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Amazon Watch, your best bet to protect the rainforest.

Since its beginning 20 years ago, Amazon Watch has been deeply committed to defending indigenous peoples' rights and territories, for they are the best guardians of their rainforest homes. Considering that indigenous lands hold 80% of global biodiversity, it is no surprise that extractive industries want their resources. If left to them, the Amazon's Sacred Headwaters would become one big oil field, and the watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon would be destroyed by agribusiness and mega-dams. There is another way! Amazon Watch continues to stand with indigenous allies in defending their territories and sacred natural areas as industrial "No Go Zones." We are committed to supporting and amplifying Sarayaku's Kawsak Sacha, or Living Forests, proposal in defense of all life in the Amazon by keeping the oil in the ground. We want to expand this model throughout the Amazon, so that places like Yasuní National Park and the Xingu and Tapajós rivers will never again be considered for industrial development. We are also waging international market campaigns to expose and pressure governments and corporations that are causing harm. Our new Amazon Crude Campaign aims to reduce demand for rainforest-destroying oil. We recently began working with Brazilian allies to expose the financiers of environmental and indigenous rights law rollbacks. Learn more and join the movement at amazonwatch.org. Produced by @Ecodeo (http://www.ecodeo.co) Additional footage generously provided by: Todd Southgate, SpectralQ, Gert-Peter Bruch / Planète Amazone.

Date 5/8/2017 Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Aboriginal Truth and Reconciliation (Panel)

First Nations and Métis leaders discuss the meaning of truth and reconciliation, the effects of the residential school system, and what should be done next to continue to the process. Featuring Clayton Thomas-Muller, 350.org; Jeff Baker, University of Saskatchewan; Eriel Deranger, Indigenous Climate Action; Melina Laboucan Massimo, Greenpeace Canada; Tara Houska, Honor the Earth This presentation took place in the Indigeneity Forum at the 2016 National Bioneers Conference.

Indigeneity is a Native-led Program within Bioneers/Collective Heritage Institute that promotes indigenous knowledge and approaches to solve the earth’s most pressing environmental and social issues through respectful dialogue.

Support Bioneers today: www.bioneers.org/donate. Please join our mailing list (http://www.bioneers.org/subscribe), stay in touch via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Bioneers.org) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/bioneers).

EarthSayers Eriel Deranger; Melina Laboucan Massimo; Clayton Thomas-Muller
Date 2/20/2017 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
GSR-24 INTERVIEWS: Mei Lin Fung, Chair, People Centered Internet
Interview with Mei Lin Fung, Chair, People Centered Internet, at the Global Symposium for Regulators 2024 (GSR-24), Kampala, Uganda, 1- 4 July 2024. Dr. Mei Lin Fung is Chair and Co-Founder of the People Centered Internet and convenes the Informal Network for Digital Collaboration and Diplomacy, chaired first by Vint Cerf and now by Dr. Nele Loesk, Estonia's Ambassador for Digital Affairs. Mei Lin is a Singaporean living in Silicon Valley who worked at Intel and then Oracle

For further information please visit:

EarthSayers Vint Cerf; Mei Lin Fung; Dr. Nele Loesk
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection AI for Good More Details
Mapping the World’s Trees in Unprecedented Detail with AI
WRI’s Global Restoration Initiative and researchers from Land & Carbon Lab have partnered with Meta to develop a groundbreaking AI foundation model that we’ve used to produce the world’s first global map of tree canopy height at a 1-meter resolution, allowing the detection of single trees at a global scale.

This new high-resolution data sets a baseline for remotely monitoring changes at the level of individual trees, making it a critical advancement for measuring land use emissions and tracking progress on conservation and restoration projects, which are essential for achieving the world’s goals for climate, nature and people. While this initial data set has limitations, it demonstrates the power of foundation models — a type of AI model that can serve as the “foundation†for a variety of tasks — to pave a new path toward AI-driven earth monitoring.

