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Displaying 10 videos of 18 matching videos containing

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Beaver Believers: How to Restore Planet Water | Kate Lundquist & Brock Dolman
In this age of global weirding where climate disruption has tumbled the Goldilocks effect into unruly surges of too much and too little water, the restoration of beavers offers ancient nature-based solutions to the tangle of challenges bedeviling human civilization. Droughts, floods, soil erosion, climate change, biodiversity loss – you name it, and beaver is on it. In this episode, Kate Lundquist and Brock Dolman of the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center share their semi-aquatic journey to becoming Beaver Believers. They are part of a passionate global movement to bring back our rodent relatives who show us how to heal nature by working with nature. Featuring Kate Lundquist, co-director of the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center’s WATER Institute and the Bring Back the Beaver Campaign in Sonoma County, is a conservationist, educator and ecological artist who works with landowners, communities and resource agencies to uncover obstacles, identify strategic solutions, and generate restoration recommendations to assure healthy watersheds, water security, listed species recovery and climate change resiliency. Brock Dolman, co-founded (in 1994) the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center where he co-directs the WATER Institute. A wildlife biologist and watershed ecologist, he has been actively promoting “Bringing Back Beaver in California” since the early 2000s. He was given the Salmonid Restoration Federation’s coveted Golden Pipe Award in 2012: “…for his leading role as a proponent of “working with beavers” to restore native habitat. Resources Beaver Believer: How Massive Rodents Could Restore Landscapes and Ecosystems At Scale (https://bioneers.org/beaver-believer-how-massive-rodents-could-restore-landscapes-and-ecosystems-at-scale-zmbz2110/) Fire and Water: Land and Watershed Management in the Age of Climate Change (https://bioneers.org/fire-and-water-watershed-management-zmbz2008/) Brock Dolman – Basins of Relations: A Reverential Rehydration Revolution (https://bioneers.org/brock-dolman-basins-of-relations-a-reverential-rehydration-revolution-bioneers/) From Kingdom to Kin-dom: Acting As If We Have Relatives Brock Dolman, Paul Stamets and Brian Thomas Swimme (https://bioneers.org/from-kingdom-to-kin-dom-acting-as-if-we-have-relatives-brock-dolman-paul-stamets/) The WATER Institute’s Beaver in California reader (https://oaec.org/publications/beaver-in-california/) Credits • Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel • Written by: Kenny Ausubel • Senior Producer and Station Relations: Stephanie Welch • Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris • Producer: Teo Grossman • Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey • Production Assistance: Monica Lopez This is an episode of the Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature series. Visit the radio and podcast homepage (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-radio/)  to learn more.
Date 12/11/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Indigenous Eco-Nomics: Ancestors of the Future | Nick Estes
In this episode, Indigenous scholar and organizer Nick Estes explores how Indigenous land-based and Earth-centered societies are advancing regenerative solutions and campaigns to transform capitalism. “Eco-nomics” puts Indigenous leadership at the forefront of assuring a habitable planet. Featuring Nick Estes, Ph.D. (Kul Wicasa/Lower Brule Sioux), is a Professor at the University of Minnesota (https://twin-cities.umn.edu/)  and a member of the Oak Lake Writers Society (https://olws.squarespace.com/) , a group of Dakota, Nakota and Lakota writers. In 2014, he was a co-founder of The Red Nation (https://therednation.org/)  in Albuquerque, NM, an organization dedicated to the liberation of Native people from capitalism and colonialism. He serves on its editorial collective and writes its bi-weekly newsletter (https://therednation.org/category/features/newsletter/) . Nick Estes is also the author of: Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance (https://www.versobooks.com/books/2953-our-history-is-the-future) . Resources Nick Estes – The Age of the Water Protector and Climate Chaos (https://bioneers.org/nick-estes-water-protector-climate-chaos-zstf2206/)  (video) | Bioneers 2022 Keynote Indigenous Pathways to a Regenerative Future (https://bioneers.org/indigenous-pathways-regenerative-future-zstf2112/)  (video) | Bioneers 2021 Panel The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth (https://www.commonnotions.org/the-red-deal)  | The Red Nation Indigenous Resistance Against Carbon (https://www.ienearth.org/indigenous-resistance-against-carbon/)  | Indigenous Environmental Network Credits • Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel • Written by: Kenny Ausubel • Senior Producer and Station Relations: Stephanie Welch • Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris • Producer: Teo Grossman • Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey • Production Assistance: Anna Rubanova This is an episode of the Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature series. Visit the radio and podcast homepage (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-radio/)  to learn more.
