People | Human Rights/Social Justice

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Shell Oil's Stern Warning on Climate Change from 1991

Shell Oil Company made Climate of Concern in 1991 as a warning against the dangers of climate change; then they ignored it. 

Oil Giant Shell has spent millions lobbying against action on climate change. Yet a video uncovered by De Correspondent and The Guardian has revealed that the company was acutely aware of the dangers of global warming as early in 1991 when it produced a short documentary warning against the threat of global warming.

Subscribe to Journeyman here.

Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
We Have to Keep Fighting: Standing Rock

Water Protectors Vow Continued Resistance to DAPL as Main Camp Is Evicted

Reported on by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now.

Published on Feb 23, 2017

In North Dakota, the main resistance camp set up by Lakota water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline has been largely vacated after protesters were ordered to leave the camp on Wednesday. Police arrested around 10 people. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the North Dakota governor had imposed a noon eviction deadline for the hundreds of water protectors still living at the resistance camp. Prayers ceremonies were held on Wednesday, and part of the camp was set on fire before the eviction began. Water protectors say the resistance camp sits on unceded Sioux territory under the 1851 Treaty of Fort Laramie and that they have a right to remain on their ancestral land. A couple dozen people remain at the camp. The ongoing encampments in North Dakota were the largest gathering of Native Americans in decades. At its peak, more than 10,000 people were at the resistance camp. Earlier this month, construction crews resumed work on the final section of the pipeline, after the Trump administration granted an easement to allow Energy Transfer Partners to drill beneath the Missouri River. We go to Standing Rock to speak with LaDonna Brave Bull Allard and Linda Black Elk.
EarthSayers Linda Black Elk; LaDonna Brave Bull Allard
Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
A Standing Rock Camp Is Burned | The Daily 360 | The New York Times
Published on Feb 23, 2017
A Standing Rock Camp Is Burned | The Daily 360 | The New York Times

The largest protest camp at Standing Rock was cleared on Wednesday (2/22) after the governor of North Dakota ordered the evacuation of people who had occupied the land for months.

By: Nick Cote, Niko Koppel, and Kaitlyn Mullin

Read the story here

Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
The Benefits of Cannabis by Mary Lou Burton

Published on Dec 29, 2016

Mary Lou Burton shares insight into Oregon's 1st Cannabis Growers Fair in Salem, Oregon. Mary shares her insights into Cannabis as beneficial to health and enthusiastically shares her overview as to how important this plant is to all of us. Produced by Barry Heidt. 

EarthSayer Mary Lou Burton
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Women Grow Cannabis Expo Panel Presentation

Published on Dec 19, 2016

The Women Grow, Cultivating Cannabis Leadership Conference,  in Portland, Oregon.

Amy Peradotta, Sara Holmes, Mary Lou Barton, David Muret, Amanda Conley, Shabnam Malek.
Panel Speakers: Claire Kaufmann, Jesce Horton, Erious Johnson, Jenny Diggles, and James Morris. Produced by Barry Heidt.  His YouTube channel is AllCannabis Considered.tv
EarthSayers Sara Holmes; Claire Kaufmann; Amy Peradotta
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Veterans for Standing Rock with Michael A Wood Jr.
Published on Dec 1, 2016

Malcolm Fleschner of TYT Network interviews Michael A. Wood Jr., a former Marine and Baltimore Police Officer who became a whistleblower over police violence and Veterans for Standing Rock PR coordinator Ashleigh Jennifer Parker. Michael co-founded the Veterans for Standing Rock effort to bring veterans to North Dakota to support the water protectors there. 

EarthSayer Michael A. Wood
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
One Man's Fears for Standing Rock by Richard White

Published on Nov 22, 2016

Richard White, a life-long resident of Standing Rock, discusses his relationship to the land and the water, and his fear for their future.

By: KC McGinnis, Kaitlyn Mullin, and Maureen Towey
EarthSayer Richard White
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Standing Rock Celebrates Halted Pipeline Dec 5, 2016

Published on Dec 5, 2016

Stand in a drum circle at the Oceti Sakowin camp just after the Army announced on Sunday that it would explore alternative routes for the Dakota Access pipeline.

By: Benjamin Norman, Niko Koppel and Kaitlyn Mullin
Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Standing Rock: A Point of Unity and Connectedness by Grace Eagle Reed

Published on Nov 28, 2016

As part of a post election InterFaith Call to Inclusion, Grace Eagle Reed was interviewed on her view of Standing Rock and the #noDAPL movement. Grace was born into Tsa La Gi culture and was adopted by Lakota Grace Spotted Eagle and taught traditional ways. Produced and videotaped by Ruth Ann Barrett and Barry Heidt of EarthSayers.tv, Voices of Sustainability, November 16, 2016.
EarthSayer Grace Eagle Reed
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Standing Rock Indian Reservation More Details
Uncertain Times with Rev. Elizabeth Durant

Published on Nov 26, 2016

As part of the InterFaith Call to Inclusion, we interviewed Rev. Elizabeth Durant of the First Congregational United Church of Christ, Portland, Oregon. Produced and videotaped by Ruth Ann Barrett and Barry Heidt of EarthSayers.tv, Voices of Sustainability, November, 2016 in wake of the 2016 Election.

EarthSayer Elizabeth Durant
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Interfaith Voices: Call to Inclusion More Details

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