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Transforming Lives throught Education by UST Global
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UST Global has partnered with several government schools and other NGO's in southern India to provide uniforms, school supplies, books and computers to help in the education process. Associates also tutor, mentor and encourage children to stay in school and dream big.

Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
HP Global Social Innovation
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This video highlights the impact and breadth of HP's social innovation work globally. It inspires and engages HP's 325,000 employees in making their work matter each day - from volunteering their expertise to innovating technologies to solve the most pressing societal challenges, and inspires others what we can achieve as a company.


Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
29 Years of Delivering Sight Worldwide: FexEx and ORBIS
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FedEx uses our core strengths to support ORBIS and their unique Flying Eye Hospital, a converted DC10. We help maintain the plane, provide volunteer pilots, donate millions of dollars of cash and in-kind transportation support, and team members provide volunteer support on the ground for programs around the world. Winner of Corporate Citizenship film festival.

EarthSayers Jack McHale; Frederick Smith; Valerie Suberg
Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
Dr. Murray Coombs' Letter and Dow Outreach Program
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Dr. Murray Coombs writes a letter about the future of children and his work providing HIV vaccines as part of Dow's local outreach.  Born to parents with HIV/AIDS and herself being infected, this 12-year-old girl is a catalyst in the notion that hope is always possible. Set in South Africa, this is the story of determination and perseverance, hope in the midst of adversity, one young girl's will to live and the role of Dow in helping to make her dreams come true.

EarthSayer Murray Coombs, M.D.
Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
Lobbying for Good: End Domestic Violence by Mary Kay
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In the United States, Mary Kay, Inc. is committed to changing the lives of women and children by helping to end and prevent domestic violence.

Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
Zero Garbage Initiative by Cummins India with Janwani
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Cummins employees launched an ambitious program to eliminate all waste in a Pune, India neighborhood. In doing so, they transformed the lives of marginalized persons, known as "rag pickers" through a new economic model. The pilot serves as a model for the rest of Pune and, indeed, all of India.  The project was in partnership with Janwani, a social initiative of the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA).

Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
The Sanctuary on 8th and CSX
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In an ongoing effort to incorporate citizenship into the day-to-day operation of CSX, new management trainees in 2011 volunteered 2,328 hours over five different Saturdays to renovate The Sanctuary on 8th, an organization dedicated to providing education and enrichment to inner-city kids in a safe, welcoming environment.

EarthSayers Ginger Hodge; Biko Misabiko; Anquinette Spenser
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
Health Care in Bolivia: Mano a Mano with Caterpillar
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Caterpillar invests with Mano a Mano to address the lack of access to health care in Bolivia, where the infant mortality rate is one of the highest in the world. By helping build roads, and thus growing access to medical clinics, the infant mortality rate is going down and many Bolivians are getting access to the health care they need.

EarthSayers Cintia Avila; Hilda Ramirez, M.D.; Segunda Velasquez
Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Health and Wellness More Details
Sunshine in the Neighborhood by Bright Horizons
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In honor of the 25th anniversary of Bright Horizons, 25 employees were selected to spend a week in the poorest zip code in America creating a learning and play space for young children and their families. This is their story.

EarthSayers Maryann Hedda; Dave Lissy; Karin Weaver
Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Citizenship Film Festival More Details
Project Shellter for Hermit Crabs by Bre Pettis
Static PreviewHermit crabs don’t make their own shells. They scavenge their homes. And now, hermit crabs are facing a housing shortage as the worldwide shell supply is decreasing. As a community, we can reach out to this vulnerable species and offer applying MakerBot's digital design skills and 3D printing capabilities to give hermit crabs another option: 3D printed shells.  See article on this project at Txchnologist magazine.
EarthSayer Bre Pettis
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details

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