Prosperity | Energy
Oil Depletion

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Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth
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Environmental devastation of the land, water, and air - the largest industrial energy project in the world is extracting crude oil from bitumen found beneath the pristine boreal forest of Alberta, Canada. Effecting a land mass equivalent in size to Florida or England, Both industry and government are putting money before the health and security of its people and the environment.

Uploaded on Apr 27, 2011

EarthSayer Andrew Nikiforuk
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Alberta Canada Tar Sands More Details
Oil Over Water: Ecuador's Indigenous Peoples Threatened: by Barry Heidt
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This is a radio interview of Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayerWorld Water Days.tv about his recent trip to Ecuador's Achuar Territory to interview the indigenous leaders. The interview was conducted on World Water Day. Barry addresses the water pollution caused by the extraction of oil as it is important to bear witness to what remains ahead of the indigenous Oil Dripping Ecuador Logocommunities in Ecuador unless all of us who are sustainability advocates raise our hands and our voices against the continued pillage of Mother Earth and her peoples in the name of short term profits and our insatiable demand for oil regardless of the consequences.

EarthSayer Barry Heidt
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
What is the Advanced Energy Economy by Graham Richard
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Graham Richard, CEO of Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) , a business trade association discusses their role in enabling its member organizations to prosper in this sector and why we need to develop a unified voice at the local, regional and country level to promote an advanced energy economy.

Published on Jun 21, 2012

EarthSayer Graham Richard
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Renewable Energy & The Smart Grid More Details
Screams of the Amazon by Fundacion Pachamama
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"The world has not done an analysis to decide whether oil is more valuable than what is lost by destroying the Amazon. We have so much. In order to debate on an economic level, we would have to conduct a thorough study to find out how much the Amazon couldPachamama Ecuador give to the world. What they want here is easy money to pay the external debt to China and they will destroy the Amazon under this pretext." -Patricia Gualinga, Kichwa Community of Sarayaku, Ecuador.
Oil Round in southeastern Ecuador offers national and transnational companies 
about 3 million hectors of tropical forest which is home to seven indigenous nacionalides. The signing of contracts with oil companies is privista for October this year. Published on Mar 9, 2013

Produced by Pacha Producciones, Quito, Ecuador, 2013

EarthSayer Patricia Giualinga
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Give It Back! Oil and the Smart Citizen Dividend by Johnny West
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Why is it so hard to give it back? Citizen dividends in oil rich countries. Johnny West is a social entrepreneur and writer with 20 years professional experience in and around the oil industry. He began covering energy markets as a Reuters correspondent in the Middle East in the early 1990s.  He is founder of OpenOil and a transparency activist.

EarthSayer Johnny West
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
The True Cost of Oil: Tar Sands by Garth Lenz
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What does environmental devastation actually look like? At TEDxVictoria, photographer Garth Lenz shares shocking photos of the Alberta Tar Sands mining project -- and the beautiful (and vital) ecosystems under threat.

For almost twenty years, Garth's photography of threatened wilderness regions, devastation, and the impacts on indigenous peoples, has appeared in the world's leading publications. His recent images from the boreal region of Canada have helped lead to significant victories and large new protected areas in the Northwest Territories, Quebec, and Ontario. Garth's major touring exhibit on the Tar Sands premiered on Los Angeles in 2011 and recently appeared in New York. Garth is a Fellow of the International League Of Conservation Photographers

Filmed at TEDxVictoria on November 19 2011.

EarthSayer Garth Lenz
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Alberta Canada Tar Sands More Details
Secretary Clinton on Keystone Pipeline Project
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U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton holds a bilateral meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird to discuss the Keystone Pipeline project at the State Department, on August 5, 2011. [Go for more video and text transcript.]

EarthSayer Secretary Hillary Clinton
Date unknown Format Government
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Alberta Canada Tar Sands More Details
The Scale of It All by Edward Burtynsky
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Discussion of the scale of our waste stream, the landscape of oil, the energy envelope, and the issue of sustainability by photographer Burtynsky.

EarthSayer Edward Burtynsky
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Alberta Canada Tar Sands More Details
Peak Oil and the Globe's Limitations by Richard Heinberg
Static PreviewRichard Heinberg, senior fellow with the Post Carbon Institute and the author of The Party's Over, Peak Everything and, most recently, Blackout, discusses the phenomenon of peak oil and how it will affect life on this planet. Low hanging fruit approach to resource extraction is over with and very expensive oil being the norm causing our economy to go into recession.
EarthSayer Richard Heinberg
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Kumi Naidoo Scales Cairn's Arctic Oil Rig
Static PreviewWatch this amazing video of Kumi Naidoo - the global head of Greenpeace - braving freezing water fired from water cannon to scale a massive Arctic oil rig. See the action and hear from Kumi about why he chose to make a brave personal stand against the madness of Arctic oil drilling. Right now, Kumi remains in custody in a Greenlandic jail.
EarthSayer Kumi Naidoo
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details

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