Date 11/20/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Deep Listening: Whale Culture, Interspecies Communication, and Knowing Your Place | Shane Gero
Dr. Shane Gero, a visionary marine biologist, is angling to crack the code of sperm whale communication. His mind-bending research is transforming what we thought we knew about these ancient leviathans. It’s calling on us to embrace the reality that perhaps we’ve long suspected: Sperm whales are living meaningful, intelligent and complex lives whose cultures suggest that whales are people too. What can whale culture teach us, and can deep listening help us learn to coexist respectfully in kinship with these guardians of the deep? Featuring Shane Gero, Ph.D., is a Canadian whale biologist, Scientist-in-Residence at Ottawa’s Carleton University, and a National Geographic Explorer. He is the founder of The Dominica Sperm Whale Project (http://www.thespermwhaleproject.org/)  and the Biology Lead for Project CETI (https://www.projectceti.org/) . His science appears in numerous magazines, books, and television; and most recently was the basis for the Emmy Award winning series, Secrets of the Whales. Learn more at shanegero.com (http://www.shanegero.com/) . Resources Shane Gero – Preserving Animal Cultures: Lessons from Whale Wisdom | Bioneers 2023 Keynote (https://bioneers.org/shane-gero-preserving-animal-cultures-lessons-from-whale-wisdom-zstf2304/) Deep Dive: Intelligence in Nature (https://bioneers.org/intelligence-in-nature-media-collection/) Credits Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Written by: Teo Grossman and Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer and Station Relations: Stephanie Welch Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris Special Engineering Support: Eddie Haehl at KZYX
Date 10/16/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Restorative Revolution: How Indigenous Leadership and Allyship Catalyzed the Biggest River Re...
Yurok fisherman and tribal leader Sammy Gensaw and environmental scientist-turned-activist Craig Tucker share the epic story of how Indigenous leadership and non-Indian allyship made the impossible inevitable: the biggest-ever dam removal and salmon restoration in history. It represented a literal watershed moment; unprecedented co-equal decision-making between the tribes and their historical nemesis – the US government. Once complete in 2024, the project will liberate the Klamath river and several tributaries to once again run free across 400-miles from Oregon through California and into the Pacific Ocean. Featuring Sammy Gensaw (Yurok) is the Founding Director of the Ancestral Guard (https://naturerightscouncil.org/ancestral-guard) , Artist, Yurok Language Speaker, Singer, Writer, Cultural/Political/Environmental Activist, Regalia Maker, Mediator, Youth Leader & Fisherman. Craig Tucker has 20+ years of advocacy and activism experience, especially working with tribal members, fishermen and farmers in the Klamath Basin on dam removal, traditional fire management, gold mining, and water policy, and is the founder and Principal of Suits and Signs Consulting (https://suitsandsigns.com/) . Resources Indigenous Forum – Undam the Klamath! How Tribes Led the Largest River Restoration Project in US History (https://bioneers.org/indigenous-forum-undam-the-klamath-how-tribes-led-the-largest-river-restoration-project-in-us-history/)  | Bioneers 2023 Credits • Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel • Written by: Kenny Ausubel • Senior Producer and Station Relations: Stephanie Welch • Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey • Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris • Producer: Teo Grossman This is an episode of the Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature series. Visit the radio and podcast homepage (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-radio/)  to learn more.
