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Sustainable Procurement: The End of the Commodity Era

The global commodity system that has served society for centuries is no longer fit for purpose; its vulnerability only amplified by the pandemic. Hear how companies are altering sourcing models, simplifying and localising supply chains, and putting purpose and impact at the heart of a resilient, sustainable procurement process.

Speakers include:
- Barry Parkin, Chief Procurement and Sustainability Officer, Mars
- Terry Slavin, Editor-in-Chief – Sustainable Business, Reuters Events

EarthSayers Barry Parkin; Terry Slavin
Date 8/10/2020 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ethical Sourcing More Details
Climate Resilience and Response: Learning from this Great Pause" with Jessica Morey

The Garrison Institute presents a live webinar with Jessica Morey.

During this interactive webinar, Jessica guided us through earth-based contemplative practices to connect us with our belonging to and love and grief for our world and all the beings with whom we share it. She invited us to reflect on what we might learn from this time of pandemic about how to respond to the even more devastating global climate crisis. We practiced together to build the inner resiliency, compassion, and embodied interconnection to thrive in the crucial work of advocating for a livable planet for all.

Jessica Morey is a lead teacher and co-founder of Inward Bound Mindfulness Education (www.iBme.com). She began practicing meditation at age 14 on teen retreats offered by the Insight Meditation Society. Before joining iBme, Jessica worked in clean energy and climate policy and finance at the World Bank, the Pew Center on Climate Change, and the Clean Energy States Alliance. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Dartmouth and a master's degree in Sustainable Development and International Affairs. Her published works range from the chapter “Ordinary Awakening” in Blue Jean Buddha to Conflict Resolution of the Boruca Hydro-Energy Project: Renewable Energy Production in Costa Rica. In 2014, Jessica brought her two life passions together to write about the potential of contemplative practice to heal our relationship with the natural world in a Shambhala Sun article.

Your support matters. Our vision for a more just, compassionate world has never felt more urgent.  If you have any questions about this event, please contact us here. .

EarthSayer Jessica Morey
Date 5/4/2020 Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Janos Pasztor: How do you assess the risks of climate-altering technologies?

Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) Executive Director Janos Pasztor talks about assessing the risks of climate-altering technologies, and particularly those related to Solar Radiation Modification.

C2G seeks to catalyse the creation of effective governance for climate-altering technologies, in particular for Solar Radiation Modification and large-scale Carbon Dioxide Removal. C2G is impartial regarding the potential use of any proposed climate-altering technologies or interventions. These are choices for society to make.

To learn more, visit https://www.c2g2.net

EarthSayer Janos Pasztor
Date 4/29/2020 Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Jason Box

Jason Box, an American living in Copenhagen, is a Professor in Glaciology and Climate at the Geologic Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). Jason is a contributing author to the most recent three Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientific assessment reports and is the lead author on recent Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) reports. Jason joined two sessions hosted by C2G on October 10th at the 2019 Arctic Circle Assembly, where scientists, policy experts, indigenous activists, youth representatives, and other civil society representatives explored some of the toughest questions facing decision-makers today as they contemplate the future of the Arctic.

EarthSayer Jason Box
Date 1/6/2020 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Young People Tackle the Tough Decisions on Carbon Dioxide Removal

In support of the UN Youth Climate Summit, the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) hosted a series of interactive games for young climate leaders exploring how society might tackle difficult decisions about whether or not to deploy climate-altering technologies to tackle global heating. Climate Interactive led a thought-provoking “Model-UN-like” negotiating game with the latest En-roads Climate Solutions Simulation – a powerful new interactive exploration of the combined effects of different policies and technologies on the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, and on global temperatures. The session was held at the offices of Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, New York City, September 22, 2019.

Date 12/3/2019 Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Eban Goodstein: Transitioning to Electric Vehicles

Eban Goodstein, director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, explains why we need to transition to electric cars and why he thinks this is possible in the near future.

For full audio and transcript, go here. 

EarthSayer Eban Goodstein
Date 10/4/2019 Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Ethics in Business: Diversity, In Their Own Words

Business leaders around the world answer the important question: How do you nurture diversity in your industry?

These clips are part of the Ethics in Business: In Their Own Words interview series, produced by Carnegie Council in partnership with ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and CFA Institute. It features global business leaders exploring how businesses are preparing for an ethical future in the face of threats and challenges presented by globalization, technology, and human psychology. To watch the full interviews, please go here

For more on this and other Global Ethics Day-related projects, please go here to Carnegie Council 

Date 10/2/2019 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
The Impact Sourcing Challenge for Inclusivity

The Impact Sourcing Challenge is the first of its kind to specifically focus on escalating impact sourcing as a way to increase employment and career development opportunities for disadvantaged workers. The Challenge is aimed at responsible businesses seeking to positively transform employees' lives through their procurement and hiring practices. It is seen as the largest official commitment to Goal 8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This Challenge was developed by the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition (GISC), a collaboration between leading companies to build more inclusive global supply chains. Learn more: gisc.bsr.org

EarthSayers Julie Ishimwe; Iasabelle Mashtola; Murali Vullaganti
Date 3/20/2018 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Supply Chain Sustainability Challenges More Details
The Responsible Supply Chain and The Sustainability Reporting and Communications Summits 2017

The Responsible Supply Chain Summit is Europe's leading meeting place for supply chain and sustainability teams to discuss future responsible supply chain strategies. For more information click here - www.ethicalcorp.com/supplychain The Sustainability Reporting and Communications Summit hosts 200+ reporting executives to discuss how to portray sustainability activities and strategies through the reporting process. Click here for more information.

Date 1/15/2018 Format Event/Conf
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Supply Chain Sustainability Challenges More Details
William McDonough: "Design as Optimism" | Talks at Google

As a part of Google’s Environment Day on April 25th, we invited architect, designer, thought leader, and author William McDonough to Google NYC for a talk on "Design as Optimism." Moderated by Mary Davidge. Design is the first signal of human intention. We are all designers because we all have intentions. What if our intention is to do good and make the world better because we are here? William McDonough shares real world examples of materials, products, buildings, communities, and economies that were designed in the search for good. About William McDonough William McDonough points the way toward “more good, rather than less bad” values and practices for businesses in all sectors at all scales—showing how a positive future of continuous improvement is possible now. He is an architect, a global leader in sustainable development, and serves on the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the Future of Environment and Natural Resource Security. For more than 40 years, McDonough—through McDonough Innovation, William McDonough + Partners, Architects, and MBDC—has defined the principles of the sustainability movement. He is co-author of Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (2002) and The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability—Designing for Abundance (2013). He also co-founded the not-for-profit Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute; and in 2012, he became the subject of Stanford University Libraries’ first “living archive.” McDonough has received the Presidential Award for Sustainable Development (1996), the first U.S. EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2003), and the National Design Award (2004). In January 2017, he was awarded the Fortune Award for Circular Economy Leadership at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting where he was hailed as “the father of the circular economy”. In 2009, he co-founded the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, to scale up the rigorous product certification program. Time magazine recognized him as a “Hero for the Planet,” noting: “His utopianism is grounded in a unified philosophy that—in demonstrable and practical ways—is changing the design of the world.”

EarthSayer William McDonough
Date 5/8/2017 Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Design and Architecture More Details

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