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Charles Clover | Rewilding the Sea: How to Save Our Oceans | Talks at Google
Charles Clover discusses his latest book "Rewilding the Sea: How to Save Our Oceans", an essential and revelatory book from one of the leading figures in marine conservation, urging us to rethink our relationship with nature, save our oceans and save our own life support system. The world’s oceans have never faced more challenges—from ruthless overfishing, plastic pollution and acidification. And if that wasn’t enough, overfishing is accelerating climate change. The latest scientific research shows that trawling and dredging creates more CO2 than the aviation industry, and damages vast areas of our continental shelves, stopping them soaking up carbon. But change is achievable, and change is happening. "Rewilding the Sea" celebrates what happens when fishermen and communities engage with each other and allow nature to repair the damage. Charles Clover is a co-founder of Blue Marine Foundation, an impactful and influential marine conservation charity. Charles made his name as an author and environmental journalist writing principally for The Sunday Times and the Daily Telegraph for which he was environment editor for twenty-two years. His book The End of The Line (Ebury, 2004) and the award-winning major documentary film of the same name (presented by Clover) highlighted overfishing as a global problem and inspired the foundation of Blue Marine Foundation. For more information on Blue Marine Foundation, please visit https://www.bluemarinefoundation.com/. Get the book here: https://goo.gle/3oC7nQ1. Moderated by Matt Bongiovi.
Date 8/16/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Charles Blow: A Black Power Manifesto
Join us on November 19 at 6 pm for the Commonwealth Club’s Virtual Gala. Raise your glass to Good Health, as we celebrate the leadership of women in science and medicine. Text Club2021 to 41444 or visit commonwealthclub.org/2021gala to register and donate today! Violence against Black people—both physical and psychological—has seemed only to increase in recent years, culminating in the historic pandemic and protests in the summer of 2020. “After centuries of waiting for white majorities to overturn white supremacy,” Charles Blow writes, “ it seems to me that it has fallen to Black people to do it themselves.” A New York Times op-ed columnist, Blow felt compelled to write a new story for Black Americans, one that involves a succinct, counterintuitive and impassioned correction to the myths that have for too long governed our thinking about race and geography in America. The Devil You Know is a grand exhortation to generations of a people, proposing nothing short of the most audacious power play by Black people in the history of this country. Join us as Charles Blow offers a road map to true and lasting freedom. NOTES Part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by The Bernard Osher Foundation. Photo by Beowulf Sheehan. OCTOBER 19, 2021 SPEAKERS Charles Blow Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times; Author, The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto; Twitter @CharlesMBlow In Conversation with Melissa Murray Frederick I. and Grace Stokes Professor of Law, NYU School of Law; Co-host, "Strict Scrutiny" Podcast; Twitter @ProfMMurray 💯SUBSCRIBE for more VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/user/commonwealthclub 📆 UPCOMING EVENTS: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events 🎉 BECOME a MEMBER: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/membership 💰 DONATE NOW: https://support.commonwealthclub.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=298 📺➕📻 Watch & Listen https://www.commonwealthclub.org/watch-listen CWC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonwealthclub/ CWC Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cwclub/ CWC Twitter https://twitter.com/cwclub The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum 📣, bringing together its 20,000 members for more than 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy. Founded in 1903 in San Francisco California 🌉, The Commonwealth Club has played host to a diverse and distinctive array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Hillary Clinton in 2010. Along the way, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have all given landmark speeches at the Club.
