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The Ripple Effect and Clean Regattas
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Sailors for the Sea Clean Regattas program encourages sailors and race organizers to reduce their environmental imSailors for the Seapact. The Ripple Effect is the impact of 14 regattas committing to eliminate single use water bottles at their events. Commit your regatta to being clean and green

Clean Regattas is a certification program that helps regattas, sailing programs and other events voluntarily achieve higher environmental standards.

Published on Jan 28, 2013

Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Orangutan S.O.S.
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An Appeal:How to Help

Sumatran orangutans are critically endangered and without urgent action could be the first Great Ape species to become extinct.

SOS is dedicated to turning this situation around. We do this by:
Raising awareness about the importance of protecting orangutans and their rainforest home; Supporting grassroots projects which empower local people to become guardians of the rainforests;
Restoring damaged orangutan habitat through tree planting programmes; and campaigning on issues threatening the survival of orangutans in the wild.

Help us protect orangutans, their forests and their future.

SOS was established in 1997 by the late Lucy Wisdom.


EarthSayer Lucy Wisdom
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details
Los Angeles and Water Imports
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The nearly 10 million people in the city and county of Los Angeles, California require a lot of water -- most of which is imported snow melt from the Eastern Sierra Nevadas and Rocky Mountains, hundreds of miles away. UCLA researchers Stephanie Pincetl and Mark Gold are studying how Los Angeles can reduce its water imports and better capture, store and reuse water for a more sustainable water supply. Published on Jul 12, 2013

EarthSayers Mark Gold; Stephanie Pincetl
Date unknown Format Political speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability:Water by NBC Learn and NSF More Details
Spill by photograper Daniel Beltra
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Daniel Beltra gives us insight to his experience documenting the Gulf oil spill and his motivation for continuing his efforts to capture our changing environment. Uploaded on Aug 4, 2010. His interview on "ICE" is here.

Short listed for the Prix Pictet, The global award in photography and sustainability for his series, Spill.


EarthSayer Daniel Beltra
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details
ICE by Photographer Daniel Beltra
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Conservation Photographer Daniel Beltra discusses his show ICE with Margin of Leisure. ICE is hanging at Quintenz & Company Fine art through February 18th 2012. Published on Dec 21, 2012

Short listed for the Prix Pictet, The global award in photography and sustainability for his series, Spill. Another interview with Daniel on the Gulf Oil Spill is here.

EarthSayer Daniel Beltra
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details
Renewing Our Partnership, Expanding Our Impact
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Elevating fresh water conservation issues to policiy level through partnership between Coca-Cola and WWF.  Need to find more urgent ways to find new models that we insure prosperity and environmental conservation together.

EarthSayers Suzanne Apple; Lindsay Bass; Jeff Seabright
Date unknown Format Corporate
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Trashed Documentary
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Trashed - No Place For Waste (Website) looks at the risks to the food chain and the environment through pollution of our air, land and sea by waste. The film reveals surprising truths about very immediate and potent dangers to our health. It is a global conversation from Iceland to Indonesia between the film star Jeremy Irons and scientists, politicians and ordinary individuals whose health and livelihoods have been fundamentally affected by waste pollution.

EarthSayers Candida Brady; Jeremy Irons; Vangelis
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Easy Money in the Amazon - At what cost? by Patricia Gualinga
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Ms. Gualinga begins, "The World has not done an analysis whether oil is more valuable than what is lost by destroying the Amazon."
Related Websites are the Global Alliance of the Rights of Nature and the Pachamama Alliance.

Published on Mar 21, 2013

EarthSayer Patricia Gualinga
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rights of Mother Earth More Details
Rights of Nature by David Tucker of Pachamama Alliance
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David Tucker is the Director of Pachamama Journeys and is living in Ecuador in support of the indigenous peoples. David is responsible for Pachamama Journeys, an experientially based, transformational program that powerfully reconnects participants to the Earth, themselves and others through direct experience with wild nature, indigenous cultures and shared group experience.  He was interviewed in Ecuadaor by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) as part of a SAM campaign with EarthSayers.tv, Ecuadorian Wisdom Keepers Speaking on Behalf of Mother Earth.

EarthSayer David Tucker
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rights of Mother Earth More Details
Mangrove Restoration Project in Asia
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Introduction to the Ecological Mangrove Restoration (EMR) method and an outline of the project objectives and deliverables. The video was shot in Krabi, Thailand at the March 2012 inception workshop of the the "Mangrove Restoration Project in Asia" which involves four countries,  five partners NGOs and is administered by the Global Nature Fund of Germany. Project Funders include the German Federal Ministry of International Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Foundation Ursula Merz.

Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biodiversity More Details

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