want to give a close listen to the idea of a Water Ethic.

From the Center for Humans and Nature's Fostering a Water Ethic project, contemplate the many compelling reasons as to why a water ethic is essential for helping do the right thing by each other,by the generations that follow us, and by the whole community of life. For more information on the Water Ethic visit Humans and Nature here.
Viewpoints from Dorene Day Midewaunnikwe (Water Woman); Jane Elder, Executive Director, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters; Cynthia Barnett, Environmental Journalist and Author; Jeremy Schmidt, Assistant professor, Carlton University; Rick Kyte, Director, D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership; Christiana Peppard, Associate Professor, Fordham University; and Josephine Mandamin (Ojibwe), Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve.
Published on Mar 16, 2016
EarthSayers Cynthia Barnett; Doreen Day; Jane Elder
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Flint Michigan Water Crisis - with Rep. Brenda L. Lawrence, D-MI

Published on Feb 10, 2016

Recorded 2/6/2016 at the Progressive Congress 2016: Rep. Brenda L. Lawrence says the Flint water crisis is another symptom of infrastructure crisis that is being ignored -- because it affected the poorest communities in our country.
EarthSayer Brenda Lawrence
Date unknown Format Government
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Changing the Course of our Water Story by Sandra Postel
Published on Nov 6, 2015

An "Innovate and Inspire" presentation by Sandra Postel, Director of the Water Policy Project and Freshwater Fellow, National Geographic Society

EarthSayer Sandra Postel
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
This Land is Our Land from Story of Stuff Project
Published on Oct 13, 2015

In the midst of California's historic drought, Nestle Waters is the largest bottler of water in the world is drawing millions of gallons of water a year from the San Bernardino National Forest. Nestle's permit expired in 1988, at which point the Forest Service should have turned off the spigot. Let's hold Nestle accountable and ensure this shared public resource is protected for future generations.

EarthSayers Rachel Doughty; Amanda Frye; Steve Loe
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details

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