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For more than a decade activist performance artist Bill Talen a.k.a. Reverend Billy, along with his Church of Stop
For more than a decade activist performance artist Bill Talen a.k.a. Reverend Billy, along with his Church of Stop Shopping, has preached fiery sermons against recreational consumerism -- and more recently, against climate disaster. In September, Rev. Billy was arrested after staging a 15-minute musical protest at a JPMorgan Chase Bank in Manhattan to highlight the bank's environmental record and the extinction of a Central American golden toad. He now faces a year in prison for misdemeanor charges of riot in the second degree, menacing in the third degree, unlawful assembly and two counts of disorderly conduct. Despite this, he and The Stop Shopping Choir are performing in New York City every Sunday through December 22. Rev. Billy is also featured in the film "What Would Jesus Buy?" and in the book of the same name.
You may buy his book from Amazon by clicking on imgage or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.
Acclaimed historian Gary May is interviewed by Bill Moyers.
Acclaimed historian Gary May is interviewed by Bill Moyers. He puts the recent Supreme Court decision gutting the Voting Rights Act into historical perspective, noting it's just one moment in a long, ongoing struggle to ensure voting rights for every American. A specialist in American political, diplomatic and social history, May's latest book is Bending Toward Justice: The Voting Rights Act and the Transformation of American Democracy.
You may order book from Amazon by clikcing on image or visit your local bookstore. Thank you. Published on Jul 12, 2013
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