Planet | Farming, Farmlands, & Food Production

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Hidden History of Rachel Carson
Static PreviewMore on the "hysterical" woman who took a stand against the very powerful chemical companies with the publication of her book, Silent Spring.
EarthSayer Rachel Carson
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rachel Carson 1907-1964 More Details
Rachel Carson Introduction
Static PreviewRachel Carson was born in 1907 on a farm in Pennsylvania.  As a young child, Carson's consuming passions were the nature surrounding her hillside home and her writing. If you have never read her books, we recommend starting with the Silent Spring. She is our model for what it is to be a sustainability advocate and an earthsayer.
EarthSayer Rachel Carson
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Rachel Carson 1907-1964 More Details
Rethink What You Drink by Seth Goldman
Static PreviewSeth Goldman of Honest Tea raps on about importance of drinking organic products and he did this promotional and educational campaign along with Gary Hirshberg of Stonyfield to promote eating and drinking organic.
EarthSayer Seth Goldman
Date unknown Format Infotainment
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Just Eat Organic by Gary Hirshberg
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Gary Hirshberg, CEO of  true blue organic and anti- GMO. Stonyfield is  a company on the front lines of doing good while advocating wealth creation. This video is part of a campaign promoting eating and drinking healthy and organic products.

EarthSayer Gary Hirshberg
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
NASA Science for a Hungry World: Part 4 Food Security
Static PreviewNASA scientists discuss the issue of food security.
EarthSayers Molly Brown; Gary Eilerts
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
How to Shop at a Farmers Marketing
Static PreviewWith a little preparation, you can get the most out of your local market. To complete this How-To you will need:
A shopping list
A willingness to ask questions
Knowledge of local neighborhoods
Date unknown Format Suggestions and Tips
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Charlottetown Farmers Market
Static PreviewThe Charlottetown Farmer's Market has a wide variety of traditional market fare, including but not limited to fruit, vegetables, meats, seafood and pastries. There is also more prepared food available than in most markets of similar size and scope, including various International foods ranging from Indian and African to Italian. A wide variety of organic produce is available as well as prepared meats such as sausage and smoked salmon. Arts and crafts, as well as various plants and garden products are also available.
EarthSayers Steve Knechtel; Raymond Loo
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Healthy, Local, Fresh: Farmers Markets and Community Wellness
Static PreviewSponsored by the Tacoma Farmers Market and Triniti Media, this film depicts the rising health concerns in Pierce County due to poor nutrition, and how the Tacoma Farmers Markets make healthy and locally-grown food accessible to local residents.
EarthSayer Kirsten Frandsen
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
The Organic Seed Alliance with Frank Morton
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Sustainable Today visits with Frank Morton of the Wild Garden Seed Company and explores the role of the Organic Seed Alliance. The goal is to preserve organic resources for use by farmers to develop the open source market for organic seed.

Sustainability, Seeds, Farming, Food Production

EarthSayer Frank Morton
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Change or Be Changed by Lester Brown
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Interview with Lester R. Brown in Stockholm, May 7th-8th. Part 1/12. In this issue he talks about security in the context of ecology.  Food may be the weak link as we face massive changes in the years ahead...will we be managing the change? He is with the Earth Policy Institute.

EarthSayer Lester Brown
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details

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