Date 10/28/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Jimmy Carter's Presidential Legacy: A Conversation with Pulitzer Prize Winning Historian Kai Bird
Historian and journalist Kai Bird's new book, The Outlier, is being acclaimed as a definitive account of President Jimmy Carter's presidency, including how President Carter’s often-controversial policies and initiatives appear in historical perspective. Carter assisted Bird in his research, giving him exclusive access to the private papers of Charles Kirbo, Carter’s longtime personal lawyer and political adviser, as well as to the unpublished diaries of Carter White House aides Langdon Butler, Tim Kraft and Jerome Doolittle. Bird points out that as president, Jimmy Carter was not merely an outsider: he was an outlier. He was the only president in a century to grow up in the heart of the Deep South, and his born-again Christianity made him the most openly religious president in memory. Bird says this outlier brought to the White House a rare mix of humility, candor and unnerving self-confidence that neither Washington nor America was ready to embrace. Bird traces the arc of Carter’s administration, from his aggressive domestic agenda to his controversial foreign policy record, taking readers inside the Oval Office and through Carter’s battles with both a political establishment and a Washington press corps that proved as adversarial as any foreign power. Mr. Bird shows how issues still hotly debated today—from national health care to growing inequality and racism to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict—burned at the heart of Carter’s America, and consumed a president who found a moral duty in solving them. Bird won the Pulitzer Prize for biography for American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. His work includes critical writings on the Vietnam War, Hiroshima, nuclear weapons, the Cold War, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the CIA. Now, join a fascinating conversation with Kai Bird about this highly regarded American leader whose presidential legacy Mr. Bird says has been deeply misunderstood. NOTES This program is part of The Commonwealth Club's Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation. Author photo by Joshua Bird. WED, AUG 18 2021 SPEAKERS Kai Bird Executive Director and Distinguished Lecturer, City University of New York Leon Levy Center for Biography; Pulitzer Prize Winning Historian and Journalist; Author, The Outlier: The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter In Conversation with Dr. Gloria Duffy President and CEO, The Commonwealth Club of California; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Clinton Program Chair: Dr. Mary Bitterman President, Bernard Osher Foundation; Member, Commonwealth Club Board of Governors 💯SUBSCRIBE for more VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/user/commonwealthclub 📆 UPCOMING EVENTS: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events 🎉 BECOME a MEMBER: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/membership 💰 DONATE NOW: https://support.commonwealthclub.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=298 📺➕📻 Watch & Listen https://www.commonwealthclub.org/watch-listen CWC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonwealthclub/ CWC Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cwclub/ CWC Twitter https://twitter.com/cwclub The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum 📣, bringing together its 20,000 members for more than 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy. Founded in 1903 in San Francisco California 🌉, The Commonwealth Club has played host to a diverse and distinctive array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Hillary Clinton in 2010. Along the way, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have all given landmark speeches at the Club.
Date 8/27/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Cult of We: The WeWork story
WeWork revolutionized working spaces. By investing in commercial real estate and converting property into flexible shared workspaces, WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann was set to transform the way people get work done. The company offered more than shared space, investing in education and housing initiatives through its WeGrow schools and WeLive residences. Israeli businessman Adam Neumann was on track to become the world’s first trillionaire, but the company soon found itself burning through money with a last hope attempt through a Hail Mary IPO. From the minds of Wall Street Journal reporters Eliot Brown and Maureen Farrell, The Cult of We uncovers the wins, hiccups, and turmoil of tech startups. Eliot Brown has spent his career covering startups, venture capital, commercial real estate and economic development. Similarly, Maureen Farrell focuses on the role of initial public offerings and capital markets in creating a successful business. Together, Brown and Farrell delve into the case of WeWork founder Adam Neumann to better understand how startups can revolutionize the world and what happens when they fail to do so. Join us as Eliot Brown and Maureen Farrell, along with program moderator Charles Duhigg, uncover the gripping reality of tech startup culture. NOTES In association with INFORUM Brown photo by Andrew Kwok; Farrell photo by Brie Anderson. SPEAKERS Eliot Brown Reporter, The Wall Street Journal; Co-author, The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion; Twitter @eliotwb Maureen Farrell Reporter, The Wall Street Journal; Co-author, The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion; Twitter @maureenmfarrell In Conversation with Charles Duhigg Contributor, The New Yorker; Author, Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity 💯SUBSCRIBE for more VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/user/commonwealthclub 📆 UPCOMING EVENTS: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events 🎉 BECOME a MEMBER: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/membership 💰 DONATE NOW: https://support.commonwealthclub.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=298 📺➕📻 Watch & Listen https://www.commonwealthclub.org/watch-listen CWC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonwealthclub/ CWC Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cwclub/ CWC Twitter https://twitter.com/cwclub The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum 📣, bringing together its 20,000 members for more than 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy. Founded in 1903 in San Francisco California 🌉, The Commonwealth Club has played host to a diverse and distinctive array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Hillary Clinton in 2010. Along the way, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have all given landmark speeches at the Club.
