People | Human Rights/Social Justice

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The Children's Climate Crusade

The very agencies created to protect our environment have been hijacked by the polluting industries they were meant to regulate. It may just turn out that the judicial system, our children and their children will save us from ourselves, Mary Christina Wood, a legal scholar, tells Bill Moyers this week.

EarthSayers Bill Moyers; Mary Christina Wood
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
The Children's Climate Crusade

The very agencies created to protect our environment have been hijacked by the polluting industries they were meant to regulate. It may just turn out that the judicial system, our children and their children will save us from ourselves, Mary Christina Wood, a legal scholar, tells Bill Moyers this week. Published on Jan 2, 2015

EarthSayers Bill Moyers; Mary Christina Wood
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Justice More Details
Medicine Quest: In Search of Nature's Healing Secrets by Mark Plotkin
Mark Plotkin visits Google to discuss his book, "Medicine Quest: In Search of Nature's Healing Secrets." This event took place on August 29, 2006, as part of the Authors@Google series. Uploaded on Apr 24, 2007
Dr. Plotkin's latest book, is available from Amazon by clicking on the image or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.

EarthSayer Mark Plotkin
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Health and Wellness More Details
The Reunion by Handcrafted Films
Published on Nov 27, 2014

Stunning story about indigenous Harakbut people exploring their ancient past in the Peruvian Amazon with the discovery of an enormous carved stone face 'rostra' in the cliffs of the jungle. The 'rostra' had never been documented before. Perhaps the discovery of these ancient monuments could help prevent the exploration of gold mining and petroleum companies encroaching upon their territories. You can find other short films on a similar issue at If Not Us Then Who:

The films are a culmination of more than two years of participatory filming by Handcrafted Films. From Indonesia to Peru, we have been working with local partners to articulate individual stories through film.

Using the powerful visuals they are now organising a global roadshow in the lead up to COP21 in Paris. Our aim is to draw attention to the wider issue of deforestation, community-based solutions and ultimately to put pressure on governments and their commitment to slow climate change.

Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Marcelo Bonta of the Center for Diversity & the Environment

Portlander Marcelo Bonta is founder and Executive Director of the Center for Diversity & the Environment. He was interviewed at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) by Andrea Huggins of AASHE in Portland, Oregon on October 28, 2014. Produced by Portlanders Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv with Barry Heidt of Geospirit.tv.

EarthSayer Marcelo Bonta
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
As Executive Director of Greenpeace by Annie Leonard

Annie Leonard is the Executive Director of Greenpeace U.S.A. and creator and board member of the Story of Stuff Project.

In this video Annie Leonard emphasis the commitment of Greenpeace USA to environmental and social justice: "Our core values are reflected in our environmental campaign work: We 'bear witness' to environmental destruction in a peaceful, non-violent manner. We use non-violent confrontation to raise the level and quality of public debate. In exposing threats to the environment and finding solutions we have no permanent allies or adversaries. We ensure our financial independence from political or commercial interests. We seek solutions to environmental dilemmas and promote open, informed debate about society's environmental choices."

She was interviewed at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) in Portland, Oregon on October 28, 2014. Produced by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv with Barry Heidt of GeoSpirit.tv.

EarthSayer Annie Leonard
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Annie Leonard More Details
Google Earth Engine by Rebecca Moore

Jungle Bird Interviews Rebecca Moore in her offices at Google. She is a computer scientist and longtime software professional. Her personal work using Google Earth was instrumental in stopping the logging of more than a thousand acres of redwoods in her Santa Cruz Mountain community. Rebecca also initiated and leads the development of Google Earth Engine, a new technology platform which supports global-scale data-mining of satellite imagery for societal benefit. Rebecca received a bachelor's degree with honors from Brown University in Artificial Intelligence, a master's degree from Stanford University, and is currently on leave from the Stanford Ph.D. program in Computer Science. Published on Sep 16, 2014

EarthSayer Rebecca Moore
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Women's Leadership with Ellis-Lamkins, Simons, Merculieff

Three bioneers, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, Nina Simons and Ilarion Merculieff on Women's Leadership | Bioneers   2013 Annual Bioneers Conference.Published on Dec 9, 2013

EarthSayers Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins; llarion Merculieff; Nina Simons
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Bioneers More Details
Fighting Climate Change by Kelsey Juliana

Kelsey Juliana, an 18-year-old activist, is fighting climate change in the courts and walking across the country to spread the word on global warming. Published on Sep 19, 2014

EarthSayer Kelsey Juliana
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
More Questions to Global Leaders from #WhyWhyNot:

Climate change is real. It is happening right now, before our very eyes. We all have a lot to lose. So why haven't world leaders taken action? This video features a cross section of young persons asking the question, Why? Why Not?, a project of the Climate Reality Project. They have been workingin collaboration with WPP, the world's largest communications services group, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the #WhyWhyNot campaign to put pressure on world leaders, through their citizens, to make meaningful commitments on carbon emission reduction

Why? Why Not? In every language on the planet, children ask these questions over, and over, and over. They ask the first to understand the world around them, and they ask the second when they want to change that world.

We want people of all ages to ask those questions of their friends, their social networks and, most importantly, their elected representatives and keep asking them until the lies of the deniers and their vested interests run out.Published on Oct 1, 2014

Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details

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