
About This Collection

As a result of a United Nations General Assembly resolution passed in December 2008, World Oceans Day is celebrated on June 8th each year. This annual event spurred the creation of a special collections around our oceans and the efforts being made in conservation ranging from pollution to habitat restoration to fishing and fisheries.

The special collection continues to grow along with Plastic in Our Oceans and 1Water, with a focus on the challenge of providing clean drinking water to the world population.

Curated by mokiethecat

The Oceans and Global Warming by Steve Palumbi

Marine Biologist, Dr. Stephen Palumbi, discusses the oceans and global warming which is transforming our environment. The temperature, acidity and water level of the ocean is rising. These changes are increasing in speed and magnitude and their effects will last for centuries. Corals are among those organisms hit hardest by global warming. The rate our climate changes will determine whether coral can survive or not. Uploaded on Nov 5, 2008

EarthSayer Stephen Palumbi

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