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Jason Box, an American living in Copenhagen, is a Professor in Glaciology and Climate at the Geologic Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). Jason is a contributing author to the most recent three Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientific assessment reports and is the lead author on recent Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) reports. Jason joined two sessions hosted by C2G on October 10th at the 2019 Arctic Circle Assembly, where scientists, policy experts, indigenous activists, youth representatives, and other civil society representatives explored some of the toughest questions facing decision-makers today as they contemplate the future of the Arctic.
Dan Pingaro is the Executive Director of Sailors for the Sea (sailingsforthesea.org), the only ocean conservation nonprofit focused on the sailing and boating community. In this interview he talks about the Clean Regatta Program at the America's Cup races held this last September 2013 in San Francisco, California.
Since July 2011, Sailors for the Sea (Newport, RI) has worked with the America's Cup Event Authority to support the vision and plan of delivering a model sustainability sporting event. In October Sailors for the Sea awarded the 34th America's Cup their highest level Clean Regattas certification!
Dan was interviewed by Ruth Ann Barrett with support from videographer, David Okimoto of EarthSayers.tv, Voices of Sustainability at the America's Cup Finals in San Francisco, September 10, 2013.
Partners provides authoritative information about the impacts and trade-offs of environmental decisions, including consumption choices, land use, and policy alternatives.
Dovetail is a highly skilled team that fosters sustainability and responsible behaviors by collaborating to develop unique concepts, systems, models and programs. Dovetail Partners is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Activities for the benefit of individual businesses are available at the expense of those firms. Dovetail excels at solving complex business problems and helping responsible firms to become successful. We also help regions define programs that increase the job creation and the job quality of resource-based industries.
China Program Manager at the Worldwatch Institute, Yingling Liu discusses Chinese energy and environmental issues.
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