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Who Supports Carbon Pricing: Labor Unions: #CCL2021 #PushForAPrice June Conference
Labor unions are getting on board with carbon pricing because it will incentivize business innovation and job creation throughout the economy. Join us to learn more about labor union support for this policy, and how you can get started building relationships with labor unions. John Braxton, Co-President Emeritus AFT Local 2026, Community College of Phila. John worked for 20 years in the reform movement within the Teamsters union. He also began teaching at Community College of Philadelphia, where he was co-president of the union there. He was a founder of US Labor Against the War and has helped to build the Labor Network for Sustainability. He is one of the originators of the resolutions that the American Federation of Teachers has passed endorsing strong action on climate change, including support for the carbon fee and dividend approach. Peter Knowlton, Past President UE, Radio & Machine Workers of America Peter was a member of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) for 35 years until his retirement in 2019. He first became active in the labor movement in the late 1970’s as a union cab driver, rank and file activist, and organizer in Minneapolis, MN. He went on to become a Field Organizer, President of the Northeast Region, and eventually elected UE General President. Keon Liberato is a railroad track maintainer and the President & Principal Officer of BMWED-IBT Local 3012 Arlene Grant, an artist, humanitarian, coach, and speaker, is an active member of CCL, Braver Angels and organizations working to improve environmental, food, racial and social justice using art, communication and education. Arlene is the Creative Director and Founder of ArlieSpeaks Media, LLC and Cleanse Your Cache, which empowers advocacy resilience and helps people reclaim their lives. She's worked as arbitrator, educator, facilitator, mediator, and trainer in labor and employment disputes.
Date 6/15/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Bringing Back the Ho-Chunk Language by Arlene Blackdeer

Language Apprentice: Bringing Back the Ho-Chunk Language by Arlene Blackdeer

Arlene Blackdeer, a language apprentice for the Hoocak Waaziija Haci Language Division of the Ho-Chunk Nation, shares her experience and community's effort to bring back and revitalize the Ho-Chunk language. This story is part of The Ways, an ongoing series on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes. Published on May 2, 2013 More at The Ways here.

Follow The Way on Facebook and Twitter.


EarthSayer Arlene Blackdeer
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Ways: Great Lakes Native Culture & Language More Details

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