Search Results domain name pointer ec2-3-15-230-252.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.

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Women Ending the Era of Fossil Fuels and Leading a Just Transition - Climate Week 2023

As global leaders gathered for the UN Climate Ambition Summit on Wednesday, September 20, WECAN hosted an event, right across the street from the UN, bringing together women leaders to call on

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EarthSayers Helena Gualinga; Sharon Lavigne; Zukiswa White White
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Prophecies, World Peace, and Global Healing by Chief Arvol Looking Horse

Oct 17, 2016

Chief Arvol Looking Horse’s lecture on water crisis, environmental justice, and unity will break the surface of the numerous perturbing issues affecting the Native

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EarthSayer Chief Arvol Looking Horse
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Stand Down

Stand Down is an invitation to get traumatized Veterans off the street and back into their lives. It is a three day event that includes medical, dental, legal services but most inportantly, it restores Vets with a sense of community. Int he words of its founder Dr. John Natchison it is a drug free Woodstock music festival combined with Maslow's hierarchy of needs and a family picnic. A thousand Vets show up and 2,000 grateful volunteers welcome them. There are now over 300 Stand Down events in the US. Of the percent of citizens who sign up for the military Veterans disproportionately experience trauma, PTSD, substance abuse disorders and homelessness. Community and connection is the means to Veterans to recover their purpose and passion.






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Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Called From Darkness More Details
A Native American Prayer of Gratitude with Chief Phil Lane Jr.

Chief Phil Lane Jr. shares one of the four songs of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman, which he says holds a message for our time in human history.

EarthSayer Chief Phil Lane
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
Matt Damon & Gary White | The Worth of Water | Talks at Google
Matt Damon & Gary White discuss their recent book "The Worth of Water: Our Story of Chasing Solutions to the World's Greatest Challenge", the incredible true story of two unlikely allies on a mission
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Date 7/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Final Warning by James Lovelock
83,545 views Apr 22, 2009

James Lovelock is best known as the father of Gaia theory; the idea that all parts of our planet form a complex interacting system, like a single organism. His new book depicts Gaia in trouble. In this interview Lovelock sounds a final warning for planet earth and enthuses about his upcoming space trip.

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EarthSayer James Lovelock
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Transforming Global Economies: From Extraction to Regeneration in a Just Transition

During Climate Week in New York City, WECAN held a virtual public event on September 26, 2024, “Transforming Global Economies: From Extraction to Regeneration in a Just Transition.”

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EarthSayers Monica Chuji Gualinga; Faith Lumonya; Monique Verdin
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
The Gaia Theory by Lynn Margulis
6,001 views Oct 24, 2019

Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture Series in Portland, Oregon. Gaia is the ancient word for the earth.  

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EarthSayer Lynn Margulis
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
ADORABLE: Newborn harp seal pups | Oceana
Harp seal pups are some of the cutest on the ice. They are born with a completely white coat. As they mature, they grow into the silver-white coat of adults, developing the black harp-shaped designs
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Date 4/13/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Let The Recycling Revolution Begin | Kieran White | TEDxDerryLondonderryStudio
“What’s going on with recycling? The answer is complicated and has been confused, says Kieran White. He’s a 21 year old sustainability entrepreneur that’s been working on the recycling
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Date 9/1/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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