People | Peace, War, Violence, Security
Peacemaking, Non-Violence

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About The Enough Project
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The world's worst human rights abuses require permanent solutions. The Enough Project uses cutting-edge research, advocacy and campaigning to work toward ending genocide and crimes against humanity.

EarthSayers Don Cheadle; George Clooney; John Prendergast
Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Conflict-free Minerals More Details
Conflict-free Minerals a Campus Initiative
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Join Raise Hope For Congo's "Conflict-Free Campus" initiative and help bring peace to the Congo by making your campus conflict-free. Learn more at www.RaiseHopeForCongo.org/campus.

Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Conflict-free Minerals More Details
Visionaries Who Have Shaped Me by Satish Kumar
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 Satish Kumar is a former monk and long term peace and environment activist. Satish reflects upon the visionary leaders who have shaped his outlook and approach to life. These include Mahatma Gandhi, HH Dalai Lama, Bertrand Russell, John F. Kennedy and Fritz Schumacher.

EarthSayer Satish Kumar
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Sustainability Mindset More Details
Creative Stress: A Path for the Evolved Life by James O'Dea
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James O'Dea is a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and was until recently its President. The former Washington office director of Amnesty International and CEO of the Seva Foundation, O’Dea is a member of The Evolutionary Leaders Group founded by Deepak Chopra. Here he discusses the challenge of living through personal and planetary upheavel and his new book, Creative Stress.  Click on the book to be connected to Amazon.

EarthSayer James O'Dea
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Health and Wellness More Details
I met the Walrus
Static PreviewIn 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced him to do an interview. 38 years later, Levitan, director Josh Raskin and illustrators James Braithwaite and Alex Kurina have collaborated to create an animated short film using the original interview recording as the soundtrack. A spellbinding vessel for Lennon's boundless wit and timeless message, I Met the Walrus was nominated for the 2008 Academy Award for Animated Short and won the 2009 Emmy for 'New Approaches' (making it the first film to win an Emmy on behalf of the internet).
EarthSayers James Braithwaite; John Lennon; Jerry Levitan
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
Sustainability: Looking Away by John Perkins
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Author, Economist and Founder/Board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance John Perkins talks about how it is okay for Corporations to make a profit and return on their investment, BUT...and here is a VERY important message so give a listen. Here is his list of ten things you can do to save the Earth. Follow him on Twitter.

Video taped by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv at the Global Summit held in San Francisco 2010.

EarthSayer John Perkins
Date unknown Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details

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