Displaying 10 videos of 77 matching videos
Hal Wallis, an "ordinary kid" travels 6 ,000 miles from his home town in the United Kingdom to visit Thailand's threatened mangroves. He finds out about their vital role in the environment and about efforts to preserve and restore them. He interviews Udo Gattenlohner of the Global Nature Fund that coordinates a German funded, international project to to help restore Asia's lost mangroves.
Related video on the Restoration Project in Asia is on EarthSayers here.
Sustainability: Forest management and Renewal, Biodiversity, Conservation
Thomas Lovejoy discusses his experience in international conservation efforts and the conservation of African savannas. Published on Jan 29, 2013
"We still tend to think in the very short term and locally when in fact we are disturbing global systems and the way that the planet actually works. We need to consciously manage the planet."
Ben Collen explains the ways biodiversity loss has been monitored and discusses novel approaches. Published on Jan 29, 2013, Yale University channel on Youtube.
Katrin Boehning-Gaese discusses models and methods used to predict the impact of climate change on species distributions. Published on Jan 29, 2013
From the creation of the Boston Common in 1634 to the emergence of cross-boundary, large-landscape conservation initiatives in the 21st century, innovators have risen to address seemingly intractable land, water and biodiversity conservation challenges. It will require our best talent, technology, financial tools and social innovation techniques to tackle today's global conservation challenges. What makes for innovation? Five attributes: initiatives characterized by
Novel/Creativeness in conception, strategic or cultural significance, measuarble effecitvness; transferability to jurisdications around the world; and endur for not just years but decades perhaps centuries.
Jim Levitt is the director of the Program on Conservation Innovation at the Harvard Forest, Harvard University and a fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
WWF's Global Marine Programme is working to increase international attention for the conservation of vast expanses of ocean, and immediately protect the high seas. Around 64% of the oceans - an area covering half the planet - lie beyond the national jurisdiction of any country. Known as the high seas, these international waters are open-access common areas for everyone. For more information visit panda.org/highseas
Published on Dec 19, 2012
In the semi-arid San Joaquin Valley of California, UC Merced student Martin Figueroa has been the driving force in a campus movement to reduce water use and improve energy efficiency. In 2011, Figueroa recruited more than 600 students in the newest University of California campus to participate in the "UC Merced Water Battle" — a month-long water saving competition between residence halls. To track water usage Figueroa utilized real-time water monitoring technology and enlisted engineering students to help track the data. During the contest participating students reduced their water use by 14 percent, saving 89,000 gallons of water. Figueroa is now reaching out to other UC campuses and asking them to hold their own "Water Battles."
Straddling the Idaho-Montana border, the 88,000-acre Scotchman Peaks Roadless Area is one of the largest remaining wild areas in the region. Inspired by the "soaring proud pines, migratory moose herds, and pristine air" of the region, Jacob Glass produced En Plein Air, a film that documents the efforts of Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, a grassroots group formed in 2005 to get federal wilderness protection for the region. The documentary, by Glass's film company Wildman Pictures, focuses on two painters who use their artwork to convey their appreciation for the mountains. En Plein Air received nationwide media attention and dramatically increased Friends of Scotchman Peaks' membership. The surge of public support for the wilderness designation led to endorsements from many area chambers of commerce and Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer.
From 60ft beneath the sea, Dr. Sylvia Earle sends a wake up call about the plight of our ocean and why mankind needs it to survive. This is Aquarius' last scheduled mission after 20 years as a research base for studying coral reefs, sea life and the health of the ocean. This is a clip from a live event recorded on July 17th, 2012.
Why do we need the ocean? It supplies us with over half the oxygen on our planet. It holds 97% of the water on earth, not to mention untold species and discoveries. Simply put, our lives depend on it. Watch this clip from a live event recorded with Her Deepness Sylvia Earle, one of the most compelling ocean advocates in the world. It's a wake up call to all of us: the ocean is our lifeline.
Sustainability doesn't have to be complicated, the idea being to change your behavior and move from consumer to conserver. This short video is an example of tips and suggestions for conserving energy. Ed Begley, Jr. is an actor and environmentalist. Read more about him here. This series is sponsored by a non-profit, Energy Upgrade Los Angeles This program is funded in part through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Displaying 10 videos of 77 matching videos
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