Planet | Fresh Water

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Nibi (Water) Gathering at Turtle Lodge

Water is an element that can unite our Nations to serve a common purpose. 
     We are making an International Call to attend the Nibi Water Gathering at the Turtle Lodge, on the Shores of Lake Winnipeg, one of our most endangered lakes, where the four rivers meet, on June 4 and 5, 2015.
     At the Water Ceremony the Original People of Turtle Island (North America) will formally establish their leadership. The Nibi Water Gathering will coincide with the honouring of leaders in Earth stewardship, those who have been spiritually guided in their leadership, and the honouring of Youth completing their rites of passage to adulthood.
     It is our hope that People of all cultures will attend and make their gifts and offerings to the Water!

Video Produced on Location by Erica Daniels at Turtle Lodge and Manitou Api, copyright Turtle Lodge 2015. Water Song Credit to Mary Maytwayashing. Thunderbird Artwork Credit to Norval Morrisseau. Published on Jan 21, 2015

Nibi Water Gathering
A Gathering of All Nations was held on June 4 and 5th 2015 in the 
Ogimakamik Lodge of Leadership at Turtle Lodge, On the Shores of Lake Winnipeg
Sagkeeng First Nation, Manitoba, Canada

EarthSayers Dave Courchene; Erica Daniels
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
The Water Used to Making Food by Grist
Want to know how much water goes into your burger or beer? We compiled some data from several Water Footprint reports for your viewing pleasure. Published on Mar 6, 2015
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Megadroughts Projected for American West reports NASA
Ben Cook, NASA climate scientist talks about how he and his colleagues used tree rings to understand past droughts and climate models incorporating soil moisture data to estimate future drought risk in the 21st century.

Published on Feb 12, 2015

EarthSayer Ben Cook
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Nibi Water Song - Turtle Lodge
The Turtle Lodge is sharing this original song for Nibi - the Water. The song was gifted to the Turtle Lodge by Zoongi Gabowi Ozawa Kinew Ikwe (Strong Standing Golden Eagle Woman), Anishnabe Nation, Crane Clan (Ojijak), who received the song in a dream. It is for all to learn and please share widely.Published on Feb 3, 2015

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EarthSayer Zoongi Gabowi Ozawa Kinew Ikwe
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Popup Store selling bottled fresh air and sunshine by DUPE
Some very creative and passionate folks came up with a very interesting popupstore concept in Australia to make people think about buying natural resources such as  bottled water. Published on Oct 22, 2013
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Spongy Parking Lots by Ruth Ann Barrett

This is an overview of the solution for reducing the pollution, water wasting, unattractive properties of surface parking lots in Portland, Oregon

It builds on a January 22, 2015 story on NPR's Morning Edition entitled, Building Sponge City: Redesigning LA for Long Term Drought. Published on Jan 23, 2015. Curated and annotated by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv. Updated June, 2015.

Websites of team members: Mary Vogel of PlanGreen:Regenerating Communities

Kelli A. Grover, Firwood Design Group (FDG): Surveying, Engineering, Planning

Maria Cahill, Green Girl Land Development Solutions: Cost Effective Storm Water Infrastructure

Suenn Ho, Resolve Architecture: Architectural and Urban Design

Marianne Zarkin: Landscape Architects

Ruth Ann Barrett, EarthSayers.tv: Voices of Sustainability 

EarthSayer Ruth Ann Barrett
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
Hundreds of Thousands Without Water In Toledo, Ohio
Algal bloom has contaminated the water supply; National Guard called in to help. Published on Aug 3, 2014
Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
California's Extreme Drought, Explained | The New York Times
The State of California is experiencing the worst drought in its history. Find out just how bad the situation is getting and what it means for you. Published on Jul 7, 2014

Produced by: Carrie Halperin and Sean Patrick Farrell

Read the story here at NY Times.

EarthSayers Sean Patrick Farrell; Carrie Halperi; Jennifer Morgan
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Ireland, The State of Water, by Eco Eye

Published on Mar 5, 2014

Hosted by Duncan Steward, this video explores whats wrong with the water supply in Ireland?  In parts of Roscommon, residents live under ongoing 'boil' notices to protect themselves from water contaminants. In Dublin last October, the capital faced into water shortages as the biggest web summit in the world hit town.

Meanwhile in Kilmeena national school in Mayo, students under the guidance of their principal Mickey Carney show understanding beyond their years when it comes to their water supply.
Its now the children who are giving the lessons and leading the way in protecting the most precious of all our natural resources.

Eco Eye series 12, Episode 9 "The state of water."

EarthSayer Duncan Stewart
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Our trash speaks volumes by Ocean Conservancy

Our trash tells a lot about who we are, what we value and how we behave. This year, we launched a new on-the-ground research project called Trash Lab that helps us get the whole story about the trash in our ocean. Much of what we uncovered during the project is unsettling, but one thing is clear: Many people care deeply about their local beaches and the special ocean places they enjoy with their friends and family.

Video features Stan Senner, Director of Conservation Science and Carmen Yeung, Conservation Biologist.  Uploaded on Nov 30, 2012.

EarthSayers Stan Senner; Carmen Yeung
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Plastic in Our Oceans More Details

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