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In 2017, Sy Adler, Associate Dean of the School of Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University, and Jim Irvine interviewed a series of key planners and advocates involved with
In 2017, Sy Adler, Associate Dean of the School of Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University, and Jim Irvine interviewed a series of key planners and advocates involved with Oregon's Statewide Planning Goal 10, which focuses on planning for and accommodating needed housing in the state. Don Mazziotti was the Community and Economic Development Director for the city of Beaverton from 2009 to 2013. He headed the Portland Development Commission from 2001 to 2005, served as Portland’s chief planner in the 1970s and acted as chief information officer for Oregon in the late 1990s.
He also worked as the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of transportation under former Oregon governor Neil Goldschmidt. This oral history interview is part of "People and the Land," a collaboration between the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development and Portland State University.
This digital access copy is made available by Portland State University Special Collections as streaming media for personal, educational, and non-commercial use only. It cannot be reproduced in any form, distributed or screened for commercial purposes.
May 25, 2017
OceanElders was created to be a locus of
OceanElders was created to be a locus of collaboration in the field of ocean conservation.
Members include: Sir Richard Branson, Jackson Browne, Dr. Rita Colwell, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Dr. Sylvia A. Earle, Graeme Kelleher, Sven Lindblad, Her Majesty Queen Noor, Nainoa Thompson, Ted Turner, Captain Don Walsh, Neil Young. Published on Sep 25, 2012
Using public monies to reduce carbon footprint, practice energy conservation, and raise the environmental awareness among
Using public monies to reduce carbon footprint, practice energy conservation, and raise the environmental awareness among citizens in Ireland. €9 billion is spent by the public sector on goods and services annually in Ireland! Dublin fireman Neil McCabe showed how with a little ingenuity, this money could result in environmentally friendly buildings and huge cost savings to the public sector but will local authorities and the government take notice.
Thats €100bn in spending in the next 10 years, shouldnt that money be spend on local, environmentally sound, clean products and services? Moving to a green economy is a low carbon economy.
It would save money and create jobs, so whats stopping us.
Hosted by Duncan Stewart.
Published on Feb 18, 2014
Displaying 10 videos of 21 matching videos containing any of the terms
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