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Press Freedom For Indigenous Journalists - Angel Ellis
Cultural Survival was present at the 2024 Indigenous Media Conference, organized by the Indigenous Journalists Association and we spoke to Angel Ellis about press freedom for Indigenous journalists. Interview: Angel Ellis (Muscogee Nation), Indigenous Journalists Association, Executive Board Press Freedom Committee. Producer : Dev Kumar Sunuwar Music: "Remember Your Children", by Salidummay, is used with permission.
Date 8/4/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: Saving Sea Turtles
Join host Jeff Corwin on an adventure to the beaches of southern Florida to uncover the challenges facing sea turtles locally and around the world. Working with dedicated conservationists, including Defenders of Wildlife staff, Jeff helps a team of biologists care for sick and injured turtles that are ready to return to the ocean. To learn more about the wildlife featured in the episode, visit www.defenders.org/wildlifenation Video Transcript: Jeff Corwin: So friends, my mentor, Dr. John Jahoda from Bridgewater State University, once told me, "If you ever have a job Jeff, have a job you love." And this reminds me why  I love my job. It's moments like this through the heartache, through the trials, you get that moment of triumph. And I imagine for you, Elizabeth, this is pretty special. Elizabeth Fleming: This is awesome. Jeff Corwin: This is why we all do what we do. Elizabeth Fleming: This is phenomenal. Jeff Corwin: What do you think, Whitney? You think these turtles are hankering to get back in the ocean? Whitney Crowder: I think they are ready to go home. Jeff Corwin: Are you ready? Elizabeth? Elizabeth Fleming: I'm ready. Speaker 4: Here? Elizabeth Fleming: Uh-oh. She's- Jeff Corwin: You got it good? Speaker 4: You're good. Elizabeth Fleming:  I'm going to cry. I'm just glad, to be this big she's really had to withstand so many things. Speaker 4: She sure has. The odds were not in her favor to get this big at all. Elizabeth Fleming: I'm so glad to see this animal get back to the ocean. Jeff Corwin: Now it's our turn. We get to do this. Whitney Crowder: We do. Jeff Corwin: Whitney does it ever get old? Whitney Crowder: It never gets old.  It's honestly just a feeling of pride to be able  to release these turtles back out to the ocean. Jeff Corwin: The loggerhead doesn't go into the surf alone she travels with incredible state of the art technology. So we will be her electronic guardian angel for many months to come. Whitney Crowder: Hopefully. Jeff Corwin: All right, shall we do this? Whitney Crowder: We shall. Jeff Corwin: All right. Whitney Crowder: All right. You ready? Jeff Corwin: Yep. That was awesome. Thanks Whitney. Whitney Crowder: Thank you. Jeff Corwin: Remember, conservation takes action. Volunteer in your community. Enjoy your local environment and defend wildlife the best way you can.
Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Eric Angel Ramos: Ocean Steward Spotlight
Join us to chat with CUNY PhD candidate Eric Angel Ramos.  Eric explores marine mammal acoustics and behavior throughout the Mesoamerican region. Hear about his adventures with bottlenose dolphins and manatees and work with FINS Central America.  Support Eric here: finsconservation.org
Date 5/30/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Innovating to be sustainable | Andrea Geremicca | TEDxCremona
Essere sostenibili non vuol dire altro che essere in grado di durare nel tempo. Ma per durare nel tempo bisogna essere capaci di cambiare e di farlo rapidamente. E questo processo si chiama innovazione. La sostenibilità quindi non è solo una questione etica, ma una sorta di spirito di sopravvivenza. Innovare, però, può essere molto faticoso e richiedere tantissime risorse in termini di tempo e denaro. Andrea Geremicca ci spiega quali sono questi fattori e come possiamo fare per aiutare il nostro cervello a superare la fatica di proiettarsi nel futuro. ENG: All that being sustainable means is being able to last. But in order to last, one needs to be able to change, and to do so quickly. This process is called innovation. Sustainability is therefore not only an ethical matter, but also one of survival. Innovating, though, can be very laborious, exacting a vast amount of time and money. Andrea Geremicca will illustrate which factors are involved and how we can help our mind sustain the effort of casting ourselves into the future. ANDREA GEREMICCA E' direttore del Master in Innovazione e Imprenditorialità alla Rome Business School e dello European Institute for Innovation and Sustainability. Andrea Geremicca è Direttore dell’Istituto Europeo per l’Innovazione e la Sostenibilità (EIIS) e professore presso la LUISS. Ha frequentato la Harvard Business School Executive nel 2018 studiando come guidare l’innovazione in grandi aziende e/o organizzazioni. Nel 2016 ha frequentato la Singularity University presso il NASA Research Park nella Silicon Valley, esplorando gli impatti delle tecnologie emergenti sulla nostra società. Andrea è direttore del Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship della Rome Business School, advisor e angel investor di diverse startup internazionali. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 9/29/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Texting Your Group Recommendations