Date 9/18/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
From Scarcity to Abundance: How Collective Governance Can Transform the Climate Crisis | Colette ...
In this episode, award-winning lawyer and climate justice organizer Colette Pichon-Battle lays out a bold vision for a new organizing project designed to model bioregional democratic climate action. The aim is to transform the Gulf South and Appalachia away from the lethal matrix of fossil fuel extraction and extractive economics. Instead, the regional vision is for a regenerative future of clean energy democracy, and an equitable, inclusive economy. Featuring Colette Pichon Battle, a generational native of Bayou Liberty, Louisiana, is an award-winning lawyer and prominent climate justice organizer. After 17 years leading the Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy, she co-founded Taproot Earth (https://www.taproot.earth/en) to create connections and power across issues, movements, and geographies. Resources Colette Pichon Battle – Expanding Our Movements for Climate Justice (https://bioneers.org/colette-pichon-battle-expanding-movements-climate-justice-zstf2404/) | Bioneers 2024 Keynote Taproot Earth (https://www.taproot.earth/en) Credits Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Written by: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer and Station Relations: Stephanie Welch Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Songs in this Episode: 'Good Morning New Orleans' by Kermit Ruffins; 'What Goes Around Comes Around' by Rebirth Brass Band, provided by Basin Street Records (https://www.basinstreetrecords.com/) in New Orleans, Louisiana This is an episode of the Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature series. Visit the radio and podcast homepage (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-radio/)  to learn more.
Date 9/10/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Commodity or Human Right? How Community Wealth Building Can Address the Housing Crisis
Housing is a human right, or so says the International Declaration of Human Rights. But could we organize our economies with that in mind? Across the country, communities have land and properties and people who need homes. What’s stopping us bringing them together in a way that increases community wealth and wellbeing for everyone? That’s the question we explore in this episode of our special series on community wealth building, produced in collaboration with the radio and tv show, Laura Flanders & Friends. Featuring Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Writer; Saoirse Gowan, Policy Associate with the Democracy Collaborative; Noni D. Session, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative. This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Resources Democracy Collaborative (https://democracycollaborative.org/) East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative (https://ebprec.org/) Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership (https://uncpress.org/book/9781469663883/race-for-profit/) Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Solidarity Economics: Taking It to the Bank to Build Community Wealth
In this episode on community wealth building, we look at how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing the assets that exist in their place. It’s the Kryptonite to the corporate model that extracts wealth from communities. Instead, they’re anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people - from land to money and finance. We hear from Nicole Ndumele from the Center for American Progress; Mike Strode, from The Kola Nut Collaborative; and Deyanira del Río of the New Economy Project. Resources Center for American Progress (https://www.americanprogress.org/) New Economy Project (https://www.neweconomynyc.org/) O (https://opencollective.com/foundation) pen Collective Foundation (https://kolanutcollab.org/) The Kola Nut Collaborative (https://kolanutcollab.org/) Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
From Wealth Supremacy to Community Wealth Building: Models for Democratizing the Economy
Today’s corporate, capitalist economy is radically unequal, ecologically unsustainable, and embedded in recurring boom-and-bust cycles of crisis. Not surprisingly, people are looking for alternatives. What if, instead of tweaking the system to reduce the damage, we reorganized entirely so that both local and national economies produced better outcomes for people, communities and the planet in the first place?  That’s the essence of community wealth building, the focus of this episode with guest host Laura Flanders, featuring Democracy Collaborative Distinguished Senior Fellow, Marjorie Kelly; Preston City Council Member, Matthew Brown in the UK; and community wealth building adviser to the Scottish Government, Neil McInroy. This episode is part 2 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Resources Democracy Collaborative (https://democracycollaborative.org/) Wealth Supremacy: How the Extractive Economy and The Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today's Crises (https://marjoriekelly.org/wealthsupremacy/) Action Guide for Advancing Community Wealth Building in the United States (https://democracycollaborative.org/publications/community-wealth-building-action-guide) | Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz – Replacing Corporate Capitalism: Why We Need a Next System (https://bioneers.org/gar-alperovitz-replacing-corporate-capitalism-why-we-need-a-next-system/) | Bioneers 2018 Keynote Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Community Wealth Building: Democratizing the Economy
