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Adventures in Tree Sitting by Julia Butterfly Hill (Part 1 of 2)
Static PreviewThis award-winning documentary reveals the extraordinary journey of a woman who lived 200 feet up in a redwood tree for two years to save the thousand year-old tree from destruction.
EarthSayer Julia Butterfly-Hill
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Julia Butterfly Hill More Details
UN Messenger of Peace Wangari Maathai
Static PreviewKenyan tree-planting activist Wangari Maathai became a UN Messenger of Peace during the Copenhagen Climate Talks. A delegate to her Green Belt Movement, RRI's Elizabeth Baker was in the second row as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon pinned a dove on Professor Maathai to symbolize the honor shared by only a handful of others. Professor Maathai spoke vividly of the role of activism in protecting civil society's interests worldwide and called for climate action in a Copenhagen deal.
EarthSayers Elizabeth Baker; Wangari Maathai
Date unknown Format Awards
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Huey Johnson More Details
The Global Water Crisis by Maude Barlow
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Introduced by International Forum on Globalization (IFG) founder JERRY MANDER, Celebrated author and world-class activist. Less products, not greener products, and local rather than global.

MAUDE BARLOW talks about the main points of her new book, BLUE COVENANT: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water.


EarthSayer Maude Barlow
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Bill Moyers Journal on Rachel Carson
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Trailer for Bill Moyers series on Rachel Carson.

Bill Moyers Journal looks at the life and legacy of Rachel Carson through an extraordinary portrayal of her in a one-woman play performed by veteran stage actress Kaiulani Lee. The broadcast combines excerpts from the play, an interview with Lee and documentary reporting on Carson's life and work in a powerful look at this scientist, writer, and seeker of the truth.

EarthSayers Rachel Carson; Bill Moyers
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rachel Carson 1907-1964 More Details
A Sense of Wonder, Bio of Rachel Carson
Static PreviewThis is Kaiulani Lee portraying Rachel Carson in a semi-documentary based on Carson's own writings. It depicts two interviews with Rachel Carson during the last year of her life, as she battles cancer and deals with the controversy created by her ground-breaking book "Silent Spring".  This very moving film can be streamed for free from Netflix and Amazon (free with Amazon Prime). This film is not just about environmental issues, but also about life, death, courage and truth.
EarthSayer Rachel Carson
Date unknown Format Docudrama
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rachel Carson 1907-1964 More Details
The Nature Conservancy and Rachel Carson
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Rachel Carson, famed biologist, author and visionary, was a founding member of The Nature Conservancy in Maine. Join Cori Kahn of the Conservancy for a visit to Rachel Carson Wildlife refuge in Wells, Maine, to learn more about a conservation icon. Silent Spring available from Amazon.com.


Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rachel Carson 1907-1964 More Details
Rachel Carson Introduction
Static PreviewRachel Carson was born in 1907 on a farm in Pennsylvania.  As a young child, Carson's consuming passions were the nature surrounding her hillside home and her writing. If you have never read her books, we recommend starting with the Silent Spring. She is our model for what it is to be a sustainability advocate and an earthsayer.
EarthSayer Rachel Carson
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rachel Carson 1907-1964 More Details
Freedom of Speech: Uniting the Cause
Static PreviewAlmost every film we work with tells a unique story of people fighting for social or environmental justice in their communities. Our job is to make those local stories resonate with folks in other places across the country and around the world.
So when free speech came under attack in Working Films' hometown of Wilmington, N.C. we knew we had to share this story with our friends and allies.
EarthSayers Kayne Darrell; David Hill; Anna Lee
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Into the Cold by Sebastian Copeland
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(Movie Trailer) The absolute top of the earth is a place few try to reach on foot. Even fewer succeed. With the vast arctic ice vanishing rapidly, photographer, extreme adventurer, and environmental advocate Sebastian Copeland sets out to reach the North Pole on the centennial of Admiral Peary's reach in 1909. This inspiring documentary follows their tumultuous two-month trek—not just through piercing cold and merciless terrain, but straight into the depths of the soul. Visit the film site to buy the DVD.


It will give you the chills and, at the same time, help support the SEDNA Foundation and Global Green USA.

EarthSayer Sebastian Copeland
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
How to Be a Social Media Change Agent by Josh Bernoff
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An interview with Josh Bernoff, vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research.
He is the co-author of the book "Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies," which offers myriad data-based strategies for companies that want to harness the power of social technologies like blogs, social networks, and YouTube.

Over the past thirteen years, Mr. Bernoff has become one of America's most frequently quoted research analysts. His analysis, which aims at a deeper understanding of people and how they use technology, has been cited by sources from The Wall St. Journal to "60 Minutes."

Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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