Find out more in our blog: https://www.landcarbonlab.org/news-updates/mapping-trees-unprecedented-detail-ai
EarthSayers John Brandt; Justine Spore
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Timothy Grosser, Partner, International Development, EY interviewed at WSIS +20 FORUM HIGH-LEVEL EVENT 2024 n Geneva, Switzerland, discussion on Digital Public Goods. Digital public goods are public goods in the form of software, data sets, AI models, standards or content that are generally free cultural works and have an intention to contribute to sustainable national and international digital development.

The WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event from 27 to 31 May 2024, commemorates two decades since the World Summit on the Information Society established a global framework for digital cooperation, aiming to build inclusive, people-centric information societies.

EarthSayer Timothy Grosser
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection AI for Good More Details
WSIS +20 FORUM HIGH-LEVEL EVENT 2024 a message from UN Secretary-General Antó
UN Secretary-General António Guterres's message to WSIS +20 FORUM HIGH-LEVEL EVENT 2024.

EarthSayer António Guterres
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
WSIS +20 FORUM HIGH-LEVEL EVENT 2024 - Day 1 - Highlights
Day 1 highlights of the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event held from 27 to 31 May 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.

EarthSayers Doreen Bogdan-Martin; Gillian Millar; Albert Rosti
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection AI for Good More Details
How AI is revolutionizing the world of education

145 views  Premiered Nov 1, 2022  

AI: Artificial Intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

From flipped classrooms to influencing education policies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to push the boundaries of technology in education. Today across key sectors, especially education, AI is helping to improve quality education and access to knowledge. From predicting to optimizing learning patterns, the advancements in edtech are constantly growing, allowing students and teachers to optimize and automate both learning and teaching tasks for a better learning experience. 

In this AI for Good Perspectives, join Prof. Mérouane Debbah,?Chief Researcher of TII’s AI and Digital Science Research Center,?as he discusses the role of data and AI in revolutionizing the education sector and shaping national policies that are advancing the way for equal learning, one of the core United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 


Mérouane Debbah, Chief Researcher, AI and Telecommunication Systems, Technology Innovation Institute (TII)

Mérouane Debbah is a researcher, educator and technology entrepreneur. He is a full professor at CentraleSupélec and Adjunct Professor at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence.


00:00 Intro AI for Good Perspectives

00:37 Intro Professor Mérouane Debbah

00:48 The role of AI in research and in advancing the UN SDGs

02:47 The role of AI in education

04:53 AI national strategies for future generations

06:48 Smart education

EarthSayer Mérouane Debbah
Date unknown Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Innovation and Sustainability More Details
The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial (full documentary) by FRONTLINE

The Power of Big Oil Part One: Denial (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE PBS | Official April 20, 2022

Watch part one of “The Power of Big Oil,” a three-episode FRONTLINE docuseries investigating the fossil fuel industry’s history of casting doubt and delaying action on climate change.

Go inside the decades-long failure to confront the threat and increasing impacts of climate change in “The Power of Big Oil.” This deeply researched docuseries reveals what scientists, corporations and politicians have known about human-caused climate change for decades, and the missed opportunities to mitigate the problem.

This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS station here: http://www.pbs.org/donate. 

Parts two and three of “The Power of Big Oil” premiere April 26 and May 3 on PBS and online: https://to.pbs.org/3rByEEe

Part Two here on EarthSayers.tv.

EarthSayers Russell Gold; Eamonn Matthews; Jane McMullen
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
The Dangerous Disconnect Between Economics and Ecology by William Rees -

The world economy is depleting the earth's natural resources, and economists cling to models that make no reference whatsoever to the biophysical basis that underpins the economy. That's why ecological economics is needed, says William Rees in this INET interview.

Ecological Economics.

William Rees is a bio-ecologist, ecological economist, former Director and Professor Emeritus of the University of British Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning.

Jun 13, 2011

EarthSayer William Rees
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details

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