In this special episode of the Bioneers, guest host Laura Flanders explores “Community Wealth Building,” a model that democratizes the economy, creates more cooperative businesses, better care for communities, and builds wealth for the many, not just the few. This episode features American political economist, historian, and author Gar Alperovitz of the Democracy Collaborative, along with India Pierce Lee about her work with the Collaborative in Cleveland, Ohio; and John McMicken, Executive Director of Cleveland’s Evergreen Cooperative Corporation. This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris Resources Democracy Collaborative (https://democracycollaborative.org/) Evergreen Cooperatives (https://www.evgoh.com/) How to Make a Democratic Economy (https://lauraflanders.simplecast.com/episodes/how-to-make-a-democratic-economy-democracy-collaborative) | Laura Flanders & Friends Action Guide for Advancing Community Wealth Building in the United States (https://democracycollaborative.org/publications/community-wealth-building-action-guide) | Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz – Replacing Corporate Capitalism: Why We Need a Next System (https://bioneers.org/gar-alperovitz-replacing-corporate-capitalism-why-we-need-a-next-system/) | Bioneers 2018 Keynote Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Creating a World Where Everyone Belongs: From a Change of Heart to System Change
In this moment of radical transformation, shifting the societal pronoun from “me, me, me” to “we” may be the single most transformational pivot we can make in order for anything else to work. Our destiny is ultimately collective. How can we overcome corrosive divisions and separations that are tearing us apart and create a world where everyone belongs? In this program, we dip into a deep conversation on this topic between Angela Glover Blackwell and john a. powell, two long-time friends and leaders in a quest toward building a multicultural democracy. Featuring Angela Glover Blackwell is Founder-in-Residence at PolicyLink (https://www.policylink.org/) , the organization she started in 1999 to advance racial and economic equity. One of the nation’s most prominent, award-winning social justice advocates, she serves on numerous boards and advisory councils, including the inaugural Community Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve and California’s Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery. john a. powell is the Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute (https://belonging.berkeley.edu/)  and Professor of Law, African American, and Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley. A former National Legal Director of the ACLU, he co-founded the Poverty & Race Research Action Council (https://prrac.org/)  and serves on the boards of several national and international organizations. His latest book is: Racing to Justice: Transforming our Concepts of Self and Other to Build an Inclusive Society (https://iupress.org/9780253017710/racing-to-justice/) . Resources From Othering to Belonging | Bioneers 2022 Panel Discussion with Angela Glover Blackwell and john a. powell (https://bioneers.org/from-othering-to-belonging-zstf2206/) Angela Glover Blackwell – Transformative Solidarity for a Thriving Multiracial Democracy | Bioneers 2022 Keynote Address (https://bioneers.org/angela-glover-blackwell-transformative-solidarity-thriving-multiracial-democracy-zstf2205/) john a. powell – Healing Across Divides: Building Bridges to Challenge Systemic Injustice | Bioneers 2020 Keynote Address (https://bioneers.org/john-a-powell-creating-conditions-belonging-breathing-toxic-environment-zstf2101/) Credits • Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel • Written by: Kenny Ausubel • Senior Producer and Station Relations: Stephanie Welch • Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris • Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey • Producer: Teo Grossman • Production Assistance: Anna Rubanova and Monica Lopez This is an episode of the Bioneers: Revolution from the Heart of Nature series. Visit the radio and podcast homepage (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-radio/)  to learn more.
Date 8/28/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 18 matching videos containing

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