Prosperity | Eco-Economics
Growth Imperatives

Displaying 6 videos of 6 matching videos

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Dirk Philipsen

DEFINITION of 'Gross Domestic Product -GDP' The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis.

GDP is seen as the universal yardstick of progress and the highest goal of politics. But economic historian Dirk Philipsen argues that the world can no longer afford GDP rule, and it’s time now for a different measure.
Economic historian Dirk Philipsen shows how the history of GDP reveals unique opportunities to fashion smarter goals and measures, and explores a possible roadmap for a future that advances quality of life rather than indiscriminate growth.

Today, increasing GDP is the highest goal of politics. But a finite planet cannot sustain blind and indefinite expansion. If we consider future generations equal to our own, replacing the GDP regime is the ethical imperative of our times. Published on Aug 2, 2015

His book, The Little Big Number, is available from Amazon by clicking the image or visiting your local bookstore or library. 

Listen to the podcast: https://www.thersa.org/discover/audio...

EarthSayer Dirk Philipsen
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Dissecting the Diversity Problem: STEM Leadership in Tech (panel)
Technology for the People, by the People

Dissecting the Diversity Problem: How Can Leadership Make an Impact?

Published on Feb 19, 2015

Digital technologies are ubiquitous, but the people who build them are hardly representative. In fact, the programmers and designers creating the tools we use—tools that are increasingly being used to make policy decisions at the highest level of government—are rarely from the populations who need them most. Women and people of color represent fewer than 30 percent of STEM professionals—a number that has declined since 1990. There’s clearly a failure in the system.

Introduction Georgia Bullenm Senior Data Analyst, Open Technology Institute, New America @georgiamoon
Megan Smith U.S. Chief Technology Officer, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy @USCTO
Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, Federal Communications Commission, @JRosenworcel
Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New America @SlaughterAM
Aliya Rahman, Program Director, Code for Progress @AliyaRahman
Moderator is Alan Davidson, Director, Open Technology Institute, Vice President, New America, @abdavidson

EarthSayers Jessica Rosenworcel; Anne-Marie Slaughter; Megan Smith
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
ECO:nomics: Should Companies Only Focus on Profit? Michael Duke of Walmart

Walmart Chairman and Former CEO Michael T. Duke says Walmart looks at more than just corporate profits when it considers sustainability. He speaks at the ECO:comics conference in Santa Barbara, Calif.Published on Apr 3, 2014

Smaller environmental footprint will lead to greater profit in the long run is Mr. Duke's main point in this excerpt of ana interview  Environmental sustainability is a narrow focus of the term ignoring the social - people - and prosperity elements, both of which Walmart plays a big role with a considerable impact on citizens. Walmart and Sam's Club employs roughly 2.2 million people worldwide and is the largest private employer in the United States.

In April, top CEOs and investors, pioneering entrepreneurs, environmental experts and policy makers convene at ECO:nomics, The Wall Street Journal’s conference in Santa Barbara, to discuss and debate the most critical issues facing leaders who are driving change at the intersection of business and the environment. 

We will have large corporations with infrastructures that have a smaller ecological footoprint and institutional self-promotional statements and conferences such as ECO:nomics, but our future will remain unsustainable as the mind-set of what Dr. Chet Bowers refers to as "deep cultural assumptions that support the individualistic/industrial/consumer-dependent culture that is ecologically unsustainable" remains the driving force in our Society and at Walmart.

Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Economics of the Ocean Swedish Embassy

An introduction by Lisa Emilia Svensson, Ambassador for Ocean, Seas, and Fresh Water.

A two day seminar hosted by the Swedish Ministry of the Environment, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and the Embassy of Sweden in partnership with Duke University's Nicholas Institute, SIWI and UNDP. Published on Dec 13, 2013

We need to have a voice as to what happens to our oceans.


Pawan Patil, World Bank, Global Parternship for Oceans,
Lynn Scarlett, Managing Director, PUblic Policy at the Nature Conservancy,
Kemi-Ann Joes, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. State Department,
Claes Berglund, Director Public Affairs & Sustainability, Stena AB,
Ghislaine Maxwell, Executive Director, TerraMar

EarthSayers Pawan Patil; Lynn Scarlett; Lisa Svensson
Date unknown Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
What is the Advanced Energy Economy by Graham Richard
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Graham Richard, CEO of Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) , a business trade association discusses their role in enabling its member organizations to prosper in this sector and why we need to develop a unified voice at the local, regional and country level to promote an advanced energy economy.

Published on Jun 21, 2012

EarthSayer Graham Richard
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Renewable Energy & The Smart Grid More Details
GrowthBusters Hooked on Growth by Dave Gardner
Static Preview

Trailer: Thought leaders from all walks of life address the myth that we can keep on growing for ever. The film premieres Nov. 2. You can order it today and organize screeningsbeginning in November. Visit for information.

EarthSayer Dave Gardner
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details

Displaying 6 videos of 6 matching videos


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