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ENTRETIEN UIT @ GSR-23: Christian Katende Président, (Arptc), République démocratique du Congo
Entretien avec Christian Katende Président, Autorité de Régulation de la poste et des télécommunications du Congo (Arptc), á GSR-23, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypte. http://itu.int/GSR23 #ITUGSR
Date 6/6/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Regenerative Systems Design with Daniel Christian Wahl
Daniel Christian Wahl is the author of Designing Regenerative Cultures, a teacher at Schumacher College, and creator of the Design for Sustainability course at Gaia Education. On June 3, 2022, Daniel and Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose discussed systems design in support of planetary health and regeneration.
Date 6/9/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Let’s all be climate activists | Ella Dong | TEDxYouth@GrandviewHeights
Climate change is the defining crisis of our time, and it is children who are the most vulnerable and who will bear the brunt of its impact. That is why 10-year-old Ella is raising her voice and calling on children all over the world to participate in climate conversation and climate action. Ella is a 4th grader at Richmond Christian School. She is a talented dancer and singer, who also plays the piano and the drums. When not churning out tunes, Ella is an avid reader, and authors her own books. But there’s nothing like competition to spark her into giving it all she’s got. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 11/1/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Dr. Paula Stone Williams: As a Woman

Christian. Pastor. Transgender. Join us to hear from Dr. Paula Stone Williams about her experience journeying from male to female and from despair to joy.

As a father of three, married to a wonderful woman and holding several prominent jobs within the Christian community, Dr. Paula Stone Williams made the life-changing decision to physically transition from male to female at the age of sixty. Almost instantly, her power and influence in the evangelical world disappeared and her family had to grapple with intense feelings of loss and confusion.

Feeling utterly alone and at a loss after being expelled from the evangelical churches she had once spearheaded, Paula struggled to create a new safe space for herself where she could reconcile her faith, her identity, and her desire to be a leader. Much to her surprise, the key to her new career as a woman came with a deeper awareness of the inequities she had overlooked before her transition. Where her opinions were once celebrated and amplified, now she found herself sidelined and ignored. New questions emerged. Why are women’s opinions devalued in favor of men’s? Why does love and intimacy feel so different? And was it possible to find a new spirituality in her own image?

In her book As a Woman, Paula pulled back the curtain on her transition journey and shed light on the gendered landscape that impacts many in the LGBTQ+ community. Williams shares her lived experience of both genders and offers a truly unique perspective on the universal struggle to understand what it means to be male, female, and simply, human.


See more "Michelle Meow Show"s at The Commonwealth Club: http://commonwealthclub.org/mms

Author photo by Rebecca Stumpf.


Paula Stone Williams
Pastor, Left Hand Church (Longmont, CO); Author, As a Woman

Michelle Meow
Producer and Host, "The Michelle Meow Show," KBCW and Podcast; Member, Commonwealth Club Board of Governors; Twitter @msmichellemeow—Co-Host

John Zipperer
Producer and Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable; Vice President of Media & Editorial, The Commonwealth Club—Co-Host

speeches at the Club.

