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McDonald's Lettuce Supplier,"Field to Fork" by Dirk Giannini
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Growing fresh, high-quality lettuce is more than a job. For Dirk Giannini, it's a family tradition in the Salinas Valley, California. He talks about origins of terms "iceberg" lettuce. Provides lettuce for 80% of the nation.  Additional videos on McDonald's food suppliers found on their YouTube channel.

EarthSayer Dirk Giannini
Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Growing Farmers by Nathan McFall
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After serving as an Environmental Protection Extension Agent teaching farming and environmental education in Africa for two years in the Peace Corps, Nathan found that his passion was in living close to the Earth and in a community where it truly takes a village to move through life well.  

In 2010 in collaboration with Matt Brown, Benjamin Green and Bobbie Brown, Nathan formed Food Waves focusing on producing organic food for the local Portland, Oregon market, they see their mission growing farmers in a movement they call small acre stewardship.

Food|Waves promotes sustainable agriculture as a long-term solution to major environmental issues facing the overall health of the world’s soil, water and people. Our aim is to develop future farmers by providing the technical and financial support necessary to learn how to grow organic food for local consumers.

Videotaped July 2, 2011 by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv, voices of sustainability with music by Benjamin Bogosian. 

EarthSayers Matt Brown; Bobbie Brown; Nathan McFall
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Meatrix and the Lie We Tell Ourselves by Moopheus
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Voices of Sustainability: Where meat and animal products come from by Moopheus who is a family farm advocate. Visit www.themeatrix.com.

EarthSayer Moopheus
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Healthy, Local, Fresh: Farmers Markets and Community Wellness
Static PreviewSponsored by the Tacoma Farmers Market and Triniti Media, this film depicts the rising health concerns in Pierce County due to poor nutrition, and how the Tacoma Farmers Markets make healthy and locally-grown food accessible to local residents.
EarthSayer Kirsten Frandsen
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
The Organic Seed Alliance with Frank Morton
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Sustainable Today visits with Frank Morton of the Wild Garden Seed Company and explores the role of the Organic Seed Alliance. The goal is to preserve organic resources for use by farmers to develop the open source market for organic seed.

Sustainability, Seeds, Farming, Food Production

EarthSayer Frank Morton
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Grasslands and Carbon by John Fullerton
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Sustainability - John Fullerton of the Capital Institute talks about his journey from Wall Street to being a sustainability advocate. An early influence in his understanding of the sustainability crisis was the work of E.F. Schumacher author of the book, Small is Beautiful.

John goes on to discuss his work with Allan Savory, founder of Holistic Management, in restoring grasslands and, ultimately, carbon back to the soil. The interview was conducted by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv in San Francisco on October 7th, 2010.

The mission of the Capital Institute is to stimulate the interaction and action of leaders, scholars, and society by raising awareness of the need to harness the power of capital and markets to advance a just, resilient, and sustainable economic system that will improve lives and preserve the planet.

The focus of the Allan Savory Institute is to restore the vast grasslands of the world through the teaching and practice of Holistic Management and Holistic Decision Making.

Founded in 1980 the mission of the Schumacher Society is to promote the building of strong local economies that link people, land, and community.

EarthSayers John Fullerton; Allan Savory
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Seeding Deep Democracy - Vandana Shiva
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Scientist, activist, author Vandana Shiva talks about the importance of saving non-GMO seeds and her concept of 'Earth Democracy.' She notes that 150,000 farmers have committed suicide where they have to buy seeds from Monsanto at high prices every year. She discusses the importance of ecosystem conservation and the need for people to be conservers. More on topics addressing justice, peace, compassion and sustainability.

EarthSayer Vandana Shiva
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details

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