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A Brighter Future
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Uploaded on Nov 30, 2009

Suranjini Kumar, a homemaker, relates how she has taken advantage D.Light, possible through the advances in light emitting diode (LED) technology, moving from oil lamps and matches to bright light in her home.

The Challenge: More than 1.5 billion people in the world live without access to electricity. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals identify electricity as essential to eradicating poverty, calling for 500 million more people to be electrified by 2015. Many households rely on kerosene lanterns and candles to meet their lighting needs, but these light sources are expensive, hazardous, polluting and produce low-quality light.

Many thanks to Jamie Billet for his tireless efforts producing this video and Raina Kumra and Vineet & Abha Agrwal for their help with translations.

EarthSayers Jamie Billet; Suranjini Kumar
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Jacqueline Novogratz and The Acumen Fund More Details
Ten Years of Acumen Fund
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Acumen Fund's origin story told through the diverse voices in our community.Uploaded on Nov 12, 2011

Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Jacqueline Novogratz and The Acumen Fund More Details
Acumen Fund Fellows - A New Generation of Leaders
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Learn more about the Acumen Fund Fellows Program here. www.acumenfund.org/fellows.html

Uploaded on Sep 30, 2010

Date unknown Format Students
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Jacqueline Novogratz and The Acumen Fund More Details
Power In Our Interconnectedness by Jacqueline Novogratz
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Published on Mar 7, 2013

Go where markets and government have failed before. The Status Qou and Business as Usual cannot exist any longer.  Investing as a means, not just an end.  Jacqueline Novogratz, social entrepreneur, and founder of the Acumen Fund.  TEDxEuston,

Intro and Outro music by Kadialy Kouyate performed at TEDxEuston 2011. You can view the full performance here.

EarthSayer Jacqueline Novogratz
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Jacqueline Novogratz and The Acumen Fund More Details
Surviving the New American Economy with Garson and Miner
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Bill Moyers has followed the stories of two Milwaukee families since 1991. Like thousands of others, they were caught in the powerful undertow of a merciless economy and a changing city, constantly faced with devastating challenges and difficult choices. Bill revisits his reports on these families, and also explores the human price of inequality with journalists Barbara Miner and Barbara Garson. Click on images to order their books from Amazon or visit your local book store. Thank you.

Published on Jul 4, 2013

EarthSayers Barbara Garson; Barbara Minor; Bill Moyers
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Bill Moyers More Details
Introduction to New World Bank President Dr. Jim Kim
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Dr. Jim Kim introduces himself and asks for citizen input by asking these questions: What are your views on the best ways to eradicate poverty? What are the most exciting innovations that can bring greater prosperity to everyone? How can we harness the great experience that exists in member countries?
Submit your questions and comments in the form below or tweet with #AskJimKim and follow @WorldBank on Twitter for updates.

EarthSayer Dr. Jim Kim
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Education is Everything, Education is Life! by Betty Iddrisu
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Ms. Iddrisu's presentation at the conference entitled, "Optimizing Talent: Closing Educational and Social Mobility Gaps Worldwide" at the Salzburg Global Seminar in Dec. 2011.

Betty Mould Iddrisu, The Minister of Education in Ghana, speaks on the critical importance of education on society, and how her country is working hard to reform the educational system to provide quality education to all. She elaborates on the necessity to replace the approx. 5000 "schools under trees" with more functional and permanent solutions, to provide quality teachers to rural children, and to make sure that girls have equal chances as boys do, regarding education.

EarthSayer Betty Mould Iddrisu
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Salzburg Global Seminar More Details
One Milliion Shoes -Samaritan's Feete
This video is from a non-profit organization, namely Samaritan's Feet. They are raising 1 Million shoes for poor children who cannot afford to buy their own shoes. Let us continue supporting Samaritan's Feet by visiting www.doingmypart.com.
EarthSayer Ron Hunter
Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Blue Sweater
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Jacqueline Novogratz brings us a series of insightful stories and unforgettable characters — from women dancing in a Nairobi slum, to unwed mothers starting a bakery, to courageous survivors of the Rwandan genocide, to entrepreneurs building services for the poor against impossible odds. Her book, The Blue Sweater is the inspiring story of a woman who has spent her life on a quest to understand global poverty and to find powerful new ways of tackling it.


EarthSayer Jacqueline Novogratz
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Jacqueline Novogratz and The Acumen Fund More Details

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