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Tim Jackson and Jonathan F. P. Rose on Life After Capitalism - Pathways to Planetary Health

A conversation from June 2021 with award-winning economist and scholar Tim Jackson and Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F. P. Rose in conversation. The discussion focused on imagining a world where the shifts in worldviews and systems changes we need for a viable future, redress the underlying cause of climate change, social inequity and financial instability: capitalism itself. Jackson explores that post-capitalist future in his forthcoming book, Post Growth: Life After Capitalism.

EarthSayer Joanna Macy
Date 6/7/2021 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Pathways to Planetary Health - Joanna Macy

Joanna Macy in Conversation with Jonathan F. P. Rose. January 14, 2021

Overview of Joanna's work with her husband beginning in government service through to today.

Excellent introduction to Joanna Macy. She is an environmental activist, author, and scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. She is the author of twelve books. She was married to the late Francis Underhill Macy, the activist and Russian scholar who founded the Center for Safe Energy.

EarthSayers Joanna Macy; Jonathan F. P. Rose
Date 1/15/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Deep Ecology More Details
Wolf Joe Trailer 2

Wolf Joe is an exciting and brand-new animated series follows the daily adventures of Joe, a young First Nations boy who, with his two best friends, is inspired by the universal values of The Seven Teachings Wheel to explore his Indigenous culture, heritage and identity.

The children’s series was created in collaboration and partnership with the Turtle Lodge, Media Rendezvous and Amberwood Entertainment.

Wolf Joe, a 46 x 11 mins animated action adventure series, is a TVOkids Original!

Date 1/8/2021 Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Indigenous knowledge meets science to solve climate change | Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

To tackle a problem as large as climate change, we need both science and Indigenous wisdom, says environmental activist Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim. In this engaging talk, she shares how her nomadic community in Chad is working closely with scientists to restore endangered ecosystems -- and offers lessons on how to create more resilient communities.

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is an environmental activist and geographer. She is the Coordinator of the Association of Peul Women and Autochthonous Peoples of Chad and served as the co-director of the pavilion of the World Indigenous Peoples’ Initiative and Pavilion at COP21, COP22 and COP23.

EarthSayer Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
Date 4/24/2020 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Elder Dr. David Courchene at Turtle Lodge (Ceremonial Launch of Wahbanung) - Main Presentation

Elder Dr. David Courchene introduces a new book by the Knowledge Keepers from the Turtle Lodge - "Wahbanung - The Resurgence of a People: Clearing the Path for Our Survival".

*Transcript at http://www.turtlelodge.org/2020/03/an...

AVAILABLE NOW: Purchase a copy of "Summary of Wahbanung - The Resurgence of a  People: Clearing the Path for Our Survival" at  http://www.turtlelodge.org/wahbanung/

EarthSayer Dave Courchene
Date 4/15/2020 Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Elder Dave Courchene More Details
Mentoring for ecoliteracy: Interview with Carole Nelson with ecoliteracy mentor Cathy Fitzgerald

Ecoliteracy educator Cathy Fitzgerald talks with Irish-based jazz composer and award-winning musician Carole Nelson. From Oct 2018, Cathy regularly advised Carole about ecological knowledge for her recently acclaimed new album 'Arboreal' (Irish Times, February 2020) just as Cathy first began thinking about how to share her ecoliteracy knowledge to other creatives for these urgent times of ecological breakdown.

Cathy gained her PhD through creative practice and for many years has practised and thought about the challenges and rewards ecological insights bring to creative practice. Cathy was the inaugural ArtLinks Director and had previously developed a mentoring programme for creative professional development across the south-east of Ireland.

Cathy now provides individual mentoring, workshops and an innovative online course on essential ecoliteracy for creatives, art educators and others who work in the creative sector at www.haumea.ie

Carole's new album Arboreal will be on Spotify after the 28 Feb 2020 and is also available from CD Baby.

EarthSayer Cathy Fitzgerald
Date 2/22/2020 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability in Ireland More Details
Indigenous Values on Climate Change - September 2019

Presented by Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Leading Earth Man) – Dave Courchene
Anishinabe Nation, Eagle Clan
at the One Basin One Governance (Water is Sacred) Conference
Victoria Inn, Winnipeg
September 18, 2019

Full text of remarks at http://www.turtlelodge.org/2019/09/indigenous-values-on-climate-change/

EarthSayer Dave Courchene
Date 9/21/2019 Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Elder Dave Courchene More Details
Dr. Michael Mann on Dr. Stephen Schneider

2017 Stephen H. Schneider Award-winner, Dr. Michael Mann, describes what the late scientist meant to the public at-large. https://climateone.org https://climateone.org/events/seventh-annual-stephen-h-schneider-award-outstanding-climate-science-communication

EarthSayer Michael Mann
Date 1/23/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Indigenous Response to Assaults on the Environment" by Chase Iron Eyes

Chase Iron Eyes is an American Indian activist and attorney of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. He has been instrumental in raising awareness of the #NoDAPL movement opposing new oil pipelines. This talk focuses upon those ongoing efforts, recent revelations of corporate infiltration, and attempts to keep arrested water protectors free from prison.


EarthSayer Chase Iron Eyes
Date 10/31/2017 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
The Prophecy of the Eagle and Condor at Turtle Lodge

In prophecy, the Knowledge Keepers of the First Peoples of Turtle Island foretold of a time when people from the four directions of the world would come together. This is the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. The Eagle represents the people of the northern hemisphere, and the Condor the people of the southern hemisphere. In June this prophecy will be fulfilled at the Onjisay Aki International Climate Summit, as Indigenous peoples unite the human family at the center of the continent of Turtle Island.

EarthSayer Dave Courchene
Date 6/3/2017 Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Justice More Details

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