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Phenology | Climate Wisconsin by Nina Leopold Bradley

In this multimedia video produced by the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board, Nina Leopold Bradley recounts how she learned as a child to record first flower blooms and the arrival of birds on her family's land along the Wisconsin River. She introduces the practice of phenology, or the study of the timing of life cycles of plants and animals, and explores evidence of climate change from records her family has kept since 1935.

More info and educational resources available at here.Uploaded on Dec 22, 2010

EarthSayer Nina Leopold Bradley
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Wisconsin:Stories from a State of Change More Details
Interconnectedness and Keeping Oil Underground by Manari Ushinga

Manari Ushinga of the Sápara people in Ecuador shares with us his people's view the natural world, our interconnectedness, and the importance of keeping the oil that lies underneath the Ecuadorian Amazon untouched. Published on Apr 15, 2014 by Pachamama Alliance.

EarthSayer Manari Ushinga
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rights of Mother Earth More Details
Woodlands of Ireland by Eco-Eye

 In ancient Ireland, trees were revered and worshiped, the price of chopping one down was severe, so why has this love and respect of our natural woodlands not survived?

Episode two of Eco Eye 2014 looks at the efforts of those trying to save and even restore our native woodlands and along with it the biodiversity that thrived for thousands of years in these magical places

Published on Jan 14, 2014

See also Woodlands of Ireland and BirdWatch Ireland.

EarthSayers Dr. John Cross; Anja Murry; Aileen Sullivan
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Action2020- A sustainable development business plan for Earth

In this video, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) presents its groundbreaking new Action2020 plan. Based on science, Action2020 sets the agenda for business action on sustainable development to address the most urgent needs of life on planet Earth.

This Action2020 video, which was first launched at the WBCSD's Council meeting in Istanbul in November 2013, features the voices of active WBCSD members, including Syngenta CEO Mike Mack, Unilever CEO and WBCSD Council Chairman Paul Polman, Toshiba Chairman Atsutoshi Nishida, ERM CEO John Alexander and DNV CEO Henrik Madsen. Published on Mar 10, 2014

EarthSayers Mike Mack; Henrik Madson; Paul Polman
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
The First Census of Marine Life

"Breathe In" - produced by National Geographic for the release of results of the first Census of Marine Life - 4 October 2010 - Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, UK Uploaded on Oct 5, 2010World Oceans Census

The first census represents over 9,000 days at sea involving over 600 institutions and establishes a baseline for answering the age old question, how many fish in the sea?

To order the book, World Ocean Census, click on the image or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.


Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
About the Center for the Blue Economy

The Center for the Blue Economy is a program of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. The National Ocean Economics Program The National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP) is now the main research arm of the Center for the Blue Economy at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. NOEP provides a full range of the most current economic and socioeconomic information available on changes and trends along the U.S. coast and in coastal waters. Emphasis is on education and research.


Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Ocean Observations Biodiversity by Census of Marine Life

A video by the Census of Marine Life about why we need to monitor biodiversity in the oceans and how it can be done using existing technologies on a global scale. More information on OBIS, Ocean Biographic Information System. Uploaded on Nov 28, 2007


Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - Interactive webcast

Features Amed Jkoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. He defines biodiversity. The loss or degradation of biodiversity, now occurring at an unprecedented pace at local and global levels is a threat to our environment, economies, cultures and societies. It is changing our conception of ourselves and our place in the world. Human impact on biodiversity, ecosystems and climate continues to grow and the complexity and diversity of the range of services that flow from biodiversity are often unknown and undervalued.

EarthSayer Amed Jkoghlaf
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details
Polar Bears Drowing in Arctic (PSA 2014)

Global warming is killing polar bears. As their sea-ice habitat disappears, bears are drowning, starving to death, and in some desperate cases, even eating each other.

It doesn't have to be this way. With your help, the Center for Biological Diversity can educate and inspire 100 million people to take action to save polar bears.

In 2010 the Center won the Top Ten Award for our polar bear public service television ad, reaching a record 90 million people. This year we have a powerful new ad, and we need your help to inform 100 million people about the polar bear's plight.

Help us get the message out while polar bears still have a chance.
We've been top-rated by the American Institute of Philanthropy, and you can trust us to make the most of your tax-deductible donation. Please call toll-free (866) 357-3349 x323. You can also mail a check to: Center for Biological Diversity, PO Box 710, Tucson, AZ 85702

Date unknown Format Advertisment Public Service
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details
Climate Change and Biodiversity of the Mediteranean sea by Jean-Pierre Quignard:

Jean-Pierre Quignard, professor in Ichtyology, tells us about the consequences of warming waters in the Mediteranean sea.
He says:'What solutions can we find to the modifications brought about by climate change in the Mediterranean? I am a researcher, I study fish and in this field, I see no solution.'

Uploaded on Dec 17, 2009 A GoodPlanet Foundation project, based on an initiative, 7Billion Others, by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and supported by BNP Paribas.

EarthSayers Yann Arthus-Bertrand; Jean-Pierre Quignards
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details

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