Date 8/27/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Creating healthy and sustainable communities | Buddy Walker | TEDxLSSC
We are living in a time of extreme polarization socially, politically, and religiously. Communities need to be healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually to function effectively and meet the needs of others. By utilizing community empowerment and development principles through agriculture we can help communities become more sustainable. Buddy Walker felt a call to international missions at age 16 and made his first short-term mission trip to Mexico at age 19. He graduated from the Spanish Language School of Guadalajara, Mexico and received his theological training from the El Calvario International Bible College in Guatemala, C.A. He has served with numerous international disaster relief efforts, coordinated international mission teams and developed broad based partnerships for advocating sustainable community development with local government, churches, business leaders, educators and non-profit organizations. Buddy later began working with an agricultural consulting firm and received training in soil science and plant nutrition. He built and operated a wholesale nursery and has developed three micro-intensive farms and a community garden project. In 2012, Buddy started the Empower School & Farm, a residential educational and apprenticeship program located in Umatilla, Florida, which provides training in Christian discipleship, micro-enterprise, sustainable agriculture, community development and world missions. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 5/27/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Tony Campolo: A Christian's Call to Save Creation - Citizens' Climate Radio Episode 56 Promo
Episode drops Jan 22 on Podbean here: https://ccl.podbean.com/e/ccr-56-tony-campolo-a-cristians-call-to-save-creation/ Last month we featured three Conservative Christians who told us how their faith compels them to promote creation care and climate change solutions. This month we feature one of America’s most widely known Progressive Evangelical Christian thought leaders. Rev. Tony Campolo is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, and he led the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education for more than 40 years.  Rev. Campolo has written over 50 books on topics that have educated and challenged his Evangelical Christian audience. He has been ahead of his time on a variety of social issues. In 1992 he published the book, How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshiping Nature, A Christian Call to Save Creation. In the book, he seeks to help believers see they have a role to play in caring for creation.  Rev. Campolo, who is 85 and has never retired, suffered a stroke in 2020. He is at home recovering with the help of his wife Peggy. Before the Pandemic and his stroke, Citizens Climate Radio’s host, Peterson Toscano, was fortunate enough to sit down with Tony and ask him about his 1992 book.  Rev. Campolo reveals his frustration with fellow ministers and accuses them of not listening to God’s voice in regard to the mandate to care for creation.  The Art House Returning to the Art House is Jennie Carlisle, the curator and director of the Smith Gallery at Appalachian State University along with Laura England, a senior lecturer. They are two of three co-facilitators of ASU’s Climate Stories Collaborative. Both Jennie and Laura appeared in Episode 49 and told us about how in spring 2020 they quickly adapted to the Covid Global Pandemic by putting their annual Student Climate Stories Showcase onto Instagram.   Some climate leaders see art straightforward communication tool. But art overloaded with messages about issues and politics can turn out clunky and preachy. How does an artists stay in a creative space? When producing climate arts, what is more important the process or the product?  You can hear standalone version of The Art House at Artists and Climate Change.  Good News Report This episode we begin a new feature, The Good News Report. Listeners share their climate successes with us. Good news this month comes from Cathy Orlando in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. She is the International Outreach Manager for Citizens Climate Lobby and also the Canadian Director. Slow, steady, and relentless climate advocacy has paid off!  If you have good news to share, contact Peterson Toscano: radio@CitizensClimate.org  Dig Deeper                                                                       Ron Sider, Canadian-born American theologian and social activist Tony Campolo’s Christmas 2020 Homily Making a Planet Worth Saving: Bill McKibben interviews Reverend Lennox Yearwood, Jr. (New Yorker) Amitov Ghosh: Where is the Fiction about Climate Change? (The Guardian) We always welcome your thoughts, questions, suggestions, and recommendations for the show. Leave a voice mail at 518.595.9414. (+1 if calling from outside the USA.) You can email your answers to radio@citizensclimate.org   You can hear Citizens’ Climate Radio on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher Radio, SoundCloud, Podbean, Northern Spirit Radio, Google Play, PlayerFM, and TuneIn Radio. Also, feel free to connect with other listeners, suggest program ideas, and respond to programs in the Citizens’ Climate Radio Facebook group or on Twitter at @CitizensCRadio.
Date 12/31/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Climate Change and Creation Care: What Would Jesus Do? - Citizens' Climate Radio Ep. 55 Promo
