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Wahbanung Book by Turtle Lodge

Elder Dr. David Courchene introduces a new book by the Knowledge Keepers from the Turtle Lodge - "Wahbanung - The Resurgence of a People: Clearing the Path for Our Survival *Transcript here

AVAILABLE NOW: Purchase a copy of "Summary of Wahbanung - The Resurgence of a  People: Clearing the Path for Our Survival" here.  

EarthSayer Elder Dr. David Courchene
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Elder Dave Courchene More Details
Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Sir David King (Part 3)

Prominent scientist, Sir David King – former chief scientific adviser to the UK government from 2013-2017 – talks to the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) about how research on climate-altering technologies in the Arctic might be governed. Sir David King joined two sessions hosted by C2G on October 10th at the 2019 Arctic Circle Assembly, where scientists, policy experts, indigenous activists, youth representatives, and other civil society representatives explored some of the toughest questions facing decision-makers today as they contemplate the future of the Arctic. 

Learn more here.

EarthSayer Sir David King
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Sir David King (Part 2)

Prominent scientist, Sir David King – former chief scientific adviser to the UK government from 2013-2017 – talks to the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) about how research on climate-altering technologies in the Arctic might be governed. Sir David King joined two sessions hosted by C2G on October 10th at the 2019 Arctic Circle Assembly, where scientists, policy experts, indigenous activists, youth representatives, and other civil society representatives explored some of the toughest questions facing decision-makers today as they contemplate the future of the Arctic. Learn more here.

EarthSayer Sir David King
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Sir David King (Part 1)

Prominent scientist, Sir David King – former chief scientific adviser to the UK government from 2013-2017 – talks to the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) about how research on climate-altering technologies in the Arctic might be governed. Sir David King joined two sessions hosted by C2G on October 10th at the 2019 Arctic Circle Assembly, where scientists, policy experts, indigenous activists, youth representatives, and other civil society representatives explored some of the toughest questions facing decision-makers today as they contemplate the future of the Arctic. Learn more here. t 

EarthSayer Sir David King
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
A Modern Pioneer in the Cherokee Nation (Wilma Mankiller)

Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Wilma Mankiller, Principle Chief of the Cherokee Nation from 1983-1995. Ms. Mankiller (1945-2010) discusses her experiences as related in her book, "Mankiller: A Chief and Her People." She describes her early political activism as well as her eventual return to her home (Oklahoma) which led to her involvement in the Cherokee tribe. Also includes her election as tribal chief as well as her time in office, and, now that she is stepping down, her reflections on the experience. (1994 Interview)

EarthSayer Wilma Mankiller
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
White Buffalo Prophesy by Chief Phil Lane

This Prophecy of the White Buffalo has been kept within our Magaska Ptesan Wicoti, Hinhan Wicasa Oyate for more than 160 years. Here it is described by Chief Phil Lane of the Four Worlds International Institute.

EarthSayer Chief Phil Lane
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Trust Brings Freedom 2 of 2 with Wallace Black Elk (Lakota)

Wallace Black Elk: We are born with love, kindness, generosity and giving. Connie Baxter Marlow: Walking in Trust: Radical Childrearing. Trust is the key to living in harmony, live a new way of being, bring your gift, each child knows his path, Trust in a loving universe. Native American way of discovery. LIsten to circumstance. Watch the signs. Healing of Separation. Courage. Wallace Black Elk, Connie Baxter Marlow, Sally Ranney in Aspen, Colorado. July 13, 1998. Excerpts from REALITY CHECK!

EarthSayers Wallace Black Elk; Connie Baxter Marlow; Sally Ranney
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Trust Brings Freedom 1 of 2 with Wallace Black Elk (Lakota)

Wallace Black Elk speaks from the Universal mind. Doubt has separated us from the Creator and created the reality we experience. Understanding the true nature of the rock, fire, water and green. Time for all colors of humanity to put their heads together unanimously to bring universal telepathic language back. No time, no space.

Trust Brings Freedom 2 of 2 available here

Sally Ranney brings insights into The Trust Frequency. Wallace Black Elk and Sally Ranney in Aspen, Colorado July 13, 1998 excerpts from REALITY CHECK! For Information on The Trust Frequency developed after spending 15 years in close association with WBE and other visionary elders and personal insights and experiences: http://TheTrustFrequency.net

EarthSayer Wallace Black Elk
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Walking In Prayer with Grandmother Beatrice

This movie is a tribute to Grandmother Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance, a recently departed member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.

EarthSayer Grandmother Beatrice
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Mayan Indigenous Grandmother Flordemayo

Grandmother Flordemayo, Curandera Espiritu of the Maya People, addresses the Spotlight of Indigenous Peoples plenary at the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 19th. Jean Fleury offers a message written in 1244 left for humanity.

EarthSayer Grandmother Flordemayo
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details

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