Displaying 10 videos of 35 matching videos containing any of the terms
Many critics claim that the problem with economics is that it has no theory of value. From early economists, such as Smith, Ricardo and Marx, to later economists, pinning value to economics has
This is an interview with Barbara Ford of Gaiaworkshops.net at the Earth & Spirit
Bill Moyers has followed the stories of two Milwaukee families since 1991. Like thousands of others, they were caught in the powerful undertow of a
At the Earth Day 2012 Conference co-sponsored by the Earth & Spirit Council and Portland Community College/ Sylvania on the evening of April 20th Barbara Ford participated in a panel discussion
Uploaded on Nov 22, 2016
EarthSayer Barbara CampbellRichard Wolff is an economist, author, and Professor Emeritus of the University of Massachusettes, Amherst. In this speech he addresses the current economic crises, its' roots and what we can do
Sustainability Action Media (SAM) at Earth Day Conference 2012
The panel discussion between elders and youth was around a central conference topic: "What gives us hope and heart to keep working on what is best for our Earth in the face of difficult changes?"
Displaying 10 videos of 35 matching videos containing any of the terms
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