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"How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis,” a fundraiser for Sogorea Te’ Land Trust and book launch for “The Story is in Our Bones.”
Many thanks to the amazing speakers! Speakers included:
Corrina Gould (Ohlone)— Tribal spokesperson for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan and Director of Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
Isabella Zizi (Northern Cheyenne, Muskogee Creek and enrolled Three Affiliated Tribes)— Organizer with Idle No More SF Bay and Movement Rights
Leila Salazar-Lopez —Executive Director Amazon Watch
Osprey Orielle Lake —Founder and Executive Director Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) and author of "The Story is in Our Bones: How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis.”
Moderation: Tracey Osborne— Associate Professor in the Management of Complex Systems Department at the University of California, Merced
We are at a choice point for humanity. As social and ecological crises escalate globally, it is clear that the dominant cultural worldview, informed by colonization, patriarchy, capitalism, and racism is displaying a relationship with Nature and each other that is devastatingly unjust and out of balance.
To live in a healthy and equitable world, we must fundamentally change how we respect and interact with the Earth and one another. To change the present and future, it is imperative to change the narrative and amplify worldviews and stories of solutions that transform the dominant worldview from an extractivist, colonial paradigm of exploit and extract to a thriving, globally-conscious one of respect and restore.
During this event, movement leaders and change-makers wove together stories, worldviews, and experiences of restoration and justice that demonstrate the world we know is possible and needed. We knew in our bones this time was coming. And now we must act in solidarity more than ever, as we continue building a powerful movement founded on principles of justice, love, and a fierce dedication to our planet and our communities.
This event was both a fundraiser for Sogorea Te’ Land Trust and the launch of the book by Osprey Orielle Lake, "The Story is in Our Bones: How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis." All book proceeds at this event will be donated to Sogorea Te’ Land Trust to support the powerful work of Corrina Gould and her leadership in the urban Indigenous women-led land trust based in the San Francisco Bay Area that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people.
To learn more about the book: https://ospreyoriellelake.earth
To learn more about Sogorea Te’ Land Trust: https://sogoreate-landtrust.org/
To learn more about the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network: https://www.wecaninternational.org/
Returning to open this year’s conference, one of the leading figures in the East Bay Indigenous community and a longtime activist for First People’s rights and the protection of land and waters globally, Corrina Gould, will focus on the concept and practice of “Rematriation,” which involves reclaiming traditional land and sacred sites to help rebuild traditional cultures and heal the deep wounds inflicted by colonization and genocide and also prioritizes the unique role women play in that enormous undertaking.
Corrina Gould, born and raised in the village of Huichin (now known as Oakland CA), is the Tribal Chair for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation and co-founded and is the Lead Organizer for Indian People Organizing for Change, a small Native-run organization; as well as of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, an urban Indigenous women-led organization within her ancestral territory. Through the practices of “rematriation,” cultural revitalization and land restoration, the Land Trust calls on Native and non-Native peoples to heal and transform legacies of colonization and genocide and to do the work our ancestors and future generations are calling us to do.
This keynote talk was delivered at the 2024 Bioneers Conference. To see more conference talks visit https://www.bioneers.org
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