Date 8/27/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Time to act on climate change: we need a circular economy
Powered by Restream https://restream.io/ With businesses and governments alike setting targets to collectively achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, the question remains how are they going to achieve them? While vital, efforts will need to go beyond the transition to renewable energy. To fix the climate, we need to fix the economy. This episode covers the interconnected nature of solutions to the climate crisis and how businesses can make and measure progress. Speakers featured: Christiana Figueres: Founding Partner, Global Optimism and former Executive Secretary, UN Convention on Climate Change Erin Billman: Executive Director, Science-Based Targets Network (SBTN) Charles Redfield: Executive Vice President, Food, Walmart US
Date 8/17/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Business revolution: What is the membership economy? | Robbie Kellman Baxter | Big Think
Business revolution: What is the membership economy? New videos DAILY: https://bigth.ink/youtube Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: https://bigth.ink/Edge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I think that the membership economy is having as big an impact on business as the industrial revolution," says Silicon Valley consultant Robbie Kellman Baxter. Memberships or subscriptions fundamentally change the relationship between the consumer and the brand by delivering what Baxter calls a "forever promise." The famous example of Blockbuster vs. Netflix illustrates this perfectly. Subscriptions are not a new idea. Charles Dickens released his books to subscribers one chapter at a time, as he wrote them. What's different today is technology and the speed at which even a one-person business can reach a huge number of customers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBBIE KELLMAN BAXTER Based in Silicon Valley, Robbie is the author of The Membership Economy: Find Your Superusers, Master the Forever Transaction & Build Recurring Revenue (McGraw-Hill 2015), andThe Forever Transaction: How to Build a Business So Compelling, Your Customers Will Never Want to Leave (McGraw-Hill 2020). Robbie’s expertise extends to include SaaS, media, consumer products and retail and community organizations. Clients have included Microsoft, Fitbit and the Wall Street Journal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCRIPT: The membership economy is a term that I coined to describe what I was seeing starting about 15 years ago when I was working with Netflix and continuing into this massive transformational trend where companies of all types were moving from a model that focuses on ownership to access, from the transactional to the relational, from anonymous to known, from one payment to many smaller payments and from the organization talking at the customer and hoping they’re listening to multidirectional communication among customers and back and forth between the customers and the organization under the brand umbrella of the organization. So when you put all of those things together you have this kind of painter’s palette to reinvent your business model and that’s what’s driving this membership economy. So membership isn’t a new concept. We have been joining things for as long as there have been humans. We joined clans or tribes. We’ve had professional societies and trade guilds for centuries. Charles Dickens sold his novels in subscription format so people subscribed to have access and as he had the chapters done he would deliver them to his subscribers. So this is not a new concept, but what has changed is the ability to build a business model around it that transcends time and space. So Charles Dickens actually had to know the people he was delivering to, had to print it out, had to bring it to them. Today we can deliver it to strangers digitally and we can do it with time lapse. So that has created so many possibilities for organizations to build this ongoing relationship which is what people want. One example of the difference between a membership economy company and a non-membership economy company is the comparison between Blockbuster and Netflix. So when people, you know, way back when people used to have to go to the corner store to the Blockbuster on a Friday night to see what movies were available to rent, bring them home and it was never the movie that you really wanted. It was whatever happened to be available. And then if you forgot that you had it and you kept it for a few extra days the cost would end up being like triple what you thought it was going to be. And compare that to Netflix where they sent you three DVDs at a time, so three movies that you had on your long list, your queue. You didn’t have to leave your home. You always had three movies at home. And, best of all no late fees. So it’s a very different way of thinking about the model that starts with a forever promise. A promise of what it is that you really want to achieve. So in the case of Netflix versus Blockbuster, which was what really inspired me, what I wanted was to always have movies, professionally created content delivered in the most efficient way possible because I had little babies, with cost certainty – no late fees. And that’s what Netflix delivered on 15 years ago that pretty much put Blockbuster out of business. And today even though they have streaming, even though they create their own content, even though a lot has changed at Netflix they still deliver everyday on that promise of professional created content delivered with cost certainty in the most efficient way possible.