Join CCL IT Director Ricky Bradley and Education Director Brett Cease for a training that will review recommendations on how to text your group's volunteers, including setting up a system to provide data privacy, requests to be removed, and other important advocacy considerations. https://www.remind.com Presentation Slides: http://cclusa.org/group-texting-slides Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (2:25) Why Send Texts? (4:01) Data Privacy Considerations (9:21) Why Remind.com? (11:44) Steps For Registering (16:12) Getting Started & Menu Options (35:05) Final Recommendations
Date 7/30/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Understanding the Conservative Perspective: #CCL2021 #PushForAPrice June Conference
In our politically polarized times, we may not always want to interact with those who have different viewpoints from ours. As lobbyists for a bipartisan climate solution, leaving our echo chambers is critical to achieving our mission. In this Braver Angels Town Hall progressives/liberals will hear from a diverse panel of conservatives and learn to appreciate common ground. You will leave with an understanding that bipartisanship is not just a given - it requires conscious effort from all. Dr. Bill Doherty is a Professor in the Department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota where he directs two centers relevant to today’s presentation: The Minnesota Couples on the Prink Project and The Citizen Professional Center. Following the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, he co-founded Better Angels, a citizen initiative to counteract political polarization and restore the fraying social fabric in American society. Jacob Abel is a spokesperson for RepublicEn.org and a former conservative outreach fellow with Citizens Climate Lobby. In these roles he has lobbied several congressional offices, published multiple op-eds, and appeared on new outlets such BBC, Vice-News, and NowThis. During his time in CCL he worked with chapters to help increase their conservative membership and hosted workshops on how to speak with Republicans about climate change. Steve Saltwick partners with Lynn Heady to catalyze the growth and the impact of the field organization (local Alliances and the 50 States) of Braver Angels. He co-founded the Braver Angel Alliance in Central Texas in 2018. He is a bio-psychologist whose career took a path through high-tech on six continents. He researches the guiding principles of the mammalian brain. He has published in SCIENCE but prefers to dote on his first grandchild and two border collies. Ron is a retired teacher from Denver Public Schools, is an Instructional Technologist and holds a Business BA from Iowa State in Industrial Administration. Ron credits being a Republican to his hero, Frederick Douglass, and he enjoys community service through volunteering, including that with Braver Angels. He also coached football, wrestling, and track for 30 years, and enjoys reading and writing. CCL State Coordinator for California, Elizabeth Fenner joined CCL in 2015 to help further what still seems like breathtakingly effective and fair policy. A teacher and researcher who is passionate about respecting all voices, Elizabeth has worked in and volunteered with schools, libraries, nonprofit organizations and community groups. Bruce Morlan is a co-leader of the CCL Braver Angels Action Team and has been a CCL volunteer since 2015.
Date 6/15/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Climate Solution: The power in your hands | Mridula Ramesh | TEDxVersovaWomen
The central idea of her talk was the power in acting local in solving a global problem. She says, climate change is a global problem that affects each location differently. Acting locally leverages one's skin in the game, allows us to tap our deep understanding of the problem, our (greater) power to effect change and craft a solution that emphasizes ease and economics rather than relying merely on conscience, which makes the solution more effective. Mridula Ramesh is the author of critically acclaimed, ‘The Climate Solution – India’s Climate Change Crisis and What We Can Do About It’. She is founder of the Sundaram Climate Institute, which focuses on waste and water solutions and education. She is an active angel investor in cleantech start-ups, with a portfolio of over a fifteen start-ups. Mridula sits on several angel management groups, including the Indian Angels and the Chennai Angels, and is involved in several initiatives to spur entrepreneurship to build climate resilience. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 1/7/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Climate Justice: Radioactive And Toxic Waste, Racism, And Rising Oceans

At the recent Global Training in July 2020, former Vice President Al Gore and the Climate Reality Project continued their call to prioritize and center the environmental justice work of communities of color and indigenous communities. In this spirit, we invite you to learn about and engage with Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice's "We Can't Breathe" campaign in San Francisco's Bayview and Hunters Point (BVHP) neighborhoods, a low-income community of color (33.7 percent African American, 30.7 percent Asian, and 24.9 percent Latinx per the 2010 Census) where residents suffer from high rates of asthma and cancer and where radioactive waste and toxic contamination at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund site and multiple other contaminated sites are located.

As one of the lowest-lying points in San Francisco, BVHP will also be first impacted by rising oceans, which have already risen by almost 8 inches as of 2016 and which threaten to create flooding of hazardous and radioactive waste of neighborhoods, transportation infrastructure, and the entire San Francisco Bay, while several hundred new luxury homes have been built next to and possibly on top of radioactive contamination, and 10,000 more homes are planned at the contaminated Shipyard Superfund Site where critics complain that radioactive and toxic cleanup has been marred by fraud and lax standards. Speakers will also discuss the August 25 Car Caravan Protest to San Francisco City Hall for the Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Justice "We Can't Breathe" Campaign.

Co-presented by The Climate Reality Project Bay Area Chapter

THU, OCT 1 / 12:00 PM PDT

Dalila Adofo
Community Organizer, Policy Advocate, and Coordinator, Bayview Hunters Point Community Air Monitoring Project with Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice

Bradley Angel
Executive Director, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice

Sabrina Hall
Community Activist; Volunteer; Member, Bayview Hunters Point Mothers and Fathers Committee; Member, Student Site Council and African American Parent Advisory Council, Paul Revere Elementary School; Member, California Environmental Justice Coalition; Vice Chair, Southeast Community Council; Community Organizer, Green Action for Health and Environmental Justice

Ahimsa Sumchai
M.D., P.D., Emergency Medicine Physician; President and Medical Director, Golden State MD Health & Wellness; Principal Investigator, Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program; Member, UCSF Medical Alumni Association Board of Directors

Alma Soongi Beck
Climate Justice Co-Chair, Climate Reality Project Bay Area Chapter—Moderator

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EarthSayers Dalila Adofo; Bradley Angel; Ahimsa Sumchai
Date 10/5/2020 Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Justice More Details
Climate Change is Everybody's business | Daniel Bradley | TEDxYouth@AES
" 'What did you make today?'... 'I made a difference.' " With interesting statistics, personal experience, and novel ideas, Dan Bradley tackles the global issue of climate change and development through a fresh, unorthodox perspective. Daniel Bradley is the Team leader of the Low Carbon Growth department for India at the Foreign and Commonwealth office. He has 20 years of international experience working with developing and emerging nations on climate change, energy, agriculture, food and nutrition security. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 6/9/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The danger of predictive algorithms in criminal justice | Hany Farid | TEDxAmoskeagMillyard
Predictive algorithms may help us shop, discover new music or literature, but do they belong in the courthouse? Dartmouth professor Dr. Hany Farid reverse engineers the inherent dangers and potential biases of recommendations engines built to mete out justice in today's criminal justice system. The co-founder and CTO of Fourandsix Technologies, an image authentication and forensics company, Hany Farid works to advance the field of digital forensics. Hany said, “For the past decade I have been working on technology and policy that will find a balance between an open and free Internet while reining in online abuses. With approximately a billion Facebook uploads per day and 400 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, this task is technically and logistically complicated but also, I believe, critical to the long-term health of our online communities.” Hany is the Albert Bradley 1915 Third Century Professor and Chair of Computer Science at Dartmouth. He is also a Senior Adviser to the Counter Extremism Project. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 10/2/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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