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Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak by Max Wilbert

Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Melting Ice and Global Impacts. This film by

Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Melting Ice and Global Impacts. This film by Max Wilbert brings you the voices of climate scientists - in their own words.

Rising temperatures in the Arctic are contributing the melting sea ice, thawing permafrost, and destabilization of a system that has been called "Earth's Air Conditioner".

Global warming is here and is impacting weather patterns, natural systems, and human life around the world - and the Arctic is central to these impacts. Published on Aug 1, 2014
Scientists featured in the film include: Jennifer Francis, PhD. Atmospheric Sciences
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University; Ron Prinn, PhD. Chemistry
TEPCO Professor of Atmospheric Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Natalia Shakhova, PhD. Marine Geology International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska-Fairbanks; Kevin Schaefer, PhD. Research Scientist, National Snow and Ice Data Center; Stephen J. Vavrus, PhD. Atmospheric Sciences Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Nikita Zimov, Northeast Science Station, Russian Academy of Sciences.; Jorien Vonk, PhD. Applied Environmental Sciences Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University; Jeff Masters, PhD. Meteorology .Director, Weather Underground

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EarthSayers Jennifer Francis; Max Wilbert; Nikita Zimov
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak on Global Warming (1080p HD - REMASTERED)

Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Melting Ice and Global Impacts (1080p HD) Remastered with reduced music.

This film brings you the voices of climate scientists - in their own

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EarthSayers Jennifer Francis; Jeff Masters; Natalia Shakhova
Date 7/15/2015 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
The Clean Energy Economy is Ready to be Scaled -Here's How

Amory Lovins, chief scientist and cofounder, and special guest Jeff Tannenbaum, founder of Titan Grove and Fir Tree Partners, moderated by RMI Principal Roy Torbert discuss the global clean energy

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EarthSayer Amory Lovins
Date 5/17/2019 Format Webinar
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
The Future of Sea Level Rise
Stanford University senior research scientist, Katharine Mach, discusses the rates that the world's oceans are rising and what we can expect in the near
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Date 11/13/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: Endangered Underwater
Join host Jeff Corwin as he connects with some of the most threatened and endangered animals that live underwater. First, Jeff helps conservationists save one of Florida’s most iconic species: the
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Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildcats of Arizona
Join NHI and Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Jeff Meyers to learn about the four different species of wildcats in Arizona. Arizona is home to four different species of wildcats including the
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Date 8/30/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: The Power of Pinnipeds
Join host Jeff Corwin on an epic adventure to the stunning coast of California to connect with the giants of the sea: elephant seals. Jeff works alongside conservationists fighting to protect
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Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: Feathers, Furs and Flippers
Jeff Corwin begins in the historic city of Boston to help aid the recovery of peregrine falcons with Defenders of Wildlife staff. To learn more about the wildlife featured in the episode, visit
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Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: New England Wildlife
Join host Jeff Corwin on an adventure in his home state of Massachusetts. Jeff returns to his roots to help conservationists save a collection of iconic New England wildlife, including an owl ready
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Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Walkable City by Jeff Speck
How do we solve the problem of the suburbs? Urbanist Jeff Speck shows how we can free ourselves from dependence on the car -- which he calls "a gas-belching,
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EarthSayer Jeff Speck
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 98 matching videos containing any of the terms

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