Date 1/27/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Silent Killer: A War Ignited by Climate Change | Dania Hallak | TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet
Dania recalls her war memories and realization that the factors that displaced her family were caused by climate change. She details the indicators that were ignored and a similar pattern she observes in her community today. She relates her mobilization efforts from a global perspective of the conflicts caused by climate change to local sea-level rise impacts on a Revere, MA. A marginalized city in the United States. A journey to recognizing her status as a climate refugee and finding her voice as an advocate for marginalized communities. Production Credits Special thanks to production houses Charles River Media Group and IClass Media Group for technical and creative production and direction. Dania is a student who has lived in the Revere, Massachusetts for the past 3 years. She is originally from Aleppo,Syria where she was born and raised. Dania and her family were displaced from Syria, which forced them to relocate to various countries. She experienced many struggles while seeking refugee status but finally settled in the United States. Once in the U.S., Dania had a simple goal in mind: to further her education, especially in science. Her passion for science and work with labs during the summer led her to a revelation that opened her eyes to injustices committed by climate change. Today, she continues to pursue her love for science while working with youth-led organizations to talk with legislators about equitable science-based climate policy and, most importantly, to empower the voices of youth and people of color. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 1/2/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
How will we survive when the population hits 10 billion? | Charles C. Mann

By 2050, an estimated 10 billion people will live on earth. How are we going to provide everybody with basic needs while also avoiding the worst impacts of climate change? In a talk packed with wit and wisdom, science journalist Charles C. Mann breaks down the proposed solutions and finds that the answers fall into two camps -- wizards and prophets -- while offering his own take on the best path to survival. November 2018

Date 11/16/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Achuar of Peru Defend Life and Land in the Amazon Rainforest
The Achuar of Peru have lived in the northern Peruvian Amazon for millenia. They have always defended their rainforest home, and vow to continue doing so, even in the face of threats from oil companies. #EndAmazonCrude #Keepitintheground #defendearthdefenders Take action to support the Achuar here: amazonwatch.org/geopark Production: Vagabond Films Images: Charles Gay and Pablo Tourrenc Editing: Charles Gay
Date 10/11/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Plastic Pollution Coalition - OPEN YOUR EYES - Overview Narrated by Jeff Bridges (2016)
2015 Plastic Pollution Coalition Video - Narrated by PPC Notable supporter, actor Jeff Bridges. www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org Plastic Pollution Coalition would like to thank: Jeff Bridges Georgienne Bradley Sea Save Foundation Jon Bowermaster Kate Connor Ed Begley Jr. Grant James Javier Mas Mas y Rallo Greg Stone Jill Mazursky Captain Charles Moore Algalita Marine Research and Education Nick Thune Abrielle Stedman Van Jones Andy Keller Fabien Cousteau Kelly Meyer Taina Uitto Jan Vozenilek Annie Farman Todd Sali The SandBox Bob Nixon Earth Conservation Corps Daryl Wallace Pam Longobardi Drifter's Project Nickos Myrtou Sergio Ko Ionian Cultural for Arts & Culture Mathew John Pearson Engineered Films Rajiv Joseph Lily Lakovidou Veronica Sive Sunjive Studios Life Without Plastic
Date 3/28/2016 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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