Listen to Episode here: https://ccl.podbean.com/e/ccr-ep-55-climate-change-and-creation-care-what-would-jesus-do/ In a followup to our most downloaded episode, What Does the Bible Say About Climate Change?, host, Peterson Toscano speaks with two Christian women about their faith, their commitment to creation care, and why they see Citizens Climate Lobby as a place where they can pursue meaningful solutions. They talk about their values, the Bible, the spiritual charge to do the work of reconciliation, especially in a contentious and politically divided country. They speak with conviction about the need for Christian believers to take creation care seriously. In the Art House you will meet Lindsay Linsky. A Bible-believing Christian in Georgia, she is the author of the book, Keep It Good—Understanding Creation Care through Parables. Through her book she seeks to break through environmental apathy and partisan noise to show Christians God’s simple yet beautiful message of creation stewardship. As a teacher, Lindsay Linsky understands how challenging it is to correct misinformation, and she recognizes the power of stories to engage people with new ideas. In our show she shares practical insights and a very powerful Bible verse that highlights the call to creation care. Lindsay Linsky has been featured on panel discussions at theology conferences as well as podcasts and webinars on Creation Care Radio, Yale Climate Connections, and RepublicEN’s The EcoRight Speaks podcast. Special thanks to Price Atkinson for introducing us to Lindsay Linsky. Lindsay earned her PhD in Science Education with a focus on environmental education and ocean literacy from the University of Georgia, and lives with her husband and children in Suwanee, GA.
Date 12/22/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
"The Politics of Environmentalism as Utopia" — Panel Discussion
I took part in a panel for the Platypus Affiliated Society on April 2nd, 2020. This is a reupload of the original video. Panelists were myself, Earl Silbar, Kaila Cook, and Christian Parenti.
Date 4/22/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Ocean Plastic and Human Civilization | Cindy Hu | TEDxBrighouse
Cindy Hu will talk about the effects of ocean plastic on human civilization and the natural environment. Cindy Hu is currently attending Richmond Christian Secondary School on Grade 10. She is an active participant in various extracurricular activities, community events, service, as well as in debating. She is deeply passionate about environmental protection and making people aware of the grave problems in today's world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 11/19/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Women and Mass Incarceration | Michele Goodwin | TEDxUCIrvine
2 out of 3 women incarcerated in the U.S. are non-violent offenders. Professor Goodwin insight on the war on crime and criminal justice reform. Professor Michele Goodwin is a Chancellor’s Professor at the University of California, Irvine with appointments at the School of Law; Program in Public Health; Department of Criminology, Law, & Society; Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies; and Stem Cell Research Center. She is the founder and director of the Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy at UC Irvine School of Law and its internationally acclaimed Reproductive Justice Initiative. Professor Goodwin serves on the National Board and Executive Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union and is an elected member of the American Law Institute and Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. She is one of the world’s leading authorities on the regulation of medicine, science, and biotechnology. Her scholarship defines new ways of thinking about the intersections of law, society, economics, and the human body. She is a prolific author. Her publications include five books and over 80 articles and book chapters on law’s regulation of the human body, including civil and criminal regulation of pregnancy and reproduction, reproductive technologies, human trafficking (for organs, sex, and marriage), and tissue and organ transplantation. Her recent works appear in or are forthcoming in the Yale Law Journal, Harvard Law Review, California Law Review, Georgetown Law Review, Northwestern Law Review, Texas Law Review, and the Hastings Centers Report, among others. Her scholarship is cited by courts, legislators, and featured in news and periodicals. Professor Goodwin’s editorials and commentaries appear in the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Forbes, Politico, Gene Watch, Christian Science Monitor, Houston Chronicle, Chicago Sun Times, Washington Post, AlterNet and Salon.com among others. She is a blogger for the Huffington Post and the Harvard Bill of Health and has been interviewed by local, national, and international news media. She is the recipient of awards recognizing excellence in scholarship, teaching, advocacy, and the promotion of human rights. She is the founder of the Institute for Global Child Advocacy and former Everett Fraser Professor in Law at the University of Minnesota. She served as a Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago and as a Visiting Scholar at the University of California-Berkeley and Columbia University Law School. She is a highly sought after voice on civil liberties, reproductive justice and health, cultural politics, and human rights. Prior to law teaching, Professor Goodwin was a Gilder-Lehrman Post-Doctoral Fellow at Yale University. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 6/12/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 16 matching videos containing

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