Transforming Our Economy

About This Collection

Inspired by the Capital Institute's Third Millennium Economy initiative, this collection highlights those voices - ecological economists, sociologist, finance professionals, environmentalists, community developers - advocating a restructuring of our economy to transition to a truly sustainable economic system.

Curated by mokiethecat

The Capitalist's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen

Published on Sep 25, 2013

Empowering Innovation drives job creation.

One of the world's most influential business thinkers Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School visits the RSA to explain how countries and companies can become more successful innovators, and create new, robust sources of growth.

Speaker: Clayton M. Christensen, Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and author of "The Innovator's Dilemma". Discussant: Tom Hulme, Design Director at IDEO in London and Managing Director of OpenIDEO and OIEngine - IDEO's open innovation enterprises.

Chaired by Rohan Silva, entrepreneur-in-residence at Index Ventures, and former senior policy adviser to the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street.

To purchase his book from Amazon, just click on th image or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.


EarthSayer Clayton Christensen

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