Plastic in Our Oceans

About This Collection

This collection was inspired by EarthSayer interviews of Roz Savage, ocean rower and environmental campaigner and Howard Lack, CEO of the Foundation, Plastic Oceans. 

Plastic Oceans provides a powerful and effective platform campaigning for, supporting and funding targeted solutions aimed at significantly reducing plastic pollution in the environment. Their aim is to significantly reduce plastic pollution in the environment. This collection calls out organizations and individuals around the globe who share a concern for the plight of our oceans.

Visit our Oceans and 1 Water collections here on EarthSayers.tv to discover the many individuals from all walks of life speaking on behalf of Mother Earth and Water.

Curated by earthsayer

How the oceans can clean themselves by Boyan Slat

Published on Oct 24, 2012

18-year-old Boyan Slat combines environmentalism, entrepreneurism and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. After diving in Greece, and coming across more plastic bags than fish, he wondered; "why can't we clean this up?"  His 2017 speech announcing a design breakthrough is here.

While still being on secondary school, he then decided to dedicate half a year of research to understand plastic pollution and the problems associated with cleaning it up.
This ultimately led to his passive clean-up concept, which he presented at TEDxDelft 2012.
Working to prove the feasibility of his concept, Boyan Slat currently gives lead to a team of approximately 50 people, and temporarily quit his Aerospace Engineering study to completely focus his efforts on The Ocean Cleanup.

The progress of The Ocean Cleanup can be followed here.  On Facebook and Twitter.
Boyan Slat, born 1994 in Delfit, Netherlands, is an inventor, entrepreneur and aerospace engineering student of Croatian origin. His father is an artist who currently resides in Istria County, Croatia. 

EarthSayer Boyan Slat

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