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The Living Universe Part 1 of 2 by Duane Elgin
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Duane Elgin, visionary, speaker, educator and author of numerous books, including the best selling "Voluntary Simplicity," dropped by the offices of Global MindShift to be interviewed by Richard Rathbun, president and CEO of the Foundation for Global Community. Mr. Elgin talks about his new book: "The Living Universe."

Click image to order his book from Amazon.com. Thank you.

EarthSayers Duane Elgin; Richard Rathbun
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Sustainability Mindset More Details
Use of the Term Sustainability - Larry Merculieff
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Excerpt of an interview with Larry Merculieff (Aleut) from the Native Perspectives on Sustainability project (www.nativeperspectives.net). Merculieff critiques the use and meaning of the term "sustainability," and he speaks to the potential for human beings to draw upon our inherent intelligence to live in alignment with all of creation.

EarthSayers David Hall, Ph.D.; Larry Merculieff
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Native Perspectives on Sustainability More Details
Sustainability: EarthDay for All and the Challenge of Inequity: Ron Sims
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Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Ron Sims inspires us to be innovative and committed to change in a talk he gave in Portland, Oregon on April 22, 2010, EarthDay. He talked about what Sustainability means to him; the importance of changing who we are; and how the grand experiment we call the United States of America is one of opportunity, fairness and justice. More information on his accomplishment can be found on his Website.

This public talk by the Deputy Secretary is part of the The 8th Annual Regional Livability Summit sponsored by the Coalition for a Livable Future.

EarthSayer Ron Sims
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
The Future of (Sustainable) Agriculture--Part 2 of 2
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Fred Kirschenmann, a long-time leader in the sustainable agriculture movement, Distinguished Fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, and a third-generation farmer (an organic farmer himself), completes his thoughtful reflections upon the future of agriculture from his talk at the Organicology conference in Portland, Oregon. He begins with discussing the "third elephant" in the room- climate change. It's here already around the world in places such as Australia, China, California.

EarthSayer Fred Kirschenmann
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
On Consumption of Stuff and Happiness 2 of 3 by Annie Leonard
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Acclaimed filmmaker and Internet phenomenon Annie Leonard exposes the often hidden costs of that which we consume and provides a hopeful vision for moving beyond the age of Stuff. 

Search on Annie in EarthSayers and see her films.

EarthSayer Annie Leonard
Date unknown Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Clear Vision: An Equitable Planet 2 of 2
Static PreviewDennis Wilde is a Principal at Gerding Edlen Development and and is a nationally respected green building expert and helped create the Sustainable Solutions division of GEDI. Mr. Wilde has more than 20 years of experience in urban planning and design, and has been active in construction and real estate development since 1980. Mr. Wilde, who joined GEDI in 1997, is responsible for feasibility studies, management of the pre-construction and construction process, tenant improvement coordination and overall project management. One such idea is neighborhood-based systems called EcoDistricts.
In this interview, he talks about how can reduce consumption and address the need for thinking of close loop systems. Very narrowed silo-ing thinking needs to be replaced by wholistic ways of thinking and de-centralized (appropriately scaled) systems.
EarthSayers Barry Heidt; Dennis Wilde
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
It's Hard Work:Responsible and Sustainable Lives Pt. 1 of 2
Static PreviewDennis Wilde is a Principal at Gerding Edlen Development. He is a nationally respected green building expert and helped create the Sustainable Solutions division of GEDI. Mr. Wilde has more than 20 years of experience in urban planning and design, and has been active in construction and real estate development since 1980. Mr. Wilde, who joined GEDI in 1997, is responsible for feasibility studies, management of the pre-construction and construction process, tenant improvement  coordination and overall project management.
In this interview, he talks about how The Natural Step helped him in his path to sustainability and how now we are realizing the importance of new buildings, but we need to focus on the existing infrastructure and realize the behavior of the people who live in the buildings must change.
Gerding Edlen has embarked on more LEED projects than any other development company in North America, and in 2008 adopted net zero energy, carbon and waste as its goal for future projects.
EarthSayers Barry Heidt; Dennis Wilde
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Design and Architecture More Details
Clean Energy Leadership

Click here to go to our special collection on Clean Tech to view more videos on this critical issue and hear from leaders, experts, teachers, and citizens.

Race for American Jobs in Columbus, Ohio

Part of a series featuring business and civic leaders to include the following, all of them addressing important issues of job creation and moving towards a low carbon economy.

Sustainability Clean Tech and Energy, thought leadership, 2010.

EarthSayers Sara Letourneou; Mark Schuets; Steve Tripoli
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Tapped: the Bottled Water Industry by Stephanie Soechtig
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Trailer for the film, Tapped.  A film produced and directed by Stephanie Seochtig that examines the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and  our reliance on oil. Americans buy 29 Billion single serve bottles of water every year. And bottles are made in petro-chemical plants. www.tappedthemovie.com/
EarthSayers Sara Gibson; Stephanie Soechtig; Michael Walwath
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Plastic in Our Oceans More Details
Seeding Deep Democracy - Vandana Shiva
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Scientist, activist, author Vandana Shiva talks about the importance of saving non-GMO seeds and her concept of 'Earth Democracy.' She notes that 150,000 farmers have committed suicide where they have to buy seeds from Monsanto at high prices every year. She discusses the importance of ecosystem conservation and the need for people to be conservers. More on topics addressing justice, peace, compassion and sustainability.

EarthSayer Vandana Shiva
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details

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