Search Results domain name pointer ec2-52-15-135-163.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.

Displaying 10 videos of 13 matching videos containing any of the terms

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Our Sustainability Challenges. The why, the what and the how | Alexandra Smith | TEDxWoodLane
Sustainability is often presented as being complex, expensive, and fraught with difficulty, it is considered the preserve of those who can afford it, and with the means and the ‘know how' to
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Date 11/11/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Demond Drummer - A Green New Deal | Bioneers
This keynote talk was given at the 2019 Bioneers Conference. New Consensus is a leading-edge non-profit policy “think tank” working behind the scenes supplying research and detailed policy
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Date 11/11/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Could rising CO2 levels be causing an insect apocalypse? | Marcus Byrne | TEDxJohannesburg
Insect numbers are in decline across the planet. Should we worry? Entomologist Marcus Byrne believes we should. Insects perform countless ecosystem services. These are little jobs in the background
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Date 11/29/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Plastic Pollution Coalition - OPEN YOUR EYES - Overview Narrated by Jeff Bridges (2016)
2015 Plastic Pollution Coalition Video - Narrated by PPC Notable supporter, actor Jeff Bridges. www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org Plastic Pollution Coalition would like to thank: Jeff
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Date 3/28/2016 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Introducing The Ocean Elders

OceanElders was created to be a locus of

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Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Oceans More Details
Frontiers, Forests and Climate Change | Alexandra Morel | TEDxBeechenCliffSchool
Alexandra Morel will explore the topic of environmental change, relating to her expertise on the field of forests and their significance in the world. Dr. Alexandra Morel is a post-doctoral
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Date 2/20/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Unearthing UTSC’s Indigenous Legacy | Alexandra Flynn | TEDxUTSC
Alexandra Flynn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Geography at the University of Toronto. She focuses on urban governance, planning law and Indigenous-municipal relationships.
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Date 9/19/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Cousteau to Divers: "Keep Our Laws Strong and Our Oceans Full of Fish."
The Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) has been helping the U.S. manage its fisheries for decades, but new attacks from some in Congress are aimed at weakening it. Divers should be the first line of defense
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Date 11/28/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
When Words Aren?t Enough: The Visual Climate Story

While IPCC risk assessments and emission projections can help us understand climate change, they don’t exactly inspire the imagination or provoke a personal response to the crisis. The

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EarthSayers Céline Cousteau; Greg Dalton
Date 4/16/2021 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Cousteau: Keep our Oceans Full of Fish
The Magnuson-Stevens Act, our key fisheries management law is under threat. If some in Congress have their way, our oceans will be pillaged for the sake of short-term profits. Tell law makers to
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Date 12/7/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 13 matching videos containing any of the terms

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