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Chair’s summary and Closing Ceremony
Chair’s summary Closing Ceremony Thursday, 19 September 2024 : 14:00 – 15:30 Chairman Mr Philip Marnick General Director Telecommunications Regulatory Authority Bahrain (Kingdom of) Panelists Dr Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava Director Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU Biography
Date 10/14/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
WSIS +20 FORUM HIGH-LEVEL EVENT 2024 INTERVIEW with Minister Mousa Abuzaid
Minister Mousa Abuzaid, Chairman, General Personnel Council, Palestine interviewed at WSIS +20 FORUM HIGH-LEVEL EVENT 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. The WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event from 27 to 31 May 2024, commemorates two decades since the World Summit on the Information Society established a global framework for digital cooperation, aiming to build inclusive, people-centric information societies. #wsis
Date 5/31/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Debunking doomerism: 4 futurists on why we’re actually not f*cked | Kevin Kelly & more
Four visionaries—Kevin Kelly, Peter Schwartz, Ari Wallach, and Tyler Cowen—share their insights on the future, urging viewers to consider the impact of their actions on future generations. Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQECJukTDE2i6aCoMnS-Vg?sub_confirmation=1 Up next, A guide to surviving humanity’s tipping point ► https://youtu.be/teNE748O-vw?si=WlxD159us0dlLUap Explore the future with visionaries Kevin Kelly, Peter Schwartz, Ari Wallach, and Tyler Cowen. While each is looking into the future through a different lens, they all share a belief in the power of optimism and proactive engagement as essential tools for overcoming today's challenges. Wallach introduces "Longpath," urging long-term thinking, while Kelly advocates for "Protopia," emphasizing gradual progress. Schwartz highlights scenario planning's importance, emphasizing curiosity and collaboration. Cowen reflects on America's progress and calls for urgency. Together, they stress empathy, transgenerational thinking, and diverse futures to collectively build a better tomorrow. The message: the future is a continuous creation requiring proactive, collective action. Read the video transcript ► https://bigthink.com/series/the-big-think-interview/progress/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=youtube_description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► About Kevin Kelly: Kevin Kelly is Senior Maverick at WIRED magazine. He co-founded WIRED in 1993, and served as its Executive Editor for its first seven years. His newest book is The Inevitable, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller. He is founder of the popular Cool Tools website, which has been reviewing tools daily for 20 years. From 1984-1990 Kelly was publisher and editor of the Whole Earth Review, a subscriber-supported journal of unorthodox conceptual news. He co-founded the ongoing Hackers’ Conference, and was involved with the launch of the WELL, a pioneering online service started in 1985. ► About Peter Schwartz: Peter Schwartz is an internationally renowned futurist and business strategist, specializing in scenario planning and working with corporations, governments, and institutions to create alternative perspectives of the future and develop robust strategies for a changing and uncertain world. As Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning for Salesforce, he manages the organization’s ongoing strategic conversation. Peter was co-founder and chairman of Global Business Network. He is the author of several works. His first book, The Art of the Long View, is considered a seminal publication on scenario planning. Peter has also served as a script consultant on the films "The Minority Report," "Deep Impact," "Sneakers," and "War Games." He received a B.S. in aeronautical engineering and astronautics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York. ► About Ari Wallach: Ari Wallach is an applied futurist and Executive Director of Longpath Labs. He is the author of Longpath: Becoming the Great Ancestors Our Future Needs by HarperCollins and the creator and host of the forthcoming series on PBS A Brief History of the Future, which is being executive produced by Kathryn Murdoch and Drake. He has been a strategy and foresight advisor to Fortune 100 companies, the US Department of State, the Ford Foundation, the UN Refugee Agency, the RacialEquity 2030 Challenge and Politico’s Long Game Forum. As adjunct associate professor at Columbia University he lectured on innovation, AI, and the future of public policy. Wallach's TED talk on Longpath has been viewed 2.6 million times and translated into 21 languages. Ari was the co-creator of 2008's pro-Obama The Great Schlep with Sarah Silverman. ► About Tyler Cowen: Tyler is the Holbert L. Harris Chair of Economics at George Mason University and serves as chairman and general director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He is co-author of the popular economics blog Marginal Revolution and co-founder of the online educational platform Marginal Revolution University. He graduated from George Mason University with a bachelor's degree in economics and earned a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. He also runs a podcast series called Conversations with Tyler. His latest book Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives and Winners Around the World is co-authored with venture capitalist Daniel Gross.
Date 12/22/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Green Digital Action Interview @COP28 with Jeroen Kanselaar from FTTH
Deputy-Secretary of ITU, Tomas Lamanauskas, asks Jeroen Kanselaar, Chairman, Sustainability Committee, FTTH Fiber to the Home Council Europe why Green Digital Action is important to FTTH. #greendigitalaction #cop28
Date 12/4/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
ITU INTERVIEWS @ WRC-23: H.E. Mohammed Al Ramsi, Chairman, WRC-23
Interview with H.E. Mohammed Al Ramsi, Chairman, WRC-23 and Deputy Director General, Telecommunication Sector, Telecommunications & Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), UAE, at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), Dubai, UAE, 20 November to 15 December 2023. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int #ituwrc #radiocommunication #Itu #amateurradio #unitednations #telecommunications
Date 11/28/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
ITU B-ROLL: ITU AI for Good Global Summit 2023 (Day 1 - Part 2)
B-Roll from the ITU AI for Good Global Summit, Geneva, Switzerland, 6-7 July 2023. Duration: 11 minutes 31 seconds 00:00:00 – 00:05:22 – Slate 00:05:22– 00:52:02 – Werner Vogels, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, Amazon. Keynote speech. 00:52:02 – 01:37:12 – Robotics demonstrations at ITU AI for Good Global Summit 01:37:12– 02:09:00 – Talks and discussions at ITU AI for Good Global Summit 02:09:00 – 03:03:05 – Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General, ITU and Lili Ibrahim, Chief Operating Officer, Google DeepMind. Panel discussion. 03:03:05 – 05:16:10 – Frederic Werner, Head, Strategic Engagement, TSB, ITU and Reinhard Scholl, Deputy Director, TSB, ITU “AI for Good in Action” (extract) 05:16:10 – 05:43:20 –Serge Conesa , Founder, Chairman & CEO, Immersion4 “Emergency efficiency for AI” (extract) 05:44:15 – 06:18:09– Panel discussion. “Crowdsourcing AI solutions for climate change.” 06:18:09 – 06:53:07 – Mauel Marina Breysse, Cardiologist, CEO & Co-Founder IDOVEN 06:53:07 – 07:25:19 – Global Initiative on AI for Health ribbon cutting 07:25:19 – 08:06:18 – Babak Hodjat, CTO AI, Cognizant, “Project Resilience – facilitating collaborative AI solutions to global problems” 08:06:18 – 09:22:10 – Anne Neuberger, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Security Advisor, White House and Roberto Viola, Deputy General of DGCONNECT European Commission “Fostering Cross Regional Collaboration on AI” 09:22:10 – 10:34:22 – Amandeep Singh Gill, UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology, United Nations 10:34:22 – 11:27:16 – Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy Secretary-General, ITU and Lori Rodney, Global Communications Leader, Shutterstock. 11:27:16 – 11:31:07 – Logo #aiforgood
Date 7/7/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
ITU INTERVIEWS @ ITU AI for Good Global Summit: Serge Conesa, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Immersion4
Interview with Serge Conesa, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Immersion4 at the AI For Good Global Summit 2023, Geneva, Switzerland #aiforgood
Date 7/6/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
AI, machine learning RAN intelligent controller for 6G | ITU Journal | Webinar
AI and machine learning technologies are already widely used in ICT. In 6G, these technologies will be applied to various network services. The O-RAN Alliance is promoting the introduction of open architecture in mobile networks, particularly in the Radio Access Network (RAN). The RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) is being actively developed for 5G RAN automation and optimization. An ecosystem of xApp/rApp, which includes a variety of AI/ML applications running on the RIC platform, is also being created. In this webinar, Dr Choi will discuss how AI/ML-based 5G RIC will adapt to the requirements of 6G and the new opportunities it provides to the AI/ML industry. Speaker: Alex Jinsung Choi, Chairman | O-RAN ALLIANCE and Senior Vice President Group Technology | T-Labs TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION, Deutsche Telekom, Germany Welcome remarks: Seizo Onoe, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU Opening remarks: Ian F. Akyildiz, Editor-in-Chief, ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU-J FET) Moderators: Bilel Jamoussi, Chief of Study Groups, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU Alessia Magliarditi, ITU Journal and ITU-T Academia Coordinator, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) This webinar is organized by the ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET), an international journal providing complete coverage of all communications and networking paradigms, free of charge for both readers and authors. The ITU Journal considers yet-to-be-published papers addressing fundamental and applied research. Open topics for future research will be discussed. See more information on the ITU Journal webinar series and the open Calls for Papers for the upcoming ITU Journal’s issues here. 👉 Discover the ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET) here: https://itu.int/en/journal/j-fet/ 📅 Explore the full ITU Journal webinar series programme here: https://itu.int/en/journal/j-fet/webinars/ #ITU #ITUJFET #itujournal
Date 6/28/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
ITU INTERVIEWS @ GSR-23: Bocar A. Ba, CEO, Samena Telecommunications Council, IAGDI - CRO Chairman
Interview with Bocar A. Ba, CEO & Board Member, Samena Telecommunications Council, IAGDI - CRO Chairman, at the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-23) 2023, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. http://itu.int/GSR23 #ITUGSR
Date 6/6/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
BIPT Chairman of the Council Michel Van Bellinghen on #ITUGSR
The Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-23) will be held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 5 to 8 June 2023 in the Tonino Lamborghini Convention Center. Learn more about the programme and register now to be part of the conversation on "Regulation for a sustainable digital future". itu.int/gsr23
Date 5/25/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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