Planet | Forests
Forest Fires

Displaying 4 videos of 4 matching videos

On Amazon Fires: "We're on the Edge of a Cliff"

"We're at this stage because we've treated the earth like a resource to be exploited for profit," argues Paul Paz y Miño, associate director of Amazon Watch. Fires in the Amazon are waking people up to the need for a radical change in how we value nature -- going beyond its economic worth or carbon sequestration potential.

EarthSayer Paul Paz y MiƱo
Date 10/11/2019 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Wildfire in a Warming World by Noah Matson

Want to see more videos on climate change? Check out http://www.defenders.org/climate-change/video

Instruction by Noah Matson of Defenders of Wildlife

EarthSayer Noah Matson
Date 5/27/2015 Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Fighting wildfires with intelligent robots | AI for Good Webinar

721 views  Streamed live on Jan 18, 2023 

Climate change and land-use change are increasing the number, frequency, and severity of wildfires worldwide, with a projected 30% rise by the end of 2050. With global temperatures soaring, the need to reduce the risk of wildfires is more important than ever to protect the health of people and ecosystems.

Facing this challenge, robots are increasingly helping first responders to detect, monitor and extinguish flames. They are helping to combat blazes in buildings with the possibility of collapsing roofs, and in areas too hot or toxic for human entry and survival. In this AI for Good webinar, discover the next generation of autonomous firefighting robots that work side by side with emergency workers on the front line, reducing risks for firefighters and helping them identify, control and extinguish wildfires with increased safety for humans.  


Manon Vermenouze, Director of Communications, Public Affairs, and CSR Shark Robotics

Bart Slager CEO Perspective Robotics

Wade White, Assistant Chief, Los Angeles City Fire Department

Arunima Sarkar, World Economic Forum (WEF)

EarthSayers Arunima Sarkar; Manon Vermenouze; Wade White
Date unknown Format Webinar
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Wildfire Prevention - Bonfire

Since 1944, Smokey Bear has been the symbol of the protection of America's forests from fire. More than 60 years later, his famous words of wisdom "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires" continue to be at the center of one of the most successful PSA campaigns in our nation's history.

Please visit our website.

EarthSayer Smokey Bear
Date unknown Format Advertisment Public Service
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 4 videos of 4 matching videos


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