Planet | Pollution, Toxins & Waste

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Greenwashing by Tryo
Published on Jul 6, 2012
More information on the Tryo group here

You don't need to speak the french language to get the point of this animated short on greenwashing. 
Members: Guizmo, Christophe Mali, Manu Eveno, Daniel "Ito", Bibou

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EarthSayers Manu Eveno; Christophe Mali
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details
Hindsight and Foresight: 20 Years After the Exxon Valdez Spill
Learn about the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989, and where we stand 20 years later. What have we learned? And how are we better prepared to deal with such disasters down the road? Uploaded on Aug 29, 2011 NOAAOceanMediaCenter
EarthSayers David Kennedy; Jacqueline Michel
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details
Creating A Restorative Loop with the Net-Works Programme
With at least 660 million people around the globe relying on the ocean for their livelihoods, and many living on the poverty line, Miriam Turner, Interface's Assistant VP, Co-Innovation, saw an opportunity. Inspired by Aquafil's recycling strides, she asked "Could we take this down to the community level and benefit some of the poorest people in the world? What if we could build a truly inclusive business model - buying discarded nets from local fishermen - giving them extra income - and cleaning up the beaches and oceans at the same time?" Published on Sep 3, 2013 Interface Europe on Facebook.
EarthSayers Nick Hill; Miriam Turner
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Plastic in Our Oceans More Details
Ocean acidification explained in two minutes
The climate is changing, sure, but things are changing underwater, too. A quarter of the greenhouse gases we emit are absorbed by the oceans, changing their fundamental chemistry and causing all sorts of problems for the things that live down there. Which ends up causing problems for the couple billion of us who rely on the oceans for food and livelihood (and the not-to-be-discounted wow-factor — that shit is beautiful). Published on Mar 23, 2015 by Grist, a Beacon in the smog.  Grist on YouTube.
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Spongy Parking Lots by Ruth Ann Barrett

This is an overview of the solution for reducing the pollution, water wasting, unattractive properties of surface parking lots in Portland, Oregon

It builds on a January 22, 2015 story on NPR's Morning Edition entitled, Building Sponge City: Redesigning LA for Long Term Drought. Published on Jan 23, 2015. Curated and annotated by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv. Updated June, 2015.

Websites of team members: Mary Vogel of PlanGreen:Regenerating Communities

Kelli A. Grover, Firwood Design Group (FDG): Surveying, Engineering, Planning

Maria Cahill, Green Girl Land Development Solutions: Cost Effective Storm Water Infrastructure

Suenn Ho, Resolve Architecture: Architectural and Urban Design

Marianne Zarkin: Landscape Architects

Ruth Ann Barrett, EarthSayers.tv: Voices of Sustainability 

EarthSayer Ruth Ann Barrett
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
Recycle Electronics Responsibly by Molly Wood

Recycle Electronics Responsibly | Molly Wood | The New York Times   

Before you throw away your old devices, consider recycling the valuable materials inside them. It’s an easy way to reduce your environmental footprint and maybe make some cash, too.
Produced by: Molly Wood and Rebekah Fergusson Read the New York Times story here.
EarthSayer Molly Wood
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2 by NASA
Published on Nov 17, 2014
An ultra-high-resolution NASA computer model has given scientists a stunning new look at how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere travels around the globe. Very interesting.

Plumes of carbon dioxide in the simulation swirl and shift as winds disperse the greenhouse gas away from its sources. The simulation also illustrates differences in carbon dioxide levels in the northern and southern hemispheres and distinct swings in global carbon dioxide concentrations as the growth cycle of plants and trees changes with the seasons.

The carbon dioxide visualization was produced by a computer model called GEOS-5, created by scientists at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office.

The visualization is a product of a simulation called a “Nature Run.” The Nature Run ingests real data on atmospheric conditions and the emission of greenhouse gases and both natural and man-made particulates. The model is then left to run on its own and simulate the natural behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere. This Nature Run simulates January 2006 through December 2006.

While Goddard scientists worked with a “beta” version of the Nature Run internally for several years, they released this updated, improved version to the scientific community for the first time in the fall of 2014.  

This video is public domain and can be downloaded here. 

Date unknown Format Visualization
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Today is the day we Decide by David Suzuki

This is the biggest thing David Suzuki has ever done. Around the world, more than 110 nations recognize the right to live in a healthy environment, but not Canada. Together, we can change that: http://www.bluedot.ca/join-us Published on Sep 24, 2014

EarthSayer David Suzuki
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Mexican Teenagers Turn Trash Into Music by Juvenal Alvarez

Juvenal Alvarez collects PVC pipes, hoses, cardboard and other scraps on the streets of Guadalajara, converting them into drums, tubas and trumpets. Alvarez and five of his friends call themselves "La Recicleychon", performing for tips every weekend in front of packed crowds.

EarthSayer Juvenal Alvarez
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details
The Sinkhole That's Swallowing Louisiana by Ben Depp

In an industrial strip of land in Louisiana known as Bayou Corne, a 25-acre sinkhole has formed. As earth sinks into the ground, toxic pollutants are being released into the air. Watch as trees disappear into a swamp and meet residents in the area, known as Cancer Alley, who say the place is no longer safe to live.Published on Jan 7, 2014

Producers: Ben Depp
Location: Bayou Corne, USA
Executive Producer: Storyhunter

Storyhunter helps the world's top video journalists and documentary filmmakers produce video stories that matter.Learn more and become a Storyhunter.

EarthSayer Ben